• Zookeeper的RPC框架


    该类管理客户端到HBase集群的socket I/O



    static class Packet {
            RequestHeader header;
            ByteBuffer bb;
            /** Client's view of the path (may differ due to chroot) **/
            String clientPath;
            /** Servers's view of the path (may differ due to chroot) **/
            String serverPath;
            ReplyHeader replyHeader;
            Record request;
            Record response;
            boolean finished;
            AsyncCallback cb;
            Object ctx;
            WatchRegistration watchRegistration;
            Packet(RequestHeader header, ReplyHeader replyHeader, Record record,
                    Record response, ByteBuffer bb,
                    WatchRegistration watchRegistration) {
                this.header = header;
                this.replyHeader = replyHeader;
                this.request = record;
                this.response = response;
                if (bb != null) {
                    this.bb = bb;
                } else {
                    try {
                        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        BinaryOutputArchive boa = BinaryOutputArchive
                        boa.writeInt(-1, "len"); // We'll fill this in later
                        header.serialize(boa, "header");
                        if (record != null) {
                            record.serialize(boa, "request");
                        this.bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.toByteArray());
                        this.bb.putInt(this.bb.capacity() - 4);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected exception", e);
                this.watchRegistration = watchRegistration;
            public String toString() {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append("clientPath:" + clientPath);
                sb.append(" serverPath:" + serverPath);
                sb.append(" finished:" + finished);
                sb.append(" header:: " + header);
                sb.append(" replyHeader:: " + replyHeader);
                sb.append(" request:: " + request);
                sb.append(" response:: " + response);
                // jute toString is horrible, remove unnecessary newlines
                return sb.toString().replaceAll("\r*\n+", " ");







    2)ReplyHeader extends record


    3)Request extends record


    4)Response extends record



  • 相关阅读:
    设计模式之 观察者模式
    设计模式之 模板方法模式
    设计模式之 状态模式
    设计模式之 策略模式
    设计模式之 桥接模式
    设计模式之 外观模式
    设计模式之 代理模式
    设计模式之 装饰者模式
    设计模式之 适配器模式
    设计模式之 组合模式
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/legendary/p/2717266.html
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