clear,clc %% open image file [fn,pn,fi]=uigetfile('*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg','choose image'); img=imread([pn fn]); %% process image width = size(img,1);%image width height = size(img,2);%image height minlength = min([width,height]);%min of width and height circle_d = floor(minlength*(1-0.618));%circle radius circle_x_end = circle_d; circle_y_start = height - circle_d + 1; %circle center circle_center_x = circle_x_end/2; circle_center_y = (circle_y_start+height)/2; %draw circle-------------------------------- for i=1:circle_x_end for j=circle_y_start:height if((i-circle_center_x)^2+(j-circle_center_y)^2 <= (circle_d/2)^2) img(i,j,1) = 255; img(i,j,2) = 0; img(i,j,3) = 0; end end end % draw number------------------------------- load number.mat num = input('Input the number to add to the image:'); while(num<0 || num>9) num = input('Input error,out of range(0-9),reinput the number:'); end %------------------------------------------- %scale the nu7mber image var_name = ['number' num2str(num)]; eval([var_name '=imresize(' var_name ',[circle_x_end,height - circle_y_start+1]);']); %sharp the image eval(['index = find(' var_name '>0);']); for k=1:length(index) eval([var_name '(index(k)) = 255;']); end %add the value to the 2nd and 3rd layer eval(['img(1:circle_x_end,circle_y_start:height,2) = img(1:circle_x_end,circle_y_start:height,2)+' var_name ';']); eval(['img(1:circle_x_end,circle_y_start:height,3) = img(1:circle_x_end,circle_y_start:height,3)+' var_name ';']); %% show image imshow(img); %% save image dotindex = max(find(fn=='.')); imwrite(img,[fn(1:dotindex-1) ' with number ' num2str(num) fn(dotindex:end)]);