• 超能陆战队:迪士尼画风的漫威英雄


    http://www.hjenglish.com/new/p718262/My little friend Seth, who is eight, pronounces this the best film he has ever seen.
    And certainly, Disney have come up with a memorable superhero, in the highly improbable form of Baymax, a huge robot who is like the Michelin Man crossed with Florence Nightingale — a caring, sharing blob.
    His human accomplice in the inevitable fight against evil is Hiro, a 14-year-old electronics prodigy, whose brother, Tadashi, bequeaths him Baymax after dying in a suspicious laboratory fire.
    It’s never clear why Tadashi should have made Baymax so ungainly, except that it gives the brilliant animation team — whose last feature was the smash hit Frozen — the chance to contrive some lovely slapstick comedy, as the blob keeps on getting stuck in tight spaces.
    All this takes place in a futuristic Japanese-American city called San Fransokyo, which might be Disney’s way of reaching out caringly across the Pacific — or, more likely, looking shrewdly at all that box-office yen.
    故事上演的时空构架是一个未来主义的日化美国城市,名叫San Fransokyo (旧金山与东京英文名相结合),这也许是迪士尼关注太平洋彼岸之地的一种方式——或者更有可能的是,是精明的迪士尼赚取东方票房的方式。
    Whatever, the East-meets-West dynamic extends to the names of Hiro’s techie friends: Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Go Go . . . and Fred. Together, they investigate Tadashi’s death with a combination of heroism and haplessness that recalls Scooby-Doo.
    无论如何,这种东方与西方交融的风格也延伸到了弘树的技术发烧友们身上:他们的名字叫做蜜糖·柠檬、山葵、跑跑……还有弗莱德。这些朋友们一起调查着塔达希的死亡事件,即富有英雄主义,又窘态百出,让人联想到史酷比狗 。
    Indeed, for all its whizzy sophistication, there’s something sweetly old-fashioned about Big Hero 6 that should engage parents as much as it delights their offspring.
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