• 《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 5.4


    %% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    %%            Output Info about this m-file
    fprintf('        <DSP using MATLAB> Problem 5.4 
    %% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    % ------------------------------------------
    %  1  x1(n)=5sin(0.1pi*n)   n=[0:19], N=40
    % ------------------------------------------
    L = 20; n = [0:L-1]; N = 40; k1 = [0 : N-1];             % wave parameters
    %k2 = [-(N-1):0];
    xn_1 = [5*sin(0.1*pi*n), zeros(1, N-L)];
    Xk_1 = dfs(xn_1, N);                                     % DFS
    magXk = abs( [ Xk_1(1 : N)] );        % DFS magnitude
    angXk = angle( Xk_1 )/pi;             % DFS angle
    xn_2 = [xn_1(1:20) -xn_1(1:20)];
    Xk_2 = dfs(xn_2, N);
    magXk_2 = abs( [Xk_2(1:N)]);
    angXk_2 = angle( Xk_2)/pi;
    figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'P5.4 xn_1 and xn_2')
    subplot(2,1,1); stem([0:N-1], xn_1);
    xlabel('n'); ylabel('x(n)');
    title('xn1 sequence in Problem 5.3, N=40');  grid on;
    subplot(2,1,2); stem([0:N-1], xn_2);
    xlabel('n'); ylabel('x(n)');
    title('xn2 sequence, N=40');  grid on;
    %% ------------------------------------------------------
    %%                 DFS(k) of xn1 sequence
    %% ------------------------------------------------------
    figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'P5.4 DFS(k) of xn_1')
    subplot(2,1,1); stem(k1, magXk); %axis([-N/2, N/2, -0.5, 50.5]);
    xlabel('k'); ylabel('magnitude(k)');
    title('DFS magnitude of xn1, N=40');  grid on;
    subplot(2,1,2); stem(k1, angXk); %axis([-N/2, N/2, -0.5, 50.5]);
    xlabel('k'); ylabel('angle(k)');
    title('DFS angle of xn1, N=40');  grid on;
    %% ------------------------------------------------------
    %%                 DFS(k) of xn2 sequence
    %% ------------------------------------------------------
    figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'P5.4 DFS(k) of xn_2')
    subplot(2,1,1); stem(k1, magXk_2); %axis([-N/2, N/2, -0.5, 50.5]);
    xlabel('k'); ylabel('magnitude(k)');
    title('DFS magnitude of xn2, N=40');  grid on;
    subplot(2,1,2); stem(k1, angXk_2); %axis([-N/2, N/2, -0.5, 50.5]);
    xlabel('k'); ylabel('angle(k)');
    title('DFS angle of xn2, N=40');  grid on;



    牢记: 1、如果你决定做某事,那就动手去做;不要受任何人、任何事的干扰。2、这个世界并不完美,但依然值得我们去为之奋斗。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ky027wh-sx/p/9282547.html
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