• EB tresos Studio

    1. EB tresos Studio uses .xdm files to store the configuration.

    2. The module ID can also be left empty. In this case the generator will be module-independent and will run for each module.

    3. Note that a module-independent generator is only allowed for steps pre and post.

    4. The XDM format stores: Nodes(scheme-nodes, data-nodes...); Node Attributes

    5. Schema-nodes define configuration parameters and the structure of configuration parameters.

    6. Data-nodes represent configuration parameters.

    7. A data node is bound to a schema-node that describes valid parameter ranges for the data-node(schema节点描述数据节点的有效参数范围).

    8. An XDM-file is enclosed by the datamodel XML-tag

    9. There are various node tags available, one for each kind of node(container, list, variable).

    10. The bound node is referred to by an absolute or relative XPath expression.

    11. The result of the XPath evaluation is used as the Attribute value.

    12. In XDM only the absolute path is stored.

    13. All nodes are stored within a tree-structure. Thus each node has one parent and as many child-nodes as desired.

    14. Every data-node has a reference to the schematic-node that describes it.

    15. The EPC File Generator can be registered in the plugin.xml of the respective module via the generator extention-point

    16. If the XPath expression evaluates to false, the complete line is omitted from the output stream.

    17. Generator variable that stores the specification version of the module currently processed in the form <major>.<minor>.<patch>.

    18. As workaround you can quote the line ending with [!//.

    19. You can use the External Generator API to embed modules with existing code generators in EB tresos Studio.

    20. The parameter commandline is mandatory and stores the commandline that calls the generator.

    21. The variable postBuildVariant stores the short-name of the currently built post-build variant.


  • 相关阅读:
    change is possible
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kunshanpipixia/p/16007256.html
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