• Python 在windows上安装BeautifulSoup和request以及小案例



    此时,代码import requests不报错了。

    那么,Python 在windows上安装BeautifulSoup,怎么操作呢?

    1. 打开https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/download/4.1/,下载





    # -*- encoding=UTF-8 -*-

    import requests
    import random
    import re
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    def qiushibaike():
    content = requests.get('http://www.qiushibaike.com').content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')

    for div in soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'content'}):
    print div.text.strip()

    def demo_string():
    stra = 'hello world"'
    print stra.capitalize()
    print stra.replace('world', 'nowcoder')
    strb = ' hello nowcoder '
    print 0, strb
    print 1, strb.lstrip()
    print 2, strb.rstrip(), "xx"
    strc = 'hello w'
    print 3, strc.startswith('hel')
    print 4, strc.endswith('x')
    print 5, stra + strb + strc
    print 6, len(stra), len(strb), len(strc)
    print 7, 'x'.join(['a', 'b', 'c']) # StringBuilder
    print 8, strc.split(' ')
    print 9, strc.find('llo')

    def demo_operation():
    print 1, 1 + 2, 5 / 2, 5 * 2, 5 - 2
    print 1, 1 + 2, 5 / 2.0, 5 * 2, 5 - 2
    print 2, True, not True, not False
    print 3, 1 << 2, 88 >> 2 # 0x11111
    print 4, 1 < 2, 5 < 3
    print 5, 5 | 3, 5 & 3, 5 ^ 3 # 0x101 0x011
    x = 3
    y = 5.0
    print x, y, type(x), type(y)

    def demo_buildinfunction():
    print 1, max(2, 1), min(5, 3)
    print 2, len('xxx'), len([1, 2, 3])
    print 3, abs(-2), abs(7)
    print 4, range(1, 10, 2)
    # print 5, ' '.join(dir(list))
    x = 2
    print x + 3
    print 6, eval('x*2+4')
    print 7, chr(66), ord('a')
    print 8, divmod(11, 3)

    def demo_controlflow():
    score = 65
    if score > 99:
    print 1, 'A'
    elif score > 60:
    print 2, 'B'
    print 3, 'C'
    while score < 100:
    print score
    score += 10
    if score > 80:

    # for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    for i in range(0, 10):
    if i == 0:
    if i == 3:
    if i < 5:
    print i * i
    if i == 7:

    # print i

    def demo_list():
    lista = [1, 2, 3] # vector<int> ArrayList<Integer>
    print 1, lista
    # print dir(list)
    listb = ['a', 1, 1.1]
    print 2, listb
    print 3, lista
    print 4, len(lista)
    print 5, 'a' in lista, 'b' in lista
    lista = lista + listb
    print lista
    listb.insert(0, 'wwwwwww')
    print listb
    print listb
    print listb
    print listb[1], listb[2]
    print listb * 2
    print [0] * 10 # memset
    print listb
    print listb
    t = (1, 1, 3) # pair<int, xxx>
    print t
    print t.count(1), len(t)

    def add(a, b):
    return a + b

    def sub(a, b):
    return a - b

    def demo_dict():
    dicta = {4: 16, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 'a': 'b'}
    print 1, dicta
    print 2, dicta.keys(), dicta.values()
    for key, value in dicta.items():
    print 3, key, value
    for key in dicta.keys():
    print 4, key
    print 5, dicta.has_key(1), dicta.has_key(11)

    dictb = {'+': add, '-': sub}
    print 6, dictb['+'](1, 2)
    print 7, dictb.get('-')(6, 2)

    print 8, dictb
    del dictb['+']
    print 9, dictb

    print 10, dictb

    dictb['x'] = 'y'
    print dictb
    # Map.put(key, value)

    def demo_set():
    lista = (1, 2, 3)
    seta = set(lista)
    print 1, seta
    setb = set((2, 3, 4))
    print 2, seta.intersection(setb)
    print 3, seta & setb
    print 4, seta | setb, seta.union(setb)
    print 5, seta - setb, setb - seta
    print 6, seta
    print 7, len(seta)
    print seta.isdisjoint(set(('a', 'b')))
    print 8, 1 in seta

    class User:
    type = 'USER'

    def __init__(self, name, uid):
    self.name = name
    self.uid = uid

    def __repr__(self):
    return 'im ' + self.name + ' ' + str(self.uid)
    # toString()

    class Guest(User):
    def __repr__(self):
    return 'im guest ' + self.name + ' ' + str(self.uid)

    class Admin(User):
    type = 'ADMIN'

    def __init__(self, name, uid, group):
    User.__init__(self, name, uid)
    self.group = group

    def __repr__(self):
    return 'im admin ' + self.name + ' ' + str(self.uid) + ' ' + self.group

    def create_user(type):
    if type == 'USER':
    return User('u1', 1)
    elif type == 'ADMIN':
    return Admin('a1', 2, 'g1')
    return Guest('g1', 3)

    def demo_object():
    user1 = User('jim', 1)
    print user1
    guest1 = Guest('lily', 2)
    print guest1
    admin1 = Admin('xiangyu', 3, 'nowcoder')
    print admin1
    print create_user('ADMIN')

    def demo_exception():
    print 2 / 1
    # print 2/0
    raise Exception('Raise Error', 'XXXX')
    except Exception as e:
    print 'error', e
    print 'clean up'

    def demo_random():
    # random.seed(1)
    # x = prex * 100007 % xxxx
    # prex = x

    for i in range(0, 5):
    print 1, random.randint(0, 100)
    print 2, int(random.random() * 100)
    print 3, random.choice(range(0, 100, 5))
    print 4, random.sample(range(0, 100, 10), 5)

    lista = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    print lista

    def demo_regex():
    str = 'abc123def12gh15'
    p1 = re.compile('[d]+')
    p2 = re.compile('d')
    print 1, p1.findall(str)
    print 2, p2.findall(str)

    str = 'axxx@163.com,bcc@google.com,c@qq.com,d@qq.com,e@163.com'
    p3 = re.compile('[w]+@[163|qq]+.com')
    print 3, p3.findall(str)

    str = '<html><h>title</h><body>content</body></html>'
    p4 = re.compile('<h>[^<]+</h>')
    print 4, p4.findall(str)
    p4 = re.compile('<h>[^<]+</h><body>[^<]+</body>')
    print 5, p4.findall(str)

    str = 'xx2016-08-20zzz,xx2016-8-20zzz'
    p5 = re.compile('d{4}-d{2}-d{2}')
    print p5.findall(str)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    # qiushibaike()
    # demo_string()
    # demo_operation()
    # demo_buildinfunction()
    # demo_controlflow()
    # demo_list()
    # demo_dict()
    # demo_set()
    # print 'hello world'
    # demo_object()
    # demo_exception()


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lchzls/p/6701000.html
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