• Composite模式学习

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    namespace Composite
     public interface IBox
      void process();
     public class SingleBox:IBox
      public void process()
     public class ContainerBox:IBox
      public void process()
       // TODO:  添加 ContainerBox.process 实现
      public void Add(IBox box)
        list=new ArrayList();
      public void Romove(IBox box)
       if (list==null)
        throw new Exception();
      public ArrayList getBoxes()

     /// <summary>
     /// //////////////客户代码
     /// </summary>
     class App
      public static void Main()

       if(box is ContainerBox)
        ArrayList list=((ContianerBox)box).GetBoxes();
       else if(box is SingleBox)


    namespace Composite2
     public interface IBox
      void process();
      void Add(IBox box);
      void Remve(IBox box);

     /// <summary>
     /// 叶子
     /// </summary>
     public class SingleBox:IBox
      public void process()
       throw UnsuporttedException();
      void Add(IBox box)
       throw UnsuporttedException();
      void Remve(IBox box)
     /// <summary>
     /// 树干
     /// </summary>
     public class ContainerBox:IBox
      ArrayList list;
      public void Add(IBox box)
        list=new ArrayList();
      public void Remove(IBox box)
       if (list==null)
        throw new Exception();
      public void process()//递归算法
       //1.do process for myself

       //2.do process for the box in the list
        foreach(IBox box in list)
     /// <summary>
     /// //////////////客户代码
     /// </summary>
     class App
      public static void Main()
       IBox box =Factory.GetBox();



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kuailewangzi1212/p/347021.html
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