• 使用iscroll插件实现下拉刷新功能

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <head>
      4     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      5     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
      6     <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
      7     <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
      8     <title>html5+css3实现上拉和下拉刷新</title>
     10     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://statics.webkfa.com/js/iscroll.js"></script>
     12     <script type="text/javascript">
     14             var myScroll,
     15                 pullDownEl,
     16                 pullDownOffset,
     17                 pullUpEl,
     18                 pullUpOffset,
     19                 generatedCount = 0;
     21         function pullDownAction () {
     22             setTimeout(function () {    // <-- Simulate network congestion, remove setTimeout from production!
     23                 var el, li, i;
     24                 el = document.getElementById('thelist');
     26                 for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
     27                     li = document.createElement('li');
     28                     li.innerText = 'Generated row ' + (++generatedCount);
     29                     el.insertBefore(li, el.childNodes[0]);
     30                 }
     32                 myScroll.refresh();        // Remember to refresh when contents are loaded (ie: on ajax completion)
     33             }, 1000);    // <-- Simulate network congestion, remove setTimeout from production!
     34         }
     36         function pullUpAction () {
     37             setTimeout(function () {    // <-- Simulate network congestion, remove setTimeout from production!
     38                 var el, li, i;
     39                 el = document.getElementById('thelist');
     41                 for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
     42                     li = document.createElement('li');
     43                     li.innerText = 'Generated row ' + (++generatedCount);
     44                     el.appendChild(li, el.childNodes[0]);
     45                 }
     47                 myScroll.refresh();        // Remember to refresh when contents are loaded (ie: on ajax completion)
     48             }, 1000);    // <-- Simulate network congestion, remove setTimeout from production!
     49         }
     51         function loaded() {
     52             pullDownEl = document.getElementById('pullDown');
     53             pullDownOffset = pullDownEl.offsetHeight;
     54             pullUpEl = document.getElementById('pullUp');
     55             pullUpOffset = pullUpEl.offsetHeight;
     57             myScroll = new iScroll('wrapper', {
     58                 useTransition: true,
     59                 topOffset: pullDownOffset,
     60                 onRefresh: function () {
     61                     if (pullDownEl.className.match('loading')) {
     62                         pullDownEl.className = '';
     63                         pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Pull down to refresh...';
     64                     } else if (pullUpEl.className.match('loading')) {
     65                         pullUpEl.className = '';
     66                         pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = 'Pull up to load more...';
     67                     }
     68                 },
     69                 onScrollMove: function () {
     70                     if (this.y > 5 && !pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) {
     71                         pullDownEl.className = 'flip';
     72                         pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Release to refresh...';
     73                         this.minScrollY = 0;
     74                     } else if (this.y < 5 && pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) {
     75                         pullDownEl.className = '';
     76                         pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Pull down to refresh...';
     77                         this.minScrollY = -pullDownOffset;
     78                     } else if (this.y < (this.maxScrollY - 5) && !pullUpEl.className.match('flip')) {
     79                         pullUpEl.className = 'flip';
     80                         pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = 'Release to refresh...';
     81                         this.maxScrollY = this.maxScrollY;
     82                     } else if (this.y > (this.maxScrollY + 5) && pullUpEl.className.match('flip')) {
     83                         pullUpEl.className = '';
     84                         pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = 'Pull up to load more...';
     85                         this.maxScrollY = pullUpOffset;
     86                     }
     87                 },
     88                 onScrollEnd: function () {
     89                     if (pullDownEl.className.match('flip')) {
     90                         pullDownEl.className = 'loading';
     91                         pullDownEl.querySelector('.pullDownLabel').innerHTML = 'Loading...';
     92                         pullDownAction();    // Execute custom function (ajax call?)
     93                     } else if (pullUpEl.className.match('flip')) {
     94                         pullUpEl.className = 'loading';
     95                         pullUpEl.querySelector('.pullUpLabel').innerHTML = 'Loading...';
     96                         pullUpAction();    // Execute custom function (ajax call?)
