• python3获取天气预报

    Created on 2011-2-25
    @author: http://www.cnblogs.com/txw1958/
    #http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/101010100.html         实时
    #http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101010100.html   全天
    #http://m.weather.com.cn/data/101010100.html     六天
    ##http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=Beijing 英文
    ##http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=Beijing&hl=zh-cn 中文
    import os, io, sys, re, time, base64, json
    import webbrowser, urllib.request
    cityList_bsgs = [
        {'code':"101010100", 'name':"北京"},
        {'code':"101020100", 'name':"上海"},
        {'code':"101280101", 'name':"广州"},
        {'code':"101280601", 'name':"深圳"}
    cityList_main = [   #全国主要城市
        {'code':"101010100", 'name':"北京"},
        {'code':"101030100", 'name':"天津"},
        {'code':"101090101", 'name':"石家庄"},
        {'code':"101100101", 'name':"太原"},
        {'code':"101080101", 'name':"呼和浩特"},
        {'code':"101090201", 'name':"保定"},
        {'code':"101100201", 'name':"大同"},
        {'code':"101080201", 'name':"包头"},
        {'code':"101090402", 'name':"承德市"},
        {'code':"101100401", 'name':"晋中"},
        {'code':"101080501", 'name':"通辽"},
        {'code':"101091101", 'name':"秦皇岛"},
        {'code':"101050101", 'name':"哈尔滨"},
        {'code':"101060101", 'name':"长春"},
        {'code':"101070101", 'name':"沈阳"},
        {'code':"101050201", 'name':"齐齐哈尔"},
        {'code':"101060201", 'name':"吉林"},
        {'code':"101070201", 'name':"大连"},
        {'code':"101050301", 'name':"牡丹江"},
        {'code':"101060301", 'name':"延吉"},
        {'code':"101070301", 'name':"鞍山"},
        {'code':"101050501", 'name':"绥化"},
        {'code':"101060601", 'name':"白城"},
        {'code':"101071401", 'name':"葫芦岛"},
        {'code':"101280101", 'name':"广州"},
        {'code':"101300101", 'name':"南宁"},
        {'code':"101310101", 'name':"海口"},
        {'code':"101320101", 'name':"香港"},
        {'code':"101330101", 'name':"澳门"},
        {'code':"101280601", 'name':"深圳"},
        {'code':"101300501", 'name':"桂林"},
        {'code':"101310201", 'name':"三亚"},
        {'code':"101280701", 'name':"珠海"},
        {'code':"101281701", 'name':"中山"},
        {'code':"101301001", 'name':"百色"},
        {'code':"101310215", 'name':"万宁"},
        {'code':"101110101", 'name':"西安"},
        {'code':"101160101", 'name':"兰州"},
        {'code':"101150101", 'name':"西宁"},
        {'code':"101170101", 'name':"银川"},
        {'code':"101130101", 'name':"乌鲁木齐"},
        {'code':"101110300", 'name':"延安"},
        {'code':"101110901", 'name':"宝鸡"},
        {'code':"101160901", 'name':"天水"},
        {'code':"101170301", 'name':"吴忠"},
        {'code':"101130501", 'name':"吐鲁番"},
        {'code':"101160801", 'name':"酒泉"},
        {'code':"101170401", 'name':"固原"},
        {'code':"101040100", 'name':"重庆"},
        {'code':"101270101", 'name':"成都"},
        {'code':"101260101", 'name':"贵阳"},
        {'code':"101290101", 'name':"昆明"},
        {'code':"101140101", 'name':"拉萨"},
        {'code':"101270401", 'name':"绵阳"},
        {'code':"101260201", 'name':"遵义"},
        {'code':"101290201", 'name':"大理"},
        {'code':"101271401", 'name':"乐山"},
        {'code':"101260801", 'name':"六盘水"},
        {'code':"101291401", 'name':"丽江"},
        {'code':"101020100", 'name':"上海"},
        {'code':"101230101", 'name':"福州"},
        {'code':"101220101", 'name':"合肥"},
        {'code':"101240101", 'name':"南昌"},
        {'code':"101120101", 'name':"济南"},
        {'code':"101210301", 'name':"嘉兴"},
        {'code':"101190101", 'name':"南京"},
        {'code':"101210401", 'name':"宁波"},
        {'code':"101210101", 'name':"杭州"},
        {'code':"101190401", 'name':"苏州"},
        {'code':"101120201", 'name':"青岛"},
        {'code':"101230201", 'name':"厦门"},
        {'code':"101340101", 'name':"台北市"},
        {'code':"101180101", 'name':"郑州"},
        {'code':"101200101", 'name':"武汉"},
        {'code':"101250101", 'name':"长沙"},
        {'code':"101180201", 'name':"安阳"},
        {'code':"101200201", 'name':"襄阳"},
        {'code':"101250201", 'name':"湘潭"},
        {'code':"101250301", 'name':"株洲"},
        {'code':"101180401", 'name':"许昌"},
        {'code':"101250601", 'name':"常德"},
        {'code':"101251101", 'name':"张家界"},
        {'code':"101200401", 'name':"孝感"},
        {'code':"101201401", 'name':"荆门"}
    #返回dict类型: twitter = {'image': imgPath, 'message': content}
    def getCityWeather_RealTime(cityID):
        url = "http://www.weather.com.cn/data/sk/" + str(cityID) + ".html"
            stdout = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
            weatherInfomation = stdout.read().decode('utf-8')
            jsonDatas = json.loads(weatherInfomation)
            city        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["city"]
            temp        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp"]
            fx          = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["WD"]        #风向
            fl          = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["WS"]        #风力
            sd          = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["SD"]        #相对湿度
            tm          = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["time"]
            content = "#" + city + "#" + " " + temp + "" + fx + fl + " " + "相对湿度" + sd + " "  + "发布时间:" + tm
            twitter = {'image': "", 'message': content}
        except (SyntaxError) as err:
            print(">>>>>> SyntaxError: " + err.args)
            print(">>>>>> OtherError: ")
            return twitter
    #返回dict类型: twitter = {'image': imgPath, 'message': content}
    def getCityWeatherDetail_SixDay(cityID):
        url = "http://m.weather.com.cn/data/" + str(cityID) + ".html"
            stdout = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
