• Ubuntu Linux: How Do I install .deb Packages?

    Ubuntu Linux: How Do I install .deb Packages?

    Ubuntu Linux: How Do I install .deb Packages?

    by on June 22, 2006 · 63 comments· LAST UPDATED August 11, 2013

    in , ,


    I am a new Ubuntu Linux user. I need to install a package called package.deb. I know I can use Synaptic front-end package management tool to install packages from the CD or Internet. But, I would like to install a special .deb file. How can I install .deb package from the terminal using command line option in Ubuntu Linux or Debian Linux?

    Tutorial details 
    DifficultyEasy (rss)
    Root privilegesNo
    Estimated completion time1m
    You need to use the dpkg command, which is a package manager from shell/command prompt for Debian and Ubuntu Linux. You can use this tool to install, build, remove and manage packages. dpkg itself is controlled entirely via command line parameters.



    The syntax is as follows:

    dpkg -i package-name-here.deb
    dpkg --install package-name-here.deb
    dpkg -i -R /path/to/dir/name/with/lots/of/dot-deb-files/
    dpkg -i --recursive /path/to/dir/name/with/lots/of/dot-deb-files/


    1. -i or --install : Install the package.
    2. -R or --recursive : Recursively installed all *.deb files found at specified directories and all of its sub-directories. /path/to/dir/name/with/lots/of/dot-deb-files/ must refer to a directory instead of package-name-here.deb file name.

    How do I install .deb file?

    To install a single package file called /tmp/package.deb type the following commands. Open a terminal and then cd to directory where package.deb is kept. In this example, package.deb is kept in /tmp directory:
    $ cd /tmp
    Type the following command to install the package:
    $ sudo dpkg -i package.deb
    # dpkg -i package.deb

    Install all packages from /nfs/pkgs/ubuntu-builds directory

    Recursively handle and install all regular files matching pattern *.deb found at /nfs/pkgs/ubuntu-builds/ directory and all of its subdirectories, type:
    $ sudo dpkg -i -R /nfs/pkgs/ubuntu-builds/
    # dpkg -i -R /nfs/pkgs/ubuntu-builds/

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