• Bot Framework:Activity类简明指南

    Bot Framework相关文档:https://docs.botframework.com/en-us/csharp/builder/sdkreference/attachments.html

    Bot Framework提供的回复样式不仅仅是语言框。如果我们写下这样的代码:

    1 Activity reply = activity.CreateReply($"You sent {activity.Text} which was {length} characters");
    2 await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);



    1   public class Activity : IActivity, IContactRelationUpdateActivity, IMessageActivity, ITypingActivity, IConversationUpdateActivity, IActionActivity
    2   {
    3     /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the Activity class.</summary>
    4     public Activity();
    5     /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the Activity class.</summary>
    6     public Activity(string type = null, string id = null, DateTime? timestamp = null, string serviceUrl = null, string channelId = null, ChannelAccount from = null, ConversationAccount conversation = null, ChannelAccount recipient = null, string textFormat = null, string attachmentLayout = null, IList<ChannelAccount> membersAdded = null, IList<ChannelAccount> membersRemoved = null, string topicName = null, bool? historyDisclosed = null, string locale = null, string text = null, string summary = null, IList<Attachment> attachments = null, IList<Entity> entities = null, object channelData = null, string action = null, string replyToId = null);






    Text A text payload in markdown syntax which will be rendered as appropriate on each channel Hello, how are you?
    Locale The locale of the sender (if known) en


    plain The text should be treated as raw text and no formatting applied at all  
    markdown The text should be treated as markdown formatting and rendered on the channel as appropriate default
    xml The text is simple XML markup (subset of HTML) Skype Only


    2,Attachment属性:是一系列附件对象,其中Rich Card就在这里;除此之外还可以设置多个Rich Card是以转盘的形式显示还是列表的形式。

    ContentType The contentType of the ContentUrl property image/png
    ContentUrl A link to content of type ContentType http://somedomain.com/cat.jpg
    Content An embedded object of type contentType If contentType = "application/vnd.microsoft.hero" then Content would be a JSON object for the HeroCard


    list Multiple attachments should be shown as a list default
    carousel multiple attachments should be shown as a carousel if possible, else fall back to a list  


      其中,Mention实体就可以通过设置来感知自己有没有被提起(比如说有没有人通过@机器人 的方式使用它)。


    type type of the entity ("mention")
    mentioned ChannelAccount of the person or user who was mentioned
    text the text in the Activity.Text property which represents the mention. (this can be empty or null)


    The Place Object

    Type 'Place'
    Address string description or PostalAddress (future)
    Geo GeoCoordinates
    HasMap URL to a map or complex "Map" object (future)
    Name Name of the place

    GeoCoordinates Object

    Type 'GeoCoordinates'
    Name Name of the place
    Longitude Longitude of the location WGS 84
    Latitude Latitude of the location WGS 84
    Elevation Elevation of the location WGS 84

    4,ChannelData property:可以传递额外的属性,更详细地描述每个channel启用的message。


    Conversation Update代表它的状态被改变,比如把bot添加到会话中,或者更改会话对象。

    Contact Relation Update代表bot被用户在联系人列表中添加/删除了。






     1 ……(创建了一个connector)
     3 Activity replyToConversation = message.CreateReply("Should go to conversation, with a carousel");
     4 replyToConversation.Recipient = message.From;
     5 replyToConversation.Type = "message";
     6 replyToConversation.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayouts.Carousel;
     7 replyToConversation.Attachments = new List<Attachment>();
     8 Dictionary<string, string> cardContentList = new Dictionary<string, string>();
     9 cardContentList.Add("PigLatin", "https://<ImageUrl1>");
    10 cardContentList.Add("Pork Shoulder", "https://<ImageUrl2>");
    11 cardContentList.Add("Bacon", "https://<ImageUrl3>");
    12 foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> cardContent in cardContentList)
    13 {
    14     List<CardImage> cardImages = new List<CardImage>();
    15     cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url:cardContent.Value ));
    16     List<CardAction> cardButtons = new List<CardAction>();
    17     CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
    18     {
    19         Value = $"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{cardContent.Key}",
    20         Type = "openUrl",
    21         Title = "WikiPedia Page"
    22     };
    23     cardButtons.Add(plButton);
    24     HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
    25     {
    26         Title = $"I'm a hero card about {cardContent.Key}",
    27         Subtitle = $"{cardContent.Key} Wikipedia Page",
    28         Images = cardImages,
    29         Buttons = cardButtons
    30     };
    31     Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
    32     replyToConversation.Attachments.Add(plAttachment);
    33 }
    34 replyToConversation.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
    35 var reply = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(replyToConversation);




    第7行,表示这个activity要加入一些attachment(比如说别的文章会提到的Rich Card),初始化了一个List。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ldzhangyx/p/6716813.html
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