• Sicily1099-Packing Passengers-拓展欧几里德算法




    1099. Packing Passengers


    Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB


    PTA, Pack ‘em Tight Airlines is attempting the seemingly impossible—to fly with only full planes and still make a profit. Their strategy is simplicity and efficiency. Their fleet consists of 2 types of equipment (airline lingo for airplanes). Type A aircraft cost costA dollars to operate per flight and can carry passengersA passengers. Type B aircraft cost costB dollars to operate per flight and can carry passengersB passengers.

    PTA has been using software that works well for fewer than 100 passengers, but will be far too slow for the number of passengers they expect to have with larger aircraft. PTA wants you to write a program that fills each aircraft to capacity (in keeping with the name Pack 'em Tight) and also minimizes the total cost of operations for that route.


    The input file may contain data sets. Each data set begins with a line containing the integer n (1 <= n <= 2,000,000,000) which represents the number of passengers for that route. The second line contains costA and passengersA, and the third line contains costB and passengersB. There will be white space between the pairs of values on each line. Here, costA, passengersA, costB, and passengersB are all nonnegative integers having values less than 2,000,000,001.
    After the end of the final data set, there is a line containing “0” (one zero) which should not be processed.


    For each data set in the input file, the output file should contain a single line formatted as follows:
    Data set <N>: <A> aircraft A, <B> aircraft B
    Where <N> is an integer number equal to 1 for the first data set, and incremented by one for each subsequent data set, <A> is the number of airplanes of type A in the optimal solution for the test case, and <B> is the number of airplanes of type B in the optimal solution. The 'optimal' solution is a solution that lets PTA carry the number of passengers specified in the input for that data set using only airplanes loaded to their full capacity and that minimizes the cost of operating the required flights. If multiple alternatives exist fitting this description, select the one that uses most airplanes of type A. If no solution exists for PTA to fly the given number of passengers, the out line should be formatted as follows:
    Data set <N>: cannot be flown

    Sample Input

    30 20
    20 40
    1 13
    2 29
    1 13
    2 29
    1 2
    3 7
    11 20
    22 40

    Sample Output

    Data set 1: 0 aircraft A, 15 aircraft B
    Data set 2: 20 aircraft A, 10 aircraft B
    Data set 3: 11 aircraft A, 14 aircraft B
    Data set 4: 6 aircraft A, 285714284 aircraft B
    Data set 5: cannot be flown

    题意就是求出passenger_A * x + passenger_B * y = passengers, 使得cost_A * x + cost_B * y最小。



     1 // Problem#: 1099
     2 // Submission#: 4376506
     3 // The source code is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
     4 // URI: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
     5 // All Copyright reserved by Informatic Lab of Sun Yat-sen University
     6 #include <cstdio>
     8 inline int fix_upper(int upper, int passengers, int passenger_upper, int passenger_others) {
     9     int temp = passengers - upper * passenger_upper;
    10     while (temp % passenger_others) {
    11         if (upper == 0)
    12             return -1;
    13         upper--, temp += passenger_upper;
    14     }
    15     return upper;
    16 }
    18 int main() {
    19     int passengers;
    20     int cost_A, passenger_A, cost_B, passenger_B;
    21     int upper, others;
    22     int count = 1;
    23     while (scanf("%d", &passengers) && passengers) {
    24         scanf("%d %d", &cost_A, &passenger_A);
    25         scanf("%d %d", &cost_B, &passenger_B);
    26         if (passenger_A == 0 && passenger_B == 0) {
    27             printf("Data set %d: cannot be flown
    ", count++);
    28             continue;
    29         }
    30         if ((passenger_A == 0 && passenger_B != 0) || (cost_A == 0 && cost_B == 0 && passenger_B > passenger_A)) {
    31             if (passengers % passenger_B)
    32                 printf("Data set %d: cannot be flown
    ", count++);
    33             else
    34                 printf("Data set %d: %d aircraft A, %d aircraft B
    ", count++, 0, passengers / passenger_B);
    35             continue;
    36         }
    37         if ((passenger_B == 0 && passenger_A != 0) || (cost_A == 0 && cost_B == 0 && passenger_A > passenger_B)) {
    38             if (passengers % passenger_A)
    39                 printf("Data set %d: cannot be flown
    ", count++);
    40             else
    41                 printf("Data set %d: %d aircraft A, %d aircraft B
    ", count++, passengers / passenger_A, 0);
    42             continue;
    43         }
    44         if (double(cost_A) / double(passenger_A) <= double(cost_B) / double(passenger_B)) {
    45             upper = passengers / passenger_A;
    46             upper = fix_upper(upper, passengers, passenger_A, passenger_B);
    47             others = (passengers - upper * passenger_A) / passenger_B;
    48             if (upper != -1)
    49                 printf("Data set %d: %d aircraft A, %d aircraft B
    ", count++, upper, others);
    50             else
    51                 printf("Data set %d: cannot be flown
    ", count++);
    52         } else {
    53             upper = passengers / passenger_B;
    54             upper = fix_upper(upper, passengers, passenger_B, passenger_A);
    55             others = (passengers - upper * passenger_B) / passenger_A;
    56             if (upper != -1)
    57                 printf("Data set %d: %d aircraft A, %d aircraft B
    ", count++, others, upper);
    58             else
    59                 printf("Data set %d: cannot be flown
    ", count++);
    60         }
    61     }
    62     return 0;
    63 }                                 



