• (python learn) 1 python environment

    By default linux have python installed. There are two kind of enviroment in python. One is interactive enviroment. Like shell.  The other one is file enviroment. Like other programming languages, you put the code in a file and run it.

    The interactive environment

    input python you will get into the python interactive enviroment

    [root@racnode1 test]# python
    Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec  7 2011, 20:48:22)
    [GCC 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3)] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> 8
    >>> 1+1
    >>> exit()


    The file evironment

    There are three kind of python files.

    source code  -- with extension name ".py".  You can run this file without comiple it. Because the python interpreter will interpret and run it.

    compiled code -- with extension name ".pyc". You can compile a source code to generate a ".pyc" file. The compile methold is like below

    import py_compile

    optimized code -- with extension name ".pyo".  This is the code being optimized by python. You can generate the ".pyo" file in this way. 

    pyton -O -m py_compile example.py 


    let`s create a source code and run it. to create a souce code python file you can use vi.

    print "hello world"

    without the line # !/usr/bin/python, you will have to run the file in below way. 

    [root@racnode1 test]# python test.py
    hello world

    with the line  # !/usr/bin/python, you can grant execution privilege to the file and run  

    [root@racnode1 test]# chmod u+x test.py
    [root@racnode1 test]# ./test.py
    hello world
    [root@racnode1 test]#

    once we have source code, we can generate a compiled file ".pyc".

    first you need to create another python file with below content.

    [root@racnode1 test]# cat compile.py
    import py_compile

    then run this file you will compile the "test.py"

    [root@racnode1 test]# python compile.py
    [root@racnode1 test]# ls
    compile.py  test.py  test.pyc
    [root@racnode1 test]# python test.pyc
    hello world

    then let`s see antother example for generating a ".pyo" file

    [root@racnode1 test]# ls
    compile.py  test.py  test.pyc  test.pyo
    [root@racnode1 test]# python -O -m py_compile test.py
    [root@racnode1 test]# python test.pyo
    hello world

    with the commind python -O -m py_compile  you will get an optimized py file.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kramer/p/2915391.html
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