• javascript的继承方式总结

    A 是否使用原型
    B 是否执行属性拷贝
    C 两者都有(原型属性拷贝)
    1.原型链法 Children。prototype = new Parent()
    所属模式 1、A

     1 function Shape() {
     2     this.name="Shape";
     3     this.toString = function() {
     4         return this.name;
     5     };
     6 }
     7 function TwoDShape() {
     8     this.name = '2D shape';
     9 }
    10 function Triangle(side, height) {
    11     this.name = 'Triangle';
    12     this.side = side;
    13     this.height = height;
    14     this.getArea = function() {
    15         return this.side *this.height /2;
    16     };
    17 }
    18 //用构造器Shape()(通过new操作符)另建了一个新的对象,然后用它覆盖TwoDShape构造器的prototype属性。Triangle也一样。
    19 TwoDShape.prototype = new Shape ();
    20 Triangle.prototype =new TwoDShape ();
    21 //对对象prototype属性进行完全替换时,可能会对对象的constructor属性产生一定副作用。因此,对对象constructor属性进行重置是个很好的习惯
    22 TwoDShape.prototype.constructor = TwoDShape;
    23 Triangle.prototype.constructor = Triangle;
    25 var my  = new Triangle(5,10);
    26 my.getArea(); //25
    27 my.toString  //'Triangle'

    2.仅从原型继承法 Child.prototype = Parent.prototype;
    所属模式 1 B

     1 function Shape() {
     2     Shape.prototype.name = 'shape';
     3     Shape.prototype.toString = function() {
     4         return this.name;
     5     }
     6 }
     7 function TwoDShape () {}
     8 TwoDShape.prototype =Shape.prototype;
     9 TwoDShape.prototype.constructor = TwoDShape;//必须在扩展之前完成继承
    10 TwoDShape.prototype.name = '2D shape'; 
    11 function Triangle(side, height) {
    12     this.side = side;
    13     this.height =height
    14 }
    15 Triangle.prototype = TwoDShape.prototype;
    16 Triangle.prototype.constructor = Triangle;
    17 Triangle.prototype.name = 'Triangle';
    18 Triangle.prototype.getArea = function (argument) {
    19     return this.side * this.height /2;
    20 }
    21 var my = new Triangle(5,10);
    22 my.getArea();//25
    23 my.toString(); //'Triangle'
    24 //缺点 子对象  的修改会影响 父对象
    25 var s = new Shape();
    26 s.name; //'Triangle'

    3.临时构造器  new F()

    所属模式 1 C 


    1 function extend (Child, Parent){
    2     var F = function (){};
    3     F.prototype = Parent.prototype;
    4     Child.prototype = new F();
    5     Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
    6     Child.uber = Parent.prototype; // 通过uber可以访问父对象
    7 }

    所属模式 1 C

    1 function extend2 (Child,Parent) {
    2     var p = Parent.prototype;
    3     var c = Child.prototype;
    4     for( var i in p ){
    5         c[i] = p [i]
    6     }
    7     c.uber = p;
    8 }

    所属模式 2 B

    1 function extendCopy(p){
    2     var c = {};
    3     for (var i in p){
    4         c[i] = p[i];
    5     }
    6     c.uber = p;
    7     return c;
    8 }

    所属模式 2 B

     1 function deepCopy(p,c) {
     2     c =  c || {};
     3     for(var i in p){
     4         if(p.hasOwnProperty(i)){
     5             if (typeof p[i] ==='object'){
     6                 c[i] = Array.isArray(p[i] ? [] : ?);
     7                 deepCopy[p[i],c[i]]
     8             }else{
     9                 c[i] = p[i]
    10             }
    11         }    
    12     }
    13     return c;
    14 }

    所属模式 2 A

    1 function object(o) {
    2     function F() {}
    3     F.prototype = o;
    4     return new F()
    5 }

    所属模式 2 C 方式 5 7 的混合

     1 function objectPlus(o,stuff){ //对象o用来继承 对象stuff用于拷贝方法与属性 
     2     var n ;
     3     function F() {}
     4     F.prototype = o;
     5     n.uber =o;
     6     for (var i in stuff) {
     7         n[i] = stuff[i];
     8     }
     9     return n;
    10 }

    所属模式 2 B

     1 function multi() {
     2     var n = {},stuff,j = 0,len=arguments.length;
     3     for(j= 0; j< len; j++) {
     4         stuff = arguments[j];
     5         for(var i in stuff){
     6             n[i] = stuff[i];
     7         }
     8     }
     9     return n ;
    10 }


    所属模式 2 A

     1 function parasite(victim) { //父对象victim
     2     var that = object(victim); 
     3     that.more = 1;
     4     return that;
     5 }
     6 //例子
     7 var Parent = {
     8     name :'parent',
     9     num:10
    10 }
    11 function Son(m){
    12     var that = new Object(Parent);
    13     that.name='son';
    14     that.getRun = function () {
    15         return that.name + 'runs' + this.m +'m' ;
    16     }
    17 }
    18 var t = Son(200);
    19 t.getRun() //son runs 200m
    20 t.num //10

    所属模式 基于构造器

    1 function Parent(id) {
    2     this.id = id;
    3 }
    4 function Son(){
    5     Parent.apply(this,arguments);
    6 }
    7 var t = new Son(100);
    8 t.id //100

    所属模式 基于构造器 原型链 属性拷贝

    1 function Child() {
    2     Parent.appply(this,arguments);
    3 }
    4 extend2(Child, Parent);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leonel/p/6549469.html
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