• ehcache


    Java缓存框架 EhCache EhCache 是一个纯Java的进程内缓存框架,具有快速、精干等特点,是Hibernate中默认的CacheProvider。   下图是 Ehcache 在应用程序中的位置:

    主要的特性有:   1. 快速.   2. 简单.   3. 多种缓存策略   4. 缓存数据有两级:内存和磁盘,因此无需担心容量问题   5. 缓存数据会在虚拟机重启的过程中写入磁盘   6. 可以通过RMI、可插入API等方式进行分布式缓存   7. 具有缓存和缓存管理器的侦听接口   8. 支持多缓存管理器实例,以及一个实例的多个缓存区域   9. 提供Hibernate的缓存实现   10. 等等


    What Is Ehcache

    Ehcache is an open source, standards-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability. Ehcache is robust, proven and full-featured and this has made it the most widely-used Java-based cache.

    It can scale from in-process with one or more nodes through to a mixed in-process/out-of-process configuration with terabyte-sized caches. For applications needing a coherent distributed cache, Ehcache uses the open source Terracotta Sever Array.

    Ehcache is actively developed, maintained and supported as a professional open source project by Terracotta, Inc. and is available under an Apache 2 license. In addition to the full-featured open source Ehcache edition, Terracotta offers enterprise editions of Ehcache with 24x7 Professional Support, Consulting, and Training services worldwide.

    BigMemory for Ehcache

    Use More Memory Without GC Pauses

    Create very large, in-memory caches without having Java garbage collection trash your app’s performance. BigMemory extends the capabilities of Ehcache, providing an off-heap store that frees you from GC’s memory and performance constraints—as well as endless GC tuning. With BigMemory, you can take full advantage of all of the memory on your machine to increase application throughput and achieve consistently low latencies.

    BigMemory is a configurable storage option for Ehcache and works everywhere Ehcache works. Upgrading to Enterprise Ehcache with BigMemory is an easy, non-disruptive process that amplifies the speed and scalability benefits of caching.

    Find out more about BigMemory for Enterprise Ehcache and download a free 30-day trial at terracotta.org/bigmemory ›

    Ehcache Search

    Query, Search and Analyze In-Memory Data

    Ehcache Search is an addition to the core Ehcache API that lets you query, search and analyze billions of cache entries in memory, with results to complex searches returned in less than a second. By querying the cache directly, you can avoid the time-consuming and expensive process of querying the database, then mapping query results to cache lookups.

  • 相关阅读:
    java HashMap和Hashtable的区别
    java 堆和栈的区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2254484.html
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