1. 逻辑回归解决多分类问题
''' warning: the range of initial data in matlab file is 1-10 but in this place ,the 10 is indicate 0 the data in ex3data1.mat is so many row which size is 1*400(has been compressed) ''' # 此处不使用自己定义的梯度下降函数,使用scipy模块中自带的minimize函数 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.io as sio from scipy.optimize import minimize # the function which can plot one image(anyone) in pic_set ''' minimize参数解释: - fun:要优化的函数(损失函数) - method:优化方法 - jac:梯度向量 - x0:参数初始值(n,)(n,1) (n,)(n,1)的区别 ''' def plot_an_image(X): pick_one = np.random.randint(len(X)) image = X[pick_one,:] fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (1,1)) ax.imshow(image.reshape(20,20).T,cmap = 'gray_r') # 去掉刻度 plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.show() def plot_100_image(X): sample_index = np.random.choice(len(X),100) images = X[sample_index,:] # 后面两个参数控制横纵坐标是否显示 fig,ax = plt.subplots(ncols=10,nrows=10,figsize = (8,8),sharex=True,sharey=True) for r in range(10): for c in range(10): ax[r][c].imshow(images[10*r+c].reshape(20,20).T,cmap = 'gray_r') # ax.imshow(image.reshape(20,20).T,cmap = 'gray_r') # 去掉刻度 plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.show() def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1+np.exp(-z)) # 注意此处的传入参数顺序是固定的,打乱会导致调用np模块内优化算法出错 def costFunction(theta,X,y,lamda): A = sigmoid(X@theta) first = (~y)* np.log(A) second = (1-y) * np.log(1-A) # 惩罚项 # 两种写法都可以 # reg = np.sum(np.power(theta[1:],2))*( lamda / 2 * len(X)) reg = theta[1:]@theta[1:]*(lamda / 2 * len(X)) return np.sum(first - second)/len(X) + reg # 无需循环,使用np的内置方法 def gradient_reg(theta,X,y,lamda): reg = theta[1:]*(lamda/len(X)) reg = np.insert(reg,0,values = 0,axis = 0) first = (X.T@(sigmoid(X@theta) - y))/len(X) return first + reg def one_va_all(X,y,lamda,K): n = X.shape[1] # 使用二维数组来存储所有theta theta_all = np.zeros((K,n)) for i in range(1,K+1): # 定义第i个分类器的参数 theta_i = np.zeros(n,) # 判别式y==i是用来分辨是第几类标签 res = minimize(fun = costFunction, x0 = theta_i, args = (X,y == i,lamda), method = 'TNC', jac = gradient_reg) theta_all[i-1,:] = res.x return theta_all def predict(X,theta_final): h = sigmoid(X@theta_final.T) h_argmax = np.argmax(h,axis = 1)# 返回一行中最大值的索引 return h_argmax + 1 data = sio.loadmat('./data_set/ex3data1.mat') # print(data) # print(type(data)) # print(data.keys()) raw_X = data['X'] raw_y = data['y'] # print(raw_X.shape) # print(raw_X[1].shape) # plot_an_image(raw_X) # plot_100_image(raw_X) X = np.insert(raw_X,0,values=1,axis = 1) # 将y从二维数组变成一维数组 y = raw_y.flatten() lamda = 1 K = 10 theta_final = one_va_all(X,y,lamda,K) # for each in y: # print(each) y_pred = predict(X,theta_final) acc = np.mean(y == y_pred) print(acc)
''' natural network use natural network to implement the recognization of hand write number input the number image's attribute and output the predict number of each image ''' import numpy as np import scipy.io as sio def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1+np.exp(-z)) data = sio.loadmat('./data_set/ex3data1.mat') raw_X = data['X'] raw_y = data['y'] X = np.insert(raw_X,0,values = 1,axis = 1) # X.shape y = raw_y.flatten() # the theta is format by dictionary theta = sio.loadmat('./data_set/ex3weights.mat') # print(theta.keys()) # <Theta1> includes the attribute of input layer to hidden layer # <Theta2> includes the attribute of hidden layer to output layer theta1 = theta['Theta1'] theta2 = theta['Theta2'] # use sigmoid function as activate function a1 = X # obtain the number of hidden layer z2 = X @ theta1.T a2 = sigmoid(z2) a2 = np.insert(a2,0,values = 1,axis = 1) # obtain the number of output layer z3 = a2 @ theta2.T a3 = sigmoid(z3) y_pred = np.argmax(a3,axis = 1) y_pred += 1 acc = np.mean(y_pred==y) print(acc)