• Hadoop源码分析11: IPC流程(6)volatile

    1.Server 的 running

    public abstract class Server {

       volatile boolean running =true; // true while server runs

        publicsynchronized void join() throwsInterruptedException {
           while (running){

        public synchronized voidstop() {
        running = false;
           if (handlers != null) {
               for (int i= 0; i < handlerCount; i++) {
                  if (handlers[i] != null){

    public class ServerHandler extends Thread{
    public void run() {
        ByteArrayOutputStreambuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(
        while(server.running) {
        try {
           final ServerCall call = server.callQueue.take(); 
        } catch(InterruptedException e) {
           if (server.running) { // unexpected -- logit
        } catch (Exception e){

    public class ServerListener extends Thread{

        public void run(){
        while(server.running) {
           SelectionKey key = null;
    t       try {

    public class ServerListenerReader implements Runnable{

     public void run() {
          synchronized (this) {
           while (serverListener.server.running){
             SelectionKey key =null;

          }catch (InterruptedException e) {
               if(serverListener.server.running) {                  // unexpected -- log it
             } catch (IOException ex){

    public class ServerResponder extendsThread{

      public void run() {
         longlastPurgeTime = 0;  
          while (server.running) {
           try {
             waitPending();    // If a channel is beingregistered, wait.
             Iterator<SelectionKey> iter =writeSelector.selectedKeys().iterator();

    2.ServerConnection 的 rpcCount

    public class ServerConnection {
           volatile intrpcCount = 0;

       private voidprocessData(byte[] buf) throws IOException,
           DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(newByteArrayInputStream(buf));
           int id = dis.readInt(); // try to read anid

           Writable param =ReflectionUtils.newInstance(server.paramClass,
           server.conf);// read param

           ServerCall call = new ServerCall(id, param,this);
           server.callQueue.put(call); // queue the call;maybe blocked here
           rpcCount++; // Increment the rpccount

    public class ServerListener extends Thread{

        private voidcleanupConnections(boolean force) {
             if ( c.rpcCount == 0&& currentTime - c.lastContact > server.maxIdleTime ){
               c =null; 

    public class ServerResponder extends Thread{

        private booleanprocessResponse(LinkedList<ServerCall> responseQueue,
                                   booleaninHandler) throws IOException {
             if(!call.response.hasRemaining()) {
               if(numElements == 1) {    // lastcall fully processes.
                done = true;           // no more data for thischannel.
               } else{
                done = false;          // more calls pending to besent.

    3. ServerListenerReader的 adding

    public class ServerListenerReader implements Runnable{

        private volatileboolean adding = false;

        public void run(){
          synchronized (this) {
           while (serverListener.server.running) {
             SelectionKey key =null;
             try {
               while(adding) {

        public voidstartAdd() {
         adding = true;

        public synchronized voidfinishAdd() {
         adding = false;

    public class ServerListener extends Thread{

        voiddoAccept(SelectionKey key) throws IOException,OutOfMemoryError {
                ServerConnection c = null;
                ServerSocketChannelserverSocketChannel = (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel();
                SocketChannel channel;
                while ((channel =serverSocketChannel.accept()) != null) {
                    ServerListenerReader reader =readers[(currentReader + 1) % readers.length];
                    try {
                      SelectionKey readKey =reader.registerChannel(channel);
                      c = newServerConnection(readKey,channel,System.currentTimeMillis(),this.server);
                      synchronized(this.server.connectionList) {
                    } finally{

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/leeeee/p/7276525.html
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