     97                     }
     98                 }
     99             });
    101             setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('wrapper').style.left = '0'; }, 800);
    102         }
    104         document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false);
    106         document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { setTimeout(loaded, 200); }, false);
    107     </script>
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    116         body {
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    139         #header a {
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    161             top:45px; bottom:48px; left:-9999px;
    162             100%;
    163             background:#aaa;
    164             overflow:auto;
    165         }
    167         #scroller {
    168             position:absolute; z-index:1;
    169             /*    -webkit-touch-callout:none;*/
    170             -webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);
    171             100%;
    172             padding:0;
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    175         #scroller ul {
    176             list-style:none;
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    183         #scroller li {
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    188             border-top:1px solid #fff;
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    190             font-size:14px;
    191         }
    193         #myFrame {
    194             position:absolute;
    195             top:0; left:0;
    196         }
    200         /**
    201          *
    202          * Pull down styles
    203          *
    204          */
    205         #pullDown, #pullUp {
    206             background:#fff;
    207             height:40px;
    208             line-height:40px;
    209             padding:5px 10px;
    210             border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;
    211             font-weight:bold;
    212             font-size:14px;
    213             color:#888;
    214         }
    215         #pullDown .pullDownIcon, #pullUp .pullUpIcon  {
    216             display:block; float:left;
    217             40px; height:40px;
    218             background:url(http://statics.webkfa.com/img/pull-icon@2x.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
    219             -webkit-background-size:40px 80px; background-size:40px 80px;
    220             -webkit-transition-property:-webkit-transform;
    221             -webkit-transition-duration:250ms;
    222         }
    223         #pullDown .pullDownIcon {
    224             -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) translateZ(0);
    225         }
    226         #pullUp .pullUpIcon  {
    227             -webkit-transform:rotate(-180deg) translateZ(0);
    228         }
    230         #pullDown.flip .pullDownIcon {
    231             -webkit-transform:rotate(-180deg) translateZ(0);
    232         }
    234         #pullUp.flip .pullUpIcon {
    235             -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) translateZ(0);
    236         }
    238         #pullDown.loading .pullDownIcon, #pullUp.loading .pullUpIcon {
    239             background-position:0 100%;
    240             -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) translateZ(0);
    241             -webkit-transition-duration:0ms;
    243             -webkit-animation-name:loading;
    244             -webkit-animation-duration:2s;
    245             -webkit-animation-iteration-count:infinite;
    246             -webkit-animation-timing-function:linear;
    247         }
    249         @-webkit-keyframes loading {
    250             from { -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) translateZ(0); }
    251             to { -webkit-transform:rotate(360deg) translateZ(0); }
    252         }
    254     </style>
    255 </head>
    256 <body>
    258 <div id="header"><a href="http://cubiq.org/iscroll">iScroll</a></div>
    259 <div id="wrapper">
    260     <div id="scroller">
    261         <div id="pullDown">
    262             <span class="pullDownIcon"></span><span class="pullDownLabel">Pull down to refresh...</span>
    263         </div>
    265         <ul id="thelist">
    266             <li>Pretty row 1</li>
    267             <li>Pretty row 2</li>
    268             <li>Pretty row 3</li>
    269             <li>Pretty row 4</li>
    270             <li>Pretty row 5</li>
    271             <li>Pretty row 6</li>
    272             <li>Pretty row 7</li>
    273             <li>Pretty row 8</li>
    274             <li>Pretty row 9</li>
    275             <li>Pretty row 10</li>
    276             <li>Pretty row 11</li>
    277             <li>Pretty row 12</li>
    278             <li>Pretty row 13</li>
    279             <li>Pretty row 14</li>
    280             <li>Pretty row 15</li>
    281             <li>Pretty row 16</li>
    282             <li>Pretty row 17</li>
    283             <li>Pretty row 18</li>
    284             <li>Pretty row 19</li>
    285             <li>Pretty row 20</li>
    286             <li>Pretty row 21</li>
    287             <li>Pretty row 22</li>
    288             <li>Pretty row 23</li>
    289             <li>Pretty row 24</li>
    290             <li>Pretty row 25</li>
    291             <li>Pretty row 26</li>
    292             <li>Pretty row 27</li>
    293             <li>Pretty row 28</li>
    294             <li>Pretty row 29</li>
    295             <li>Pretty row 30</li>
    296             <li>Pretty row 31</li>
    297             <li>Pretty row 32</li>
    298             <li>Pretty row 33</li>
    299             <li>Pretty row 34</li>
    300             <li>Pretty row 35</li>
    301             <li>Pretty row 36</li>
    302             <li>Pretty row 37</li>
    303             <li>Pretty row 38</li>
    304             <li>Pretty row 39</li>
    305             <li>Pretty row 40</li>
    306         </ul>
    307         <div id="pullUp">
    308             <span class="pullUpIcon"></span><span class="pullUpLabel">Pull up to refresh...</span>
    309         </div>
    310     </div>
    311 </div>
    312 <div id="footer"></div>
    314 </body>
    315 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/libaoli/p/4913204.html
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