            weatherInfomation = stdout.read().decode('utf-8')
            jsonDatas = json.loads(weatherInfomation)
            city        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["city"]
            tempF1      = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["tempF1"]
            weather     = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["img_title1"]
            img         = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["img1"]
            fx          = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["fx1"]       #风向
            cy            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index"]        #暖        #穿衣指数
            zw            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_uv"]        #最弱   #紫外线指数
            xc            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_xc"]        #不宜     #洗车
            tr            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_tr"]        #很适宜    #旅游
            co            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_co"]        #舒适     #舒适度
            cl            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_cl"]        #较适宜  #晨练指数
            ls            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_ls"]        #不太适宜  #晾晒指数
            ag            = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["index_ag"]        #不易发"    #过敏
            temp1       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp1"]
            temp2       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp2"]
            temp3       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp3"]
            temp4       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp4"]
            temp5       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp5"]
            temp6       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp6"]
            weather1    = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather1"]
            weather2    = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather2"]
            weather3    = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather3"]
            weather4    = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather4"]
            weather5    = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather5"]
            weather6    = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather6"]
            if int(img) < 10:
                imgPath = "icond" + "0" + str(img) + ".gif"
                imgPath = "icond"       + str(img) + ".gif"
            content = "#" + city + "#" + "
    <指数> " + "穿衣:" + cy + " 紫外线:" + zw + " 洗车:" + xc 
                    + " 旅游:" + tr + " 舒适度:" + co + " 晨练:" + cl + " 晾晒:" + ls + " 过敏:" + ag + "
                    + "<天气>" + " 1天:" + temp1 + " " + weather1 + " 2天:" + temp2 + " " + weather2  + " 3天:" + temp3 + " " + weather3
                    + " 4天:" + temp4 + " " + weather4 + " 5天:" + temp5 + " " + weather5  + " 6天:" + temp6 + " " + weather6
            twitter = {'image': imgPath, 'message': content}
        except (SyntaxError) as err:
            print(">>>>>> SyntaxError: " + err.args)
            print(">>>>>> OtherError: ")
            return twitter
    #返回dict类型: twitter = {'image': imgPath, 'message': content}
    def getCityWeather_AllDay(cityID):
        url = "http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/" + str(cityID) + ".html"
            stdout = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
            weatherInfomation = stdout.read().decode('utf-8')
            jsonDatas = json.loads(weatherInfomation)
            city        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["city"]
            temp1       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp1"]
            temp2       = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["temp2"]
            weather     = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["weather"]
            img1        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["img1"]
            img2        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["img2"]
            ptime        = jsonDatas["weatherinfo"]["ptime"]
            content = city + "," + weather + ",最高气温:" + temp1 + ",最低气温:"  + temp2 + ",发布时间:" + ptime
            twitter = {'image': "icond" + img1, 'message': content}
        except (SyntaxError) as err:
            print(">>>>>> SyntaxError: " + err.args)
            print(">>>>>> OtherError: ")
            return twitter
    def main():
        "main function"
        for city in cityList_bsgs:
            title_small = "【实时】"
            twitter = getCityWeather_RealTime(city['code'])
            print(title_small + twitter['message'])
        for city in cityList_bsgs:
            title_small = "【全天】"
            twitter = getCityWeather_AllDay(city['code'])
            print(title_small + twitter["message"])
        title_small = "【六天】"
        twitter = getCityWeatherDetail_SixDay(cityList_bsgs[3]['code'])
        print(title_small + twitter["message"])
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    *** Python 3.2.3 (default, Apr 11 2012, 07:15:24) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32. ***
    *** Remote Interpreter Reinitialized  ***
    【实时】#北京# 30℃ 西南风2级 相对湿度61% 发布时间:15:20
    【实时】#上海# 32℃ 东北风2级 相对湿度53% 发布时间:15:00
    【实时】#广州# 35℃ 西风2级 相对湿度51% 发布时间:15:20
    【实时】#深圳# 32℃ 西南风3级 相对湿度58% 发布时间:15:20
    【全天】北京,多云,最高气温:31℃,最低气温:25℃,发布时间:11:00 【全天】上海,多云,最高气温:33℃,最低气温:27℃,发布时间:11:00 【全天】广州,多云,最高气温:35℃,最低气温:25℃,发布时间:11:00 【全天】深圳,多云,最高气温:33℃,最低气温:28℃,发布时间:11:00
    #深圳# <指数> 穿衣:炎热 紫外线:中等 洗车:较不宜 旅游:较适宜 舒适度:较不舒适 晨练:较适宜 晾晒:适宜 过敏:极不易发 <天气> 1天:33℃~28℃ 多云 2天:33℃~28℃ 多云 3天:34℃~28℃ 多云 4天:32℃~26℃ 雷阵雨转中雨 5天:31℃~26℃ 大雨 6天:30℃~27℃ 中雨转阵雨 >>>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lanzhi/p/6468377.html
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