1.用<!--注释内容 -->在xml文件中,避免出现不必要的错误
2.mysql 用format(n1,2),函数返回类型是字符串,满三位会加一个逗号.在这里保留两位, 会四舍五入
针对数字类型转换建议使用 convert或者cast函数,用法如下:
format(param, 2) (不建议)
convert(param, decimal(12,2))(建议)
cast(param as decimal(12,2))(建议)
oracle 中 使用to_char(number,'FM999,999,999,999,990.99')代替 会四舍五入
3.mysql date_format(变量,‘yyyy-MM-dd’)
oracle to_char(变量,‘yyyy-MM-dd’)转换成字符串,一般用于从数据库读取时间时,转换成字符串,
mysql 用limit #{offset},#{limit}
oracle 列子:下面标红的是一个分页模板,不管有没有order by 语句 通用
select * from( SELECT ROWNUM AS rowno,r.* FROM ( select id , invoice_type invoiceType, invoice_code invoiceCode, invoice_no invoiceNo, invoice_date invoiceDate, gf_name gfName, xf_name xfName, invoice_amount invoiceAmount, tax_amount taxAmount, (select n.dictname from t_ac_dictdeta n where n.dicttype=1569 and n.dictcode=t.qs_status) qsStatus, qs_date qsDate, (select m.dictname from t_ac_dictdeta m where m.dicttype=1130 and m.dictcode=t.qs_type) qsType from t_dx_record_invoice t where 1=1 AND (SELECT c.current_tax_period FROM t_dx_tax_current c WHERE c.taxno=t.gf_tax_no)>=to_char(invoice_date,'%Y%m') and invoice_type IN (1, 3, 14) AND gf_tax_no in (SELECT taxno FROM t_ac_org where orgid in(SELECT orgid FROM t_ac_user_taxno where userid=#{map.userId})) <if test="map.invoiceNo != null and map.invoiceNo != ''"> and invoice_no like concat('%',concat(#{map.invoiceNo},'%')) </if> <if test="map.qsStatus !=null and map.qsStatus != '-1'"> and qs_status = #{map.qsStatus} </if> <if test="map.qsType !=null and map.qsType != '-1'"> and qs_type = #{map.qsType} </if> <if test="map.qsDate1 != null and map.qsDate1 != ''"> <![CDATA[ AND to_char(qs_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') >= #{map.qsDate1} ]]> </if> <if test="map.qsDate2 != null and map.qsDate2 != ''"> <![CDATA[ AND to_char(qs_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') <= #{map.qsDate2} ]]> </if> <if test="map.invoiceType !=null and map.invoiceType != '-1'"> and invoice_type = #{map.invoiceType} </if> <if test="map.gfName != null and map.gfName != '-1'and map.gfName != ''"> and gf_tax_no = #{map.gfName} </if> <if test="map.xfName != null and map.xfName != ''"> and xf_name like concat('%',concat(#{map.xfName},'%')) </if> <if test="map.invoiceDate1 != null and map.invoiceDate1 != ''"> <![CDATA[ AND to_char(invoice_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') >= #{map.invoiceDate1} ]]> </if> <if test="map.invoiceDate2 != null and map.invoiceDate2 != ''"> <![CDATA[ AND to_char(invoice_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') <= #{map.invoiceDate2} ]]> </if> and rzh_yesorno=0 and invoice_status=0 and invoice_amount>0 and CASE WHEN <![CDATA[to_char(invoice_date,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= '2017-07-01 00:00:00' THEN invoice_date+359 ELSE invoice_date+179 END >= sysdate ]]> and tax_amount>=0 and auth_status in (0,5) order by invoice_date desc, id ) r <if test="map.offset != null and map.limit != null"> <![CDATA[ where ROWNUM <= ${map.offset}+${map.limit} ]]> </if> ) table_alias <if test="map.offset != null and map.limit != null"> <![CDATA[ WHERE table_alias.rowno >= #{map.offset} ]]> </if>
5: 注意字段是date类型的时间可以直接加减,加减的是天数;
6: mysql 的now()函数在oracle 可以直接使用sysdate 直接赋值;
7:在mysql 和oracle 中通用的模糊查询 :like concat( '%', concat(#{map.name} , '%')) 这样写主要是因为在oracle中concat函数只有两个参数;
8: mysql 的ifnull(expr1 ,expr2)如果 expr1 不是 NULL,IFNULL() 返回 expr1,否则它返回 expr2
oracle nvl(expr1 ,expr2) 代替, 效果一样
9:mysql TRUNCATE(X,Y) TRUNCATE(x,y)返回数值x保留到小数点后y位的值(与ROUND最大的区别是不会进行四舍五入)
oracle truc(X,Y) 代替