表名:AlterAtion 列名:ZXBK 约束名:DF_AlterAtion_ZXBK
alter table AlterAtion add ZXBK varchar(20)
alter table AlterAtion drop column ZXBK
Alter table AlterAtion alter cloumn ZZBM nvarchar(50) null
exec sp_rename AlterAtion.ZXBK ,'ZXBK 1','Column'
select b.name from syscolumns a,sysobjects b where a.id=object_id(‘AlterAtion’) and b.id=a.cdefault and a.name='ZXBK' and b.name like 'DF%' --删除约束
alter table AlterAtion drop constraint DF_AlterAtion_ZXBK
alter table AlterAtion add constraint DF_AlterAtion_ZXBK default('1') for ZXBK