select concat('`', column_name, '`') colname, case when NUMERIC_PRECISION is not null and (data_type = 'decimal' or data_type = 'numeric') then concat('decimal(', NUMERIC_PRECISION, ',', NUMERIC_SCALE, ')') when (CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH is not null or data_type = 'uniqueidentifier') and data_type not like '%text%' then 'string' when data_type = 'datetime' then 'timestamp' when data_type = 'money' then 'decimal(9,2)' when data_type = 'tinyint' then 'int' else data_type end as data_type, concat('comment', ' '',COLUMN_COMMENT,' '') as comment, ' ,' as splitCharacter from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'xxxxxxxxxx'