<?php /** @Usage: use some other storage method(mysql or memcache) instead of php sessoin @author:lein @Version:1.2 */ session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['test'])){ $_SESSION['test']="123_lein_".date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } class session{ //session data private $data; //engine,mysql or memcache private $engine; //php session expire time private $sessionexpiredTime; //current user's session cookie value private $sessionID; //session coolie name private $sessionCookieName; public function session($engineBase=NULL,$engineName='mysql',$storage_name='php_session'){ try{ $this->sessionexpiredTime = intval(ini_get("session.cache_expire"))*10;//默认是180分钟,太长了,改为了30分钟 }catch(Exception $Exception){ $this->sessionexpiredTime = 1200; } try{ $this->sessionCookieName = ini_get("session.name"); }catch(Exception $Exception){ $this->sessionCookieName = 'PHPSESSID'; } if(!isset($_COOKIE[$this->sessionCookieName])){ @session_start(); $this->sessionID=session_id(); }else{ $this->sessionID=$_COOKIE[$this->sessionCookieName]; } $className = $engineName."SessionEngine"; $this->engine = new $className( array( 'storage_name'=>$storage_name,//mysql table name or memcahce key which stores data; 'expire_time'=>$this->sessionexpiredTime, 'data_too_long_instead_value' => '{__DATA IS *$* TO LONG__}' ), $this->sessionID, &$engineBase ); $this->init(); $this->loadFromSession(); $this->engine->refresh(); $this->engine->cleanup(); } private function init() { $this->data = $this->engine->get(); if(empty($this->data)){ @session_start(); if(!empty($_SESSION)){ $this->data = $_SESSION; $this->engine->create(false, $this->data); } else { $this->engine->create(false, ""); } } } public function loadFromSession($flagStartSession = false){ $flag=false; if($flagStartSession){ @session_start(); } if($_SESSION&&is_array($_SESSION)){ foreach($_SESSION as $k=>$v){ if(!isset($this->data[$k])){ $this->data[$k] = $v; $flag=true; } } } if($flag){ $this->engine->set(false, $this->data); } } private function __get($nm) { if (isset($this->data[$nm])) { $r = $this->data[$nm]; return $r; } else { return NULL; } } private function __set($nm, $val) { $this->data[$nm] = $val; $this->engine->set(false, $this->data); } private function __isset($nm) { return isset($this->data[$nm]); } private function __unset($nm) { unset($this->data[$nm]); $this->engine->set(false, $this->data); } function __destruct(){ $this->data = NULL; $this->engine->close(); $this->engine = NULL; } } interface SessionEngine { /* * set varibles * @param $arr array,array(varible name=>varible value,...) */ public function setVariable($arr); /* * get session value * @param $key string */ public function get($key=""); /* * set session value * @param $key string * @param $value string */ public function set($key="",$value=""); /* * set session value * @param $key string * @param $value string */ public function create($key="",$value=""); /* * update the session's invalid time * @param $key string */ public function refresh($key=""); /* * close mysql or memcache connection */ public function close(); /* * delete expired sessions */ public function cleanup(); } final class mysqlSessionEngine implements SessionEngine{ private $id=""; private $storage_name='php_session'; private $storage_name_slow='php_session_slow'; private $data_too_long_instead_value = '{__DATA IS ~ TO LONG__}';//if data is longer than $max_session_data_length and you are using mysql 4 or below,insert this value into memery table instead. private $expire_time=1200; private $max_session_data_length = 2048; private $conn; private $mysql_version; public function mysqlSessionEngine($arr=array(),$key="",&$_conn){ $this->setVariable($arr); $this->id = $key; if(empty($this->id)||strlen($this->id)!=32){ throw new Exception(__FILE__."->".__LINE__.": Session's cookie name can't be empty and it must have just 32 charactors!"); } $this->conn = $_conn; if(!$this->conn||!is_resource($this->conn)){ throw new Exception(__FILE__."->".__LINE__.": Need a mysql connection!"); } $this->mysql_version = $this->getOne("select floor(version())"); if($this->mysql_version<5){ $this->max_session_data_length = 255; } } public function setVariable($arr){ if(!empty($arr)&&is_array($arr)){ foreach($arr as $k=>$v){ $this->$k = $v; if($k=='storage_name'){ $this->storage_name_slow = $v.'_slow'; } } } } public function get($key=""){ if($key=="") $key = $this->id; $return = $this->getOne('select value from '.$this->storage_name.' where id="'.$key.'"'); if($return==$this->data_too_long_instead_value) { $return = $this->getOne('select value from '.$this->storage_name_slow.' where id="'.$key.'"'); } if(!$return) { $mysqlError = mysql_error($this->conn); if(strpos($mysqlError,"doesn't exist")!