A file named Demo.txt, is like this:
@@@0x5100002c is 0 @@@ 0x51000018 is 101111 0x5100001c is e000e 0x51000020 is 121111 0x51000024 is f000f 0x51000024 is f000f 0x51000028 is 0 0x51000030=0x00000606 0x51000034=0x00445221 0x51000038=0x02003faa dly90_para_lock=0xf000f max_begin is 0 max_end is 23 max_one is 24 dqs_window is 11 r0= 0 , r1 = 1, r2 = 1, r3 = 1, r4 = 1, r5 = 0 SDRDDR_DQSWIN is 22 SDRDDR_MODE is 100 DDR Success 1 DDR Success 2 DDR Success 3 DDR Success 4 @@@0x5100002c is 26260006 @@@ After ddr_init! 0x51000018=0x00101111 0x5100001c=0x000e000e 0x51000020=0x00121111 0x51000024=0x000f000f 0x51000028 =0x00000000 0x51000030=0x00000606 0x51000034=0x00445221 0x51000038=0x02003faa
Now, I want to extract lines:
dly90_para_lock=0xf000f max_begin is 0 max_end is 23
and the line heading with "@@@0x5100002c"
So, I use
[shawn@test]$ cat Demo.txt | awk ' $1 ~ /dly90_para_lock/, $1=="max_end"; $1=="@@@0x5100002c" {print $0} '
The result is as follows:
max_begin is 0
max_end is 24
@@@0x5100002c is 27270006 @@@
@@@0x5100002c is 0 @@@
max_begin is 0
max_end is 23
@@@0x5100002c is 26260006 @@@
@@@0x5100002c is 0 @@@
max_begin is 0
max_end is 22
@@@0x5100002c is 27270006 @@@
@@@0x5100002c is 0 @@@
max_begin is 0
max_end is 22
@@@0x5100002c is 27270006 @@@
in awk ' $1 ~ /dly90_para_lock/, $1=="max_end"; $1=="@@@0x5100002c" {print $0} '
$1 ~ /dly90_para_lock/, $1=="max_end" is a pattern, it means,
begin from the line which contains substring "dly90_para_lock", and end at the line containing substring "max_end"
the ';' is a delimeter for another pattern,
$1=="@@@0x5100002c" is another pattern, it means,
if the first column in a line is the string "@@@0x5100002c",
And the action for both patterns is print the whole line. indicated by $0
The two patterns ensure the file is dealt with in order, so the output is in order.
cat Demo.txt | awk ' sub(/^dly90_para_lock=/ , "") && sub(/....$/, "") ; $1=="max_begin", $1=="max_end" {print $3}'
That's all this time.