• Agile PLM 解决方案中的概念和术语


    Concepts and Terms in Agile PLM Solutions 

    Agile PLM 解决方案中的概念和术语

        Introducing Agile Objects   Agile对象介绍

        Installed Agile Classes , Base Classes, and Sub classes  Agile 安装的类,基类,子类

        Other Important Concepts in Agile  Agile 中其他重要的概念

        Product Collaboration Process   产品协同过程

        Product Portfolio Management Process   产品组合管理流程

        Product Quality Tracking Process    产品质量跟踪过程

        Product Cost Management Process   产品成本管理过程

        Product Governance and Compliance Process  产品法规和协议管理过程

        Engineering Collaboration Process  工程协同过程

    Introducing Agile Objects        Agile对象简介

        In the Agile PLM system ,you work with objects. Example of objects are parts ,documents ,RFQs , and change orders.

        在Agile PLM 系统中,你使用对象工作,比如零件,文档,RFQ  以及更改单

        The objects you can view and the actions you can perform are determined by the server components installed on the Agile PLM Application Server an the roles and priviliges you are granted to access those components.Privileges can vary from field to field .

        你可以查看和操作的对象行为取决于在Agile PLM 应用服务器上安装的一个组件,角色和权限的分配。权限范围可以从字段到字段

         How Objects Appear

         When you open an object , it appears with a number of tabs . Different types of objects have somewhat different tabs . Each tab contains fields that provide information about that object . For example , a part's Title Block tab includes Number , Part Category , and Description fields ,and a change 's Cover Page tab includes Originator  , Status and Reson For Change fields .

          Some tabs have fields and tables where you enter data; some fields and tables are filled in automatically . Some objects and commonly found tabs are mentioned in the platform-specific discussions later in this chapter .  For more information about objects and their tabs , see Working with Business Objects on page 105.

         Below is a typical object page in Web Client and the same object window in Java Client.

         Part  COMPUTER

         Title Block   Changes   BOM  Manufactures  Sites  Prices  Quality   Compliance   Suppliers  Where Used  Attachments  History


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leojun/p/1936516.html
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