Our research is on distributed algorithmsfor multi-robot systems, with a focus on both algorithm and systems design. Ourlong-term goals are to understand computation on multi-robot systems in theoryand in practice.
Multi-Robot Systems Engineering
The swarm of robots used for Dr. McLurkin'swork was built during his tenure at iRobot corporation as project manager andlead software engineer on the DARPA-funded Swarm project.
Multi-Robot Computation
We believe that multi-robot systems willrequire a unique theory of computation, distinct from robotics in general,distributed computation, and networked systems, but borrowing ideas from themall.
Dynamic Task Assignment
Most applications require subgroups ofrobots to perform different tasks. To support this, we designed a set of fourdistributed algorithms for dynamic task assignment.
Distributed Algorithm Library
The goal of this project is to design alibrary of practical, well-abstracted, multi-robot distributed algorithms,suitable for many applications.
Distributed Coverage Control
This was joint work with Mac Schwager andDaniela Rus.
Boundary Detection
Similar in spirit to the alpha-shapes ofEdelsbrunner, our boundary detection algorithm creates a "skin-tight"boundary around the network, detecting convex and concave sections.
Welcome to the Multi-robot Systems Lab(MSL) at Boston University. We studydistributed algorithms for control, sensing, and learning in groups of robotsand animals. Our current and past research topics include:
– Distributed controllers for the deployment of mobile sensornetworks
– Agile coordinated multi-robot control
– Multi-robot control with adversaries and environmental hazards
– Persistent monitoring and persistent environmental sampling withrobots
– Information based active sensing and estimation
– Multi-Robot Manipulation
In the MultiRobot Lab at CMU we areinterested in building and studying teams of robots that operate in dynamic anduncertain environments [1]. Our research focuses specifically on issues ofmultiagent communication, cooperation and learning. We experiment with and testour theories in simulation and on a number of real robot testbeds.
MuRoLa - The Multi-Robot Lab
Our mission is to develop robotic systemswhich are user-friendly and behave as cognitive partners for the humans. Basedon that, we dedicate our efforts to developing cognitive functionalities forrobots to endow them with versatile skills such as perception, decision making,planning, motion coordination and learning from experiences in a multi-humanmulti-robot framework.
Research Activities - An Overview
Human-robot collaboration
Human-robot effort sharing
Role allocation
Motion coordination
Incremental learning for haptic assistance
Human intentionestimation
Action coordination in robot-robotcollaboration
Learning manipulation of articulated objects
Probabilistic rigid motion estimation
Robust and high-fidelity tele-operation
Deformable-object manipulation
Learning taskconstraints and force regulation skills in compliant manipulation.
The objective of the Multiple AutonomousRobotic Systems (MARS) Laboratory is to promote basic research and education inrobotics and computer vision with special emphasis on estimation and control ofautonomous ground, aerial, and space exploration vehicles.
Researchers in our group have a diversebackground in Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering,Aerospace Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Physics.
The research interests of our group are onresource-aware estimation and control, including:
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Vision/Laser-aided inertial navigation systems (VINS, RGBD-INS, LINS)
Large-scale 3D localization and mapping on cell phones and wearablecomputers
Multi-robot/sensor localization, mapping, and navigation
Active sensing for reconfigurable networks of sensors
Optimal information selection and fusion
Mobile manipulation
Lab Overview: Objectives
Formal-language-theoretic Control & Coordination of autonomousagents with the purpose of automated planning and execution of complex missions
Optimal decision making in complex autonomous/semi-autonomous systemsoperating in uncertain or unmodeled environments
Modeling high level operational intelligence for failure detection andmitigation in complex human engineered systems as supervised formal languageson finite alphabets
Robust decision making in autonomous systems under incomplete andintermittent information
C4ISR with focus on UGV-UAV coordination
Very large scale cooperation
Engineering a rigorous control paradigm for swarms focusing on controlof emergent behaviors in large autonomous system of systems
Address the issues of system levelintegration, including:
System level robustness to component failures
Scalability in the number of mobile agents
Performance measurability to multi-layer control hierarchy
Modeling high level operational intelligence for failure detection andmitigation in complex human engineered systems as supervised formal languageson finite alphabets
What's New:
Anovel Path planning algorithm for autonomous agents based on optimization offormal language measures of probabilistic finite state machines
Optimal supervisor Design under the possibility of missed transitions atthe supervisory level
Novel algorithms for automated behavior recognition and multi-modalsensor fusion in the context of mobile autonomous agent operation
Optimal control of non-regular languages
Area of Research:
We are particularly interested in thefollowing areas through theoretical research and experimental validation:
Behavior-based robotic research, including simultaneous localization andmapping (SLAM), obstacle avoidance, and vision-based navigation
Mission decomposition of distributed information systems bydecentralized (horizontal) and hierarchical (vertical) control strategies inthe discrete event systems framework
Multi-agent systems, distributed cooperativemulti-robot systems
Statistical signal processing and filtering hybrid systems
Routing and energy saving in ad hoc wireless mobile networks
Probabilistic failure diagnosis and mitigation
Real-timecomputer vision for mobile platforms
Welcome to Distributed Intelligence andRobotics Lab at Case Western Reserve University. Our research focuses onsensor-networked systems, modular robotics, and sociable robots with emphasison biomedical and healthcare applications. Click here for recent news andannouncements.