• linux时间格式总结


      %%   a literal %   一个文字
      %a   locale's abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Sun)   语言环境的缩写工作日的名字
      %A   locale's full weekday name (e.g., Sunday)            语言环境的完整工作日的名字
      %b   locale's abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan)        语言环境的缩写月的名字
      %B   locale's full month name (e.g., January)                语言环境是完整月的名字
      %c   locale's date and time (e.g., Thu Mar  3 23:05:25 2005)  区域设置的日期和时间
      %C   century; like %Y, except omit last two digits (e.g., 20)      世纪;像% Y,只不过省略最后两位数
      %d   day of month (e.g., 01)            某天
      %D   date; same as %m/%d/%y           日期;月日年
      %e   day of month, space padded; same as %_d   某天 类似%_d
      %F   full date; same as %Y-%m-%d         完整日期 ,年月日
      %g   last two digits of year of ISO week number (see %G)
      %G   year of ISO week number (see %V); normally useful only with %V
      %h   same as %b
      %H   hour (00..23)
      %I   hour (01..12)
      %j   day of year (001..366)
      %k   hour, space padded ( 0..23); same as %_H
      %l   hour, space padded ( 1..12); same as %_I
      %m   month (01..12)
      %M   minute (00..59)
      %n   a newline
      %N   nanoseconds (000000000..999999999)
      %p   locale's equivalent of either AM or PM; blank if not known
      %P   like %p, but lower case
      %r   locale's 12-hour clock time (e.g., 11:11:04 PM)
      %R   24-hour hour and minute; same as %H:%M
      %s   seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
      %S   second (00..60)
      %t   a tab
      %T   time; same as %H:%M:%S
      %u   day of week (1..7); 1 is Monday
      %U   week number of year, with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)
      %V   ISO week number, with Monday as first day of week (01..53)
      %w   day of week (0..6); 0 is Sunday
      %W   week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (00..53)
      %x   locale's date representation (e.g., 12/31/99)
      %X   locale's time representation (e.g., 23:13:48)
      %y   last two digits of year (00..99)
      %Y   year
      %z   +hhmm numeric time zone (e.g., -0400)
      %:z  +hh:mm numeric time zone (e.g., -04:00)
      %::z  +hh:mm:ss numeric time zone (e.g., -04:00:00)    + hh:mm:ss数字时区
      %:::z  numeric time zone with : to necessary precision (e.g., -04, +05:30)  模时区:必要的精度
      %Z   alphabetic time zone abbreviation (e.g., EDT)          字母时区缩写


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