• 百度地图api-查询周边


    1. 静态页面部分:

     1               <div class="row">
     2                             <aside class="profile-nav col-lg-3">
     3                                 <section class="panel">
     4                                     <ul xsts-tab class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" id="panel">
     5                                         <li class="active" ng-click="baiduMapBack()"><a><i class="icon-location-arrow"></i>楼盘位置</a></li>
     6                                         <li ng-click="baiduMapSearch('公交')"><a><i class="icon-truck"></i>交通设施</a></li>
     7                                         <li ng-click="baiduMapSearch('医院')"><a><i class="icon-plus"></i>医疗机构</a></li>
     8                                         <li ng-click="baiduMapSearch('超市')"><a><i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i>商场超市</a></li>
     9                                         <li ng-click="baiduMapSearch('学校')"><a><i class="icon-smile"></i>教育机构</a></li>
    10                                         <li ng-click="baiduMapSearch('餐厅')"><a><i class="icon-food"></i>餐饮休闲</a></li>
    11                                         <li ng-click="baiduMapSearch('公园')"><a><i class="icon-leaf"></i>公园景点</a></li>
    12                                     </ul>
    13                                 </section>
    14                             </aside>
    15                             <aside class="profile-info col-lg-9 dictionaryMapContent">
    16                                 <div id="dictionaryMap"></div>
    17                                 <div id="r-result">
    18                                     <input type="text" id="suggestId" class="form-control" placeholder="搜索您想要的位置">
    19                                 </div>
    20                                 <div id="searchResultPanel" style="border:1px solid #C0C0C0;150px;height:auto; display:none;"></div>
    21                             </aside>
    22                         </div>

    2. js部分:

     1           // 初始配置
     2                 var map = new BMap.Map("dictionaryMap"), pointAll = ($scope.hdetail.coordinate).split(','),
     3                     lat = parseFloat(pointAll[0]), lng = parseFloat(pointAll[1]), point = new BMap.Point(lat,lng);
     4                 map.centerAndZoom(point, 15);
     5                 // 添加控件
     6                 map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl());
     7                 // 范围区域
     8                 var circle = new BMap.Circle(point,1000,{fillColor:"#ccc", strokeWeight: 1 ,fillOpacity: 0.2, strokeOpacity: 0.2});
     9                 map.addOverlay(circle);
    10                 var local =  new BMap.LocalSearch(map, {renderOptions: {map: map, autoViewport: false}});
    11                 // 房源位置
    12                 // var myIcon = new BMap.Icon("img/mappiont.png", new BMap.Size(30,37));
    13                 // var marker = new BMap.Marker(point,{icon:myIcon});
    14                 var marker = new BMap.Marker(point);
    15                 map.addOverlay(marker);
    16                 //  跳动标注
    17                 marker.setAnimation(BMAP_ANIMATION_BOUNCE);
    18                 $scope.baiduMapSearch = function(w){
    19                     local.searchNearby(w,point,1000);
    20                 };
    21                 // 楼盘定位
    22                 $scope.baiduMapBack = function(){
    23                     map.reset();
    24                     local.searchNearby('',point,1000);
    25                 };
    26                 // 输入框搜索
    27                 function G(id) {
    28                     return document.getElementById(id);
    29                 }
    30                 var ac = new BMap.Autocomplete({"input":"suggestId","location":map});
    31                 ac.addEventListener("onhighlight",function(e){
    32                     var str = "";
    33                     var _value = e.fromitem.value;
    34                     var value = "";
    35                     if (e.fromitem.index > -1) {
    36                         value = _value.province +  _value.city +  _value.district +  _value.street +  _value.business;
    37                     }
    38                     str = "FromItem<br />index = " + e.fromitem.index + "<br />value = " + value;
    39                     value = "";
    40                     if (e.toitem.index > -1) {
    41                         _value = e.toitem.value;
    42                         value = _value.province +  _value.city +  _value.district +  _value.street +  _value.business;
    43                     }
    44                     str += "<br />ToItem<br />index = " + e.toitem.index + "<br />value = " + value;
    45                     G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML = str;
    46                 });
    47                 var myValue;
    48                 ac.addEventListener("onconfirm",function(e){
    49                     var _value = e.item.value;
    50                     myValue = _value.province +  _value.city +  _value.district +  _value.street +  _value.business;
    51                     G("searchResultPanel").innerHTML ="onconfirm<br />index = " + e.item.index + "<br />myValue = " + myValue;
    52                     setPlace();
    53                 });
    54                 function setPlace(){
    55                     function myFun(){
    56                         var pp = local.getResults().getPoi(0).point;
    57                         map.centerAndZoom(pp, 18);
    58                         map.addOverlay(new BMap.Marker(pp));
    59                     }
    60                     var local = new BMap.LocalSearch(map,{
    61                         onSearchComplete: myFun
    62                     });
    63                     local.search(myValue);
    64                 }

    3. 效果:

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