    我们要求的是x, y满足passenger_A * x + passenger_B * y = passengers。

    拓展欧几里德算法其实就是在欧几里德算法求解过程中把x和y算出来了,具体是这样的:a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b)。


    我们知道欧几里德算法原理是gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a % b)不断递归下去,拓展欧几里德算法其实也是这个递归,只不过多加了一些x和y的赋值罢了。

    假设在某一次递归过程中,a' = b, b' = a % b = a - a / b * b(C语言整数算法)。

    那么gcd(a, b) = gcd(a', b') = a'x + b'y。

    消去a', b'得到:ay +b(x - a  /  b * y) = Gcd(a, b)。

    可以看到,这里的系数a的系数为y,b的系数为x - a / b * y。

    通过这个原理递归我们最终得到的x和y就满足a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b)。


    来看,首先有:passenger_A * x + passenger_B * y = gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)

    我们把上面的式子同时乘于passengers / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)试试:

    passenger_A * (x * passengers / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) + passenger_B * (y * passengers / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) = passengers。

    这个式子是不是就和passenger_A * x + passenger_B * y = passengers吻合了?

    对应的x为(x * passengers / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)), y为(y * passengers / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B))。

    所以:我们先用欧几里德算法求出passenger_A * x + passenger_B * y = gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)的x, y。

    然后在通过变换得到passenger_A * x + passenger_B * y = passenger的x, y。

    现在设这里求得的x, y为x0, y0。




    ax equiv b  pmod{n}     (1)

    的方程。此方程有解当且仅当 b 能够被 a 与 n 的最大公约数整除(记作 gcd(a,n) | b)。这时,如果 x0 是方程的一个解,那么所有的解可以表示为:

    {x_0+kfrac{n}{d}mid kinBbb{Z}}.

    其中 d 是a 与 n 的最大公约数。在模 n 的完全剩余系 {0,1,…,n-1} 中,恰有 d 个解。

    所以,如果passengers不能整除gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)则式子是无解的,若有解:

    x = x0 + (passenger_B / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) * k, y = y0 - (passenger_A / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) * k, k为任意整数。

    然后,根据题意,x >= 0, y >= 0。


    x0 + (passenger_B / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) * k >= 0


    k >= (-x0) / (passenger_B / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B))

    y0 - (passenger_A / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) * k >= 0


    k <= (y0) / (passenger_A / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B))。

    所以k的范围为:[(-x0) / (passenger_B / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)), (y0) / (passenger_A / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B))]


    我们的目标是cost_A * x + cost_B * y最小,带入x和y的表达式得:

    cost_A * (x0 + (passenger_B / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) * k) + cost_B * (y0 - (passenger_A / gcd(passenger_A, passenger_B)) * k)

    消去x0, y0, gcd无关因素影响, 有:

    cost_A * passenger_B * k - cost_B * passenger_A * k = k * (cost_A * passenger_B - cost_B * passenger_A)

    好,那么就很简单了,如果 (cost_A * passenger_B - cost_B * passenger_A)为负,则k取最大值即可。



     1 #include <cstdio>
     2 #include <cmath>
     4 inline long long gcd_extend(int &a, int b, long long *x, long long *y) {
     5     static long long r, t;
     6     if (b == 0) {
     7         *x = 1, *y = 0;
     8         return a;
     9     } else {
    10         r = gcd_extend(b, a % b, x, y);
    11         t = *x;
    12         *x = *y;
    13         *y = t - a / b * *y;
    14         return r;
    15     }
    16 }
    18 int main() {
    19     int passengers;
    20     int cost_A, passenger_A, cost_B, passenger_B;
    21     int count = 1;
    22     long long lower, upper, k, gcd, x, y;
    23     while (scanf("%d", &passengers) && passengers) {
    24         scanf("%d %d", &cost_A, &passenger_A);
    25         scanf("%d %d", &cost_B, &passenger_B);
    26         gcd = gcd_extend(passenger_A, passenger_B, &x, &y);
    27         if (passengers % gcd == 0) {
    28             x *= passengers / gcd;
    29             y *= passengers / gcd;
    30             upper = floor((double)y / (passenger_A / gcd));
    31             lower = ceil((double)-x / (passenger_B / gcd));
    32             k = passenger_B * cost_A - passenger_A * cost_B <= 0 ? upper : lower;
    33             printf("Data set %d: %lld aircraft A, %lld aircraft B
    ", count++, x + (passenger_B / gcd) * k, y - (passenger_A / gcd) * k);
    34         } else
    35             printf("Data set %d: cannot be flown
    ", count++);
    36     }
    37     return 0;
    38 }


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