• elasticsearchhead is a web front end for browsing and interacting with an Elastic Search cluster.

    ElasticSearch Head
    What is this?

    elasticsearch-head is a web front end for browsing and interacting with an Elastic Search cluster.

    elasticsearch-head is hosted and can be downloaded or forked at github

    contact me via github or on twitter @mobz
    Gettings Started

    git clone git://github.com/mobz/elasticsearch-head.git
    Open index.html in a browser. A modern browser is required to use es-head
    By default es-head will immediately attempt to connect to a cluster node at http://localhost:9200/.
    Enter a different node address in the connect box and click 'Connect' if required.

    General Utility

    es-head has a three major operations.

    A ClusterOverview, which shows the topology of your cluster and allows you to perform index and node level operations
    A couple of search interfaces that allow you to query the cluster a retrieve results in raw json or tabular format
    Several quick access tabs that show the status of the cluster
    An input section that allows arbitrary call to the RESTful API to be made. This interface includes several options that can be combined to produce interesting results;
    Select request method (get, put, post, delete), json query data, node, and path
    JSON validator
    Ability to repeat requests on a timer
    Ability to transform the result using javascript expressions
    Ability to collect results over time (using timer), or compare results
    Ability to chart the transformed results in a simple bar graph (including time series)
    * caution *, you can destroy and corrupt data from this interface if you are not careful

    es-head will attempt to remember the node that it connects to using html5 features, however this only works over http(s).
    If you would like to create a link to a particular cluster use the url form .../elasticsearch-head/index.html?base_uri=http://cluster.example.com:9200/
    Screenshot time!

    Screenshot of elasticsearch-head showing the cluster overview Screenshot of elasticsearch-head showing the structured query Screenshot of elasticsearch-head showing the browser Screenshot of elasticsearch-head showing the node stats page
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lexus/p/2207971.html
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