• envjs


    • The goal of Envjs is to provide a highly portable javascript implementation of the Browser as a scripting environment (often referred to as a 'headless' browser ).

      The default implementation is Rhino but many developers have and continue to develop bridges for running Envjs in Ruby, Python, and other host languages with the SpiderMonkey and V8 javascript engines, to name a few.

      The examples below will guide you through how to use Envjs as an end-user, noting in each example which platform the example pertains to. Platform developers should add equivalent examples whenever possible.

      A Warning...

      Envjs will not automatically load and run the external javascript unless the script tags have the attribute type='text/envjs'. To enable all external javascript files you only have to tell Envjs to do so, however remember that all javascript executed will have read/write access to your file system

      Please be aware of the dangers of loading arbitrary code in an insecure environment.

    • rhino

      When running with generic rhino, you will only need the latest rhino, (the rhino bundled with java 1.6 is not recent enough). You will also need to write a javascript file that is responsible for loading env.rhino.js, setting available options if any, and finally setting window.location.

    • readability

      This example is prompted by work from Emre Sevinç who began to try to use Envjs to crawl web pages and use readability.js to output nice simple pages.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2428732.html
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