• Selenium Two Tutorial using IronPython and InternetExplorerDriver The Automated Tester

    Selenium Two Tutorial using IronPython and InternetExplorerDriver - The Automated Tester

    Selenium Two Tutorial using IronPython and InternetExplorerDriver

    Mon 11 Jan 2010

    This tutorial is to show how to use the .NET Selenium 2 with dynamic languages that run on the .NET Common Language Runtime. This tutorial uses IronPython.

    To complete this tutorial you will need to have IronPython installed and you will also need to download the .NET Bindings from Google Code

    This tutorial will not be using the Remote Driver and it will be using the InternetExplorerDriver as this is the only complete browser at the moment that doesn't need to be built from the Repository.

    1. Lets start by creating a directory that will hold the IronPython script. Lets call it SeleniumTwoExamplePython
    2. Copy the WebDriver.Common.dll, WebDriver.IE.dll and InternetExplorerDriver.dll files into the newly created directory in the step above. Make sure the version of InternetExplorerDriver.dll matches the architecture of your operating system.
    3. We are now ready to have our write our first test!Copy the code below into a Python IDE or Notepad. Save the file as testgoogle.py
      import sys
      import unittest
        import clr
        from OpenQA.Selenium import *
        from OpenQA.Selenium.IE import *
      except ImportError:
        sys.exit("This needs to be run in IronPython")
      class TestGoogle(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
      	   Start the driver
          self.driver = InternetExplorerDriver()
        def testGoogleSearchForTheAutomatedTester(self):
             Test to have a load Google and the search for The Automated Tester
          #Navigate to the site
          #Create an object for an element on the page
          queryBox = self.driver.FindElement(By.Name("q"))
          queryBox.SendKeys("The Automated Tester")
          #Submit the form
          #Check the title of the new page has The Automated Tester in the Title
          self.assertTrue("The Automated Tester" in self.driver.Title)
        def tearDown(self):
      	   Clean up the driver
      if __name__ == '__main__':
    4. Now you have a test that launch a browser and do a search on Google for you. In a command prompt run ipy testgoogle.py

    Now you have created your first test that uses WebDriver.

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