• One minute tutorial Boost 1.41.0

    One minute tutorial - Boost 1.41.0

    What is a

    A Bimap is a data structure that represents bidirectional relations between
    elements of two collections. The container is designed to work as two opposed
    STL maps. A bimap between a collection X
    and a collection Y can be viewed
    as a map from X to Y (this view will be called the left
    map view
    ) or as a map from Y
    to X (known as the right
    map view
    ). Additionally, the bimap can also be viewed as a set of
    relations between X and Y (named the collection of relations

    The following code creates an empty bimap container:

    typedef bimap<X,Y> bm_type;
    bm_type bm;

    Given this code, the following is the complete description of the resulting

    • bm.left is signature-compatible with std::map<X,Y>
    • bm.right is signature-compatible with std::map<Y,X>
    • bm is signature-compatible
      with std::set< relation<X,Y> >


    You can see how a bimap container offers three views over the same collection
    of bidirectional relations.

    If we have any generic function that work with maps

    template< class MapType >
    void print_map(const MapType & m)
        typedef typename MapType::const_iterator const_iterator;
        for( const_iterator iter = m.begin(), iend = m.end(); iter != iend; ++iter )
            std::cout << iter->first << "-->" << iter->second << std::endl;

    We can use the left map view and the right map
    with it

    bimap< int, std::string > bm;
    print_map( bm.left  );
    print_map( bm.right );

    And the output will be

    1 --> one
    2 --> two
    one --> 1
    two --> 2

    of the relation and the pairs of a bimap

    The relation class represents
    two related elements. The two values are named left and right to express the
    symmetry of this type. The bimap pair classes are signature-compatible with


    Step by step

    A convinience header is avaiable in the boost directory:

    #include <boost/bimap.hpp>

    Lets define a bidirectional map between integers and strings:

    typedef boost::bimap< int, std::string > bm_type;
    bm_type bm;

    collection of relations view

    Remember that bm alone can
    be used as a set of relations. We can insert elements or iterate over them
    using this view.

    bm.insert( bm_type::value_type(1, "one" ) );
    bm.insert( bm_type::value_type(2, "two" ) );
    std::cout << "There are " << bm.size() << "relations" << std::endl;
    for( bm_type::const_iterator iter = bm.begin(), iend = bm.end();
        iter != iend; ++iter )
        // iter->left  : data : int
        // iter->right : data : std::string
        std::cout << iter->left << " <--> " << iter->right << std::endl;

    The left
    map view

    bm.left works like a std::map<
    int, std::string
    . We use it in the same way we will
    use a standard map.

    1typedef bm_type::left_map::const_iterator left_const_iterator;
    for( left_const_iterator left_iter = bm.left.begin(), iend = bm.left.end();
         left_iter != iend; ++left_iter )
        // left_iter->first  : key  : int
        // left_iter->second : data : std::string
        std::cout << left_iter->first << " --> " << left_iter->second << std::endl;
    2bm_type::left_const_iterator left_iter = bm.left.find(2);
    assert( left_iter->second ==  "two" );
    3bm.left.insert( bm_type::left_value_type( 3, "three" ) );


    The type of bm.left is bm_type::left_map
    and the type of bm.right is bm_type::right_map


    bm_type::left_-type- can be used as a shortcut for
    the more verbose bm_type::left_map::-type-


    This line produces the same effect
    of bm.insert( bm_type::value_type(3,"three") );

    The right
    map view

    bm.right works like a std::map<
    std::string, int >
    . It
    is important to note that the key is the first type and the data is the second
    one, exactly as with standard maps.

    bm_type::right_const_iterator right_iter = bm.right.find("two");
    // right_iter->first  : key  : std::string
    // right_iter->second : data : int
    assert( right_iter->second ==  2 );
    assert( bm.right.at("one") == 1 );
    1bm.right.insert( bm_type::right_value_type( "four", 4 ) );


    This line produces the same effect of bm.insert( bm_type::value_type(4,"four")

    with std::map

    The main difference between bimap views and their standard containers counterparts
    is that, because of the bidirectional nature of a bimap, the values stored
    in it can not be modified directly using iterators. For example, when a std::map<X,Y> iterator
    is dereferenced the return type is std::pair<const X,
    so the following code is valid: m.begin()->second = new_value;.
    However dereferencing a bimap<X,Y>::left_iterator
    returns a type that is signature-compatible with a std::pair<const X, const Y>

    bm.left.find(1)->second = "1"; // Compilation error

    If you insert (1,"one") and (1,"1") in a std::map<int,std::string> the second insertion will have no effect.
    In a bimap<X,Y> both keys have to remain unique. The insertion
    may fail in other situtions too. Lets see an example

    bm.insert( bm_type::value_type( 1, "one" ) );
    bm.insert( bm_type::value_type( 1, "1"   ) ); // No effect!
    bm.insert( bm_type::value_type( 2, "one" ) ); // No effect!
    assert( bm.size() == 1 );

    A simple example

    Look how you can reuse code that is intend to be used with std::maps, like
    the print_map function in this example.

    Go to source code

    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/bimap.hpp>
    template< class MapType >
    void print_map(const MapType & map,
                   const std::string & separator,
                   std::ostream & os )
        typedef typename MapType::const_iterator const_iterator;
        for( const_iterator i = map.begin(), iend = map.end(); i != iend; ++i )
            os << i->first << separator << i->second << std::endl;
    int main()
        // Soccer World cup
        typedef boost::bimap< std::string, int > results_bimap;
        typedef results_bimap::value_type position;
        results_bimap results;
        results.insert( position("Argentina"    ,1) );
        results.insert( position("Spain"        ,2) );
        results.insert( position("Germany"      ,3) );
        results.insert( position("France"       ,4) );
        std::cout << "The number of countries is " << results.size()
                  << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The winner is " << results.right.at(1)
                  << std::endl
                  << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Countries names ordered by their final position:"
                  << std::endl;
        // results.right works like a std::map< int, std::string >
        print_map( results.right, ") ", std::cout );
        std::cout << std::endl
                  << "Countries names ordered alphabetically along with"
                        "their final position:"
                  << std::endl;
        // results.left works like a std::map< std::string, int >
        print_map( results.left, " ends in position ", std::cout );
        return 0;

    The output of this program will be the following:

    The number of countries is 4
    The winner is Argentina
    Countries names ordered by their final position:
    1) Argentina
    2) Spain
    3) Germany
    4) France
    Countries names ordered alphabetically along with their final position:
    Argentina ends in position 1
    France ends in position 4
    Germany ends in position 3
    Spain ends in position 2

    the journey

    For information on function signatures, see any standard library documentation
    or read the reference section
    of this documentation.


    Be aware that a bidirectional map is only signature-compatible with standard
    containers. Some functions may give different results, such as in the case
    of inserting a pair into the left map where the second value conflicts with
    a stored relation in the container. The functions may be slower in a bimap
    because of the duplicated constraints. It is strongly recommended that you
    read The full tutorial if
    you intend to use a bimap in a serious project.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2591741.html
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