• WINCE6.0+S3C2443的启动过程eboot3





    WINCE6.0+S3C2443的启动过程---eboot3 - 男儿当自强 - 男儿当自强的博客

    PTs(pointer to section)的相关定义如下:

    ;   Define RAM space for the Page Tables:


    PHYBASE         EQU             0x30000000   ; physical start

    PTs               EQU             0x30010000   ; 1st level page table address (PHYBASE + 0x10000)

    PTs保存在物理内存中的地址是0x30010000 ,上图的301行的0x2000是什么意义呢?我们知道没有缓存的虚拟地址起始地址是0x80000000,那这个虚拟地址对应的物理地址是多少呢?根据VA映射到PA的规则,见下图:

    从0x80000000中取出[31:20]位,也即0x800来左移2位之后(0x2000,这个就是上面这个值的来由)加上translation base(在这里是PTs),也即上图add       r10, r10, #0x2000这行语句的意义,执行这行语句之后r0=0x30012000,这就是计算了4G虚拟地址空间中从0x80000000地址开始的虚拟地址对应的物理起始地址是0x30012000,也就是section base address=0x30012000。

    PTE:pointer to enter


    WINCE6.0+S3C2443的启动过程---eboot3 - 男儿当自强 - 男儿当自强的博客



    WINCE6.0+S3C2443的启动过程---eboot3 - 男儿当自强 - 男儿当自强的博客



           [ {TRUE}

            DCD     0x80000000, 0x30000000, 128     ; 128 MB DRAM BANK 6


    DCD     0x00000000, 0x00000000,  0      ; end of table


    那么上面语句的307到309行就是实现 (r2)=0x80000000,(r3=0x30000000)和(r4=128)这些功能,而311行就是用于判断在建立一级页表是否完成,如果完成,也即cacheable地址0x80000000~0xa0000000这段虚拟内存映射的物理内存创建完毕,就跳到下面标号为40的地方开始执行;如果没有完成,会接下来执行。

    ldr   r5, =0x1FF00000

    and r2, r2, r5              ; VA needs 512MB, 1MB aligned.          


    ldr   r5, =0xFFF00000

    and r3, r3, r5              ; PA needs 4GB, 1MB aligned.


    add r2, r10, r2, LSR #18

    add r0, r0, r3              ; (r0) = PTE for next physical page



    35   str   r0, [r2], #4

           add r0, r0, #0x00100000 ; (r0) = PTE for next physical page


           sub  r4, r4, #1              ; Decrement number of MB left

           cmp       r4, #0

           bne %b35                 ; Map next MB


           bic  r0, r0, #0xF0000000       ; Clear Section Base Address Field

           bic  r0, r0, #0x0FF00000       ; Clear Section Base Address Field


           b        %b30                    ; Get next element



    40   tst   r0, #8

           bic  r0, r0, #0x0C        ; clear cachable & bufferable bits in PTE

           add r10, r10, #0x0800        ; (r10) = ptr to 1st PTE for "unmapped uncached space"

           bne %b25                 ; go setup PTEs for uncached space

           sub  r10, r10, #0x3000        ; (r10) = restore address of 1st level page table


           ; 1. Setup mmu to map (VA == 0) to (PA == 0x30000000).

           ; 1-1. cached area.

           ldr   r0, =PTs             ; PTE entry for VA = 0

           ldr   r1, =0x3000040E     ; cache/buffer/rw, PA base == 0x30000000

           ;ldr  r1, =0x30000402      ; cache/buffer/rw, PA base == 0x30000000

           str   r1, [r0]


           ; 1-2. uncached area.

           add r0, r0, #0x0800  ; PTE entry for VA = 0x0200.0000 , uncached

           ldr   r1, =0x30000402      ; uncache/unbuffer/rw, base == 0x30000000

           str   r1, [r0]


           ; Comment:

           ; The following loop is to direct map RAM VA == PA. i.e.

           ;   VA == 0x30XXXXXX => PA == 0x30XXXXXX for S3C2400

           ; Fill in 8 entries to have a direct mapping for DRAM


           ldr   r10, =PTs              ; restore address of 1st level page table

           ldr   r0,  =PHYBASE


           add r10, r10, #(0x3000 / 4) ; (r10) = ptr to 1st PTE for 0x30000000


           add r0, r0, #0x1E        ; 1MB cachable bufferable

           orr   r0, r0, #0x400      ; set kernel r/w permission

           mov       r1, #0

           mov       r3, #64

    45   mov       r2, r1             ; (r2) = virtual address to map Bank at

           cmp       r2, #0x20000000:SHR:BANK_SHIFT

           add r2, r10, r2, LSL #BANK_SHIFT-18

           strlo    r0, [r2]

           add r0, r0, #0x00100000 ; (r0) = PTE for next physical page

           subs     r3, r3, #1

           add r1, r1, #1

           bgt  %b45


           ldr   r10, =PTs              ; (r10) = restore address of 1st level page table



    ; The page tables and exception vectors are setup.

           ; Initialize the MMU and turn it on.

           mov       r1, #1

           mcr p15, 0, r1, c3, c0, 0   ; setup access to domain 0


    WINCE6.0+S3C2443的启动过程---eboot3 - 男儿当自强 - 男儿当自强的博客

           mcr p15, 0, r10, c2, c0, 0

    WINCE6.0+S3C2443的启动过程---eboot3 - 男儿当自强 - 男儿当自强的博客


           mcr p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0   ; flush I+D TLBs


           mrc     p15,0,r1,c1,c0,0


           orr   r1, r1, #0x0071         ; Enable: MMU

           orr   r1, r1, #0x0004  ; Enable the cache



           ldr   r0, =VirtualStart


           cmp       r0, #0            ; make sure no stall on "mov pc,r0" below

           mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0


           mov       pc, r0            ;  & jump to new virtual address




           ; MMU & caches now enabled.

           ;   (r10) = physcial address of 1st level page table






           mov       sp, #0x80000000      ; have to be modefied. refer oemaddrtab_cfg.inc, DonGo

           add sp, sp, #0x30000      ; arbitrary initial super-page stack pointer



    ;   Name     Start     Size      Type

    ;   -------  --------  --------  ----

        ARGS     80020800  00000800  RESERVED

        RAM      80021000  0000B000  RAM   

        STACK    8002c000  0000A000  RESERVED

        EBOOT    80038000  00040000  RAMIMAGE

    BINFS    80080000  00021000  RESERVED


           b        main




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liang123/p/6325828.html
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