• 关于reset.css的疑问:为什么一定要重置浏览器样式?




    1. div,address标签默认有margin值吗?有padding值吗?怎么会想到应用address,div{margin:0; padding:0;}属性呢?真是画蛇添足,多此一举。

    2. dt标签有默认的margin与padding值就是0,这里为什么还要使用呢?

    3. li标签默认有margin值吗?有padding值吗?压根就没有,也不自己测测,还没事找事设置个li{margin:0; padding:0;}属性,真是衰!

    4. code标签是个属于inline水平的元素,居然也扯到margin与padding的重置,真是好笑。

    5.  fieldset, legend这两个90年代的标签你的网站上使用了吗?使用概率不足1%的标签也拿来重置,我实在无语了。

    6. 还有th,td这些标签,幸好没有写上table与tr标签,否则我一起痛批一段。

    另:经测试article, aside, footer, header, hgroup, main, nav, section, dt, summary, details这些标签也没有默认的margin与padding值。

    据淘宝的射雕的叙述,最早的一份CSS  resest来自Tantek 的undohtml.css,很简单的代码,Tantek 根据自己的需要,对浏览器的默认样式进行了一些重置。其余一些有名的CSS reset如业界领袖Eric Meyer的reset,或是Tripoli Reset。


    @charset "utf-8";
    /* CSS Document */
    /* undohtml.css @author:Tantek */
    /* (CC) 2004 Tantek Celik. Some Rights Reserved.             */
    /*   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0                   */
    /* This style sheet is licensed under a Creative Commons License. */
    /* Purpose: undo some of the default styling of common (X)HTML browsers */
    /* link underlines tend to make hypertext less readable, 
       because underlines obscure the shapes of the lower halves of words */
    :link,:visited { text-decoration:none }
    /* no list-markers by default, since lists are used more often for semantics */
    ul,ol { list-style:none }
    /* avoid browser default inconsistent heading font-sizes */
    /* and pre/code too */
    h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code { font-size:1em; }
    /* remove the inconsistent (among browsers) default ul,ol padding or margin  */
    /* the default spacing on headings does not match nor align with 
       normal interline spacing at all, so let's get rid of it. */
    /* zero out the spacing around pre, form, body, html, p, blockquote as well */
    /* form elements are oddly inconsistent, and not quite CSS emulatable. */
    /*  nonetheless strip their margin and padding as well */
    { margin:0; padding:0 }
    /* whoever thought blue linked image borders were a good idea? */
    a img,:link img,:visited img { border:none }
    /* de-italicize address */
    address { font-style:normal }
    /* more varnish stripping as necessary... */

    CSS reset的作用是让各个浏览器的CSS样式有一个统一的基准,而这个基准更多的就是“清零”。但“清零”的目的是避免不同浏览器有不同的默认样式而导致有bug产生;所以,有时候我们对很多标签做的一些清零,其实是没什么意义的,说的不好听一点,是盲目跟风。

    张鑫旭认为css reset应该是这样的:

    body, dl, dd, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, form{margin:0;}  
    ol,ul{margin:0; padding:0;}



    @charset "utf-8";
    /* chrome default CSS Document */
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    map, area, output, q{display:inline;}
    abbr,acronym(HTML不支持此标签),img, base, basefont, br, canvas, embed, font, noscript, object, span, time, wbr
    pre, xmp, plaintext, listing {
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        display: inline-block;
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        cursor: default;
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        display: block;
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        dd,menu, ol, ul, blockquote, body, dd, dl, form, h1-6, ul
        th, td, textarea, input, fieldset, caption, 
        dd, menu, ol, ul,  blockquote, body, dd, dl,fieldset, h1-6, hr, p, pre,
        ul, th, textarea, td, ol, menu, legend, input, fieldset, button, [dir=rtl] ul, [dir=rtl] ol, [dir=rtl] menu
        dd, menu, ol, ul, blockquote, body, dd, dl, fieldset, h1-6, hr, p, pre, 
        ul, th, textarea, td, ol, menu, legend, input, fieldset, button, [dir=rtl] ul, [dir=rtl] ol, [dir=rtl] menu
        webkit:(ol ul, ul ol, ul ul, ol ol{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}),
        body, p, blockquote, hr, h1-6, ul, ol, menu, dir, dd(margin-start), dl, form, fieldset, input, textarea, keygen, select, button, isindex, datagrid, pre, xmp, plaintext, listing,
        input, textarea, fieldset, legend
        body, blockquote, dd, dl, fieldset, h1-6, hr, menu, p, pre, ul
        ul, th, td, textarea, select, ol, menu, legend, keygen, input, fieldset, button, address, 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/koukouyifan/p/4317716.html
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