• Django application as a standalone desktop application at finally{}

    Django application as a stand-alone desktop application at finally{}

    all will be well finally

    Django application as a stand-alone desktop application

    with 2 comments

    There are few options available to package Django as a stand-alone desktop apps. They are:

    • cx_freeze
    • PyInstaller
    • Py2exe
    • dbuilder.py

    Siddharta already packaged Django as a windows application using cx_freeze. I based my experiment on his entry. Though he has explained it pretty well, being a python/django newbie, I needed a lot more than what he explained in his article.

    I read pages after pages and spent about a week in making a desktop app of SOL. I didn’t make much progress and was very frustrated. (I wrote about it here). After a time, I switched to py2exe, as I was not able to locate much info about cx_freeze.

    I used py2exe, sqlite and cherrypy for packaging as a desktop app. As it is only for demo purpose, I would’ve preferred to have the default development server itself. But I don’t know how to do it; and info about cherrypy was readily available.

    Fundamentally, you need to import all of the required Django modules. That takes the most of the time. Whenever I got, ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘xxxx’, I had to trace it to one of Django’s module and import it.

    Once I got all of the modules, I had to integrate with CherryPy. It wasn’t difficult as info was already available. However, admin css were not delivered. I read through ‘AdminMediaHandler’ code and understood that I had to pass an absolute path for admin media folder. That got me both local media and admin media done.

    I had to make only one change to settings.py. I replaced




    I was glad that I persevered to make this. Here I post the setup, imports and the build script with the hope that it might be useful for others.

    This is the first file – sol.py

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    import os, sys
    os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "settings"
    #these pertain to your application
    import sol.models
    import sol.views
    import urls
    import manage
    import settings
    #these are django imports
    import django.template.loaders.filesystem
    import django.template.loaders.app_directories
    import django.middleware.common
    import django.contrib.sessions.middleware
    import django.contrib.auth.middleware
    import django.middleware.doc
    import django.contrib.auth
    import django.contrib.contenttypes
    import django.contrib.sessions
    import django.contrib.sessions.backends.db
    import django.contrib.sites
    import django.contrib.admin
    import django.core.cache.backends
    import django.db.backends.sqlite3.base
    import django.db.backends.sqlite3.introspection
    import django.db.backends.sqlite3.creation
    import django.db.backends.sqlite3.client
    import django.template.defaulttags
    import django.template.defaultfilters
    import django.template.loader_tags
    import django.contrib.admin.urls
    from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
    import django.contrib.admin.views.main
    import django.core.context_processors
    import django.contrib.auth.views
    import django.contrib.auth.backends
    import django.views.static
    import django.contrib.admin.templatetags.adminmedia
    import django.contrib.admin.templatetags.adminapplist
    import django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_list
    import django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_modify
    import django.contrib.admin.templatetags.log
    import django.contrib.admin.views.auth
    import django.contrib.admin.views.doc
    import django.contrib.admin.views.template
    import django.conf.urls.shortcut
    import django.views.defaults
    #dont need to import these pkgs
    #need to know how to exclude them
    import email.mime.audio
    import email.mime.base
    import email.mime.image
    import email.mime.message
    import email.mime.multipart
    import email.mime.nonmultipart
    import email.mime.text
    import email.charset
    import email.encoders
    import email.errors
    import email.feedparser
    import email.generator
    import email.header
    import email.iterators
    import email.message
    import email.parser
    import email.utils
    import email.base64mime
    import email.quoprimime
    import django.core.cache.backends.locmem
    import django.templatetags.i18n
    import django.views.i18n
    #let us hook up cherrypy
    #is it possible to hook up the dev server itself?
    from cherrypy import wsgiserver
    import cherrypy
    from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler
    from django.core.servers.basehttp import AdminMediaHandler
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print '*****************************************************'
        print 'Open your browser and point to http://localhost:8000'
        print 'To close, press ctrl-c'
        print ''
        print 'local user id is: jjude; password is also jjude'
        print 'admin user id is: admin; password is also admin'
        print '*****************************************************'
        os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "settings"
        # Set up site-wide config first so we get a log if errors occur.
        cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'production',
                                'log.error_file': 'site.log',
                                'log.screen': False})
            #2nd param to AdminMediaHandler should be absolute path to the admin media files
            cherrypy.tree.graft(AdminMediaHandler(WSGIHandler(),media_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX), '/')
            cherrypy.server.socket_port = 8000
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

    This is setup.py

    from distutils.core import setup
    import py2exe
    import glob
        options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1,
                              "optimize": 2,
                              "ascii": 1,
                              "bundle_files": 1,
                               "excludes" : ["pywin", "pywin.debugger", "pywin.debugger.dbgcon","pywin.dialogs",
        #these are the data files like templates, site media and admin media
        data_files = [(".",["sol.db"]),
        zipfile = None,

    This is the build script.

    python -OO setup.py py2exe --b 2 --optimize 2 --dist-dir y:sol
    rd /s /q build

    You can download the demo from code.google.com. I’ll keep updating these scripts as I learn more. So get the updated scripts from code.google.com.

    If you are to engage in such a exercise, you need lot of patience.

    Next steps:

    • Integrate with UPX
    • Integrate with Inno Setup (or some other windows setup makers)

    I’m sure this can be done in a better way. Feel free to comment.


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