==false) { $this->initTable(); } $return = array(); } else { $return = unserialize($return); } return $return; } public function close(){ @mysql_close($this->conn); } public function cleanup(){ if($this->mysql_version>4){ $sql = 'delete from '.$this->storage_name.' where date_add(`time`,INTERVAL '.$this->expire_time.' SECOND)<CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()'; }else{ $sql = 'delete from '.$this->storage_name_slow.' where `time`+'.$this->expire_time.'<unix_timestamp()'; if($_SESSION['username']=="leinchu"){ echo $sql; } $this->execute($sql); $sql = 'delete from '.$this->storage_name.' where `time`+'.$this->expire_time.'<unix_timestamp()'; if($_SESSION['username']=="leinchu"){ echo $sql; } } $this->execute($sql); } public function refresh($key=""){ if($this->mysql_version>4){ $sql = 'update '.$this->storage_name.' set `time`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() where id="'.$key.'"'; }else{ $sql = 'update '.$this->storage_name.' set `time`=unix_timestamp() where id="'.$key.'"'; } $return = $this->execute($sql); if(!$return){ $this->initTable(); $return = $this->execute($sql,true); } return $return; } public function create($key="",$value=""){ if($key=="") $key = $this->id; if($value != "") $value = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($value),$this->conn); if(strlen($value)>$this->max_session_data_length) { if($this->mysql_version>4){ throw new Exception(__FILE__."->".__LINE__.": Session data is long than max allow length(".$this->max_session_data_length.")!"); } } if($this->mysql_version>4){ $sql = 'replace into '.$this->storage_name.' set value=/''.$value.'/',id="'.$key.'",`time`=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()'; }else{ $sql = 'replace into '.$this->storage_name.' set value=/''.$value.'/',id="'.$key.'",`time`=unix_timestamp()'; } $return = $this->execute($sql); if(!$return){ $this->initTable(); $return = $this->execute($sql,true); } return $return; } public function set($key="",$value=""){ if($key=="") $key = $this->id; if($value != "") $value = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($value),$this->conn); $sql = 'update '.$this->storage_name.' set value=/''.$value.'/' where id="'.$key.'"'; if(strlen($value)>$this->max_session_data_length) { if($this->mysql_version>4){ throw new Exception(__FILE__."->".__LINE__.": Session data is long than max allow length(".$this->max_session_data_length.")!"); } $sql = 'replace into '.$this->storage_name_slow.' set value=/''.$value.'/',id="'.$key.'",`time`=unix_timestamp()'; $this->execute($sql,true); $sql = 'update '.$this->storage_name.' set value=/''.$this->data_too_long_instead_value.'/' where id="'.$key.'"'; } $return = $this->execute($sql); if(!$return){ $this->initTable(); $return = $this->execute($sql,true); } return $return; } private function initTable(){ if($this->mysql_version>4){ $sql = " CREATE TABLE if not exists `".$this->storage_name."` ( `id` char(32) NOT NULL default 'ERR', `value` VARBINARY(".$this->max_session_data_length.") NULL, `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `time` (`time`) ) ENGINE=MEMORY; "; }else{ $sqlSlow = " CREATE TABLE if not exists `".$this->storage_name."_slow` ( `id` char(32) NOT NULL default 'ERR', `value` text NULL, `time` int(10) not null default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `time` (`time`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; "; $this->execute($sqlSlow,true); $sql = " CREATE TABLE if not exists `".$this->storage_name."` ( `id` char(32) NOT NULL default 'ERR', `value` VARCHAR(255) NULL, `time` int(10) not null default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `time` (`time`) ) ENGINE=MEMORY; "; } return $this->execute($sql,true); } private function execute($sql,$die=false) { if($die) { mysql_query($sql,$this->conn) or die("exe Sql error:<br>".mysql_error()."<br>".$sql."<hr>"); } else { mysql_query($sql,$this->conn); if(mysql_error()){ return false; }else{ return true; } } } private function getOne($sql,$die=false){ $rs = $this->query($sql,$die); if($rs && ($one = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) ){ return $one[0]; }else{ return false; } } private function query($sql,$die=false){ if($die) $rs = mysql_query($sql,$this->conn) or die("query Sql error:<br>".mysql_error()."<br>".$sql."<hr>"); else $rs = mysql_query($sql,$this->conn); return $rs; } } $lnk = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '123456') or die ('Not connected : ' . mysql_error()); // make foo the current db mysql_select_db('test', $lnk) or die ('Can/'t use foo : ' . mysql_error()); $S = new session($lnk); if(!$S->last){ $S->last = time(); } echo "First visit at ".$S->last."<br>"; if(!$S->lastv){ $S->lastv = 0; } $S->lastv++; echo "lastv=".$S->lastv."<br>"; echo "test=".$S->test."<br>"; if(isset($_GET['max'])){ $S->boom = str_repeat("OK",255); } if(isset($_GET['boom'])){ $S->boom = $_GET['boom']; } echo "boom=".$S->boom."<br>"; ?>