- 从数据文件中获取流场数据
- 从密度云图图像提取相界面处密度等值线
- 通过等值线散点拟合圆,获取圆数据
- 求解浸润角
clc;clear; close all; % load color data load mycolor.mat; % extract data file_info = dir('*.plt'); tempB = file_info.name( isstrprop( file_info.name, 'digit' ) ); num = str2double( tempB ); % file name filename = strcat( 'result', num2str(num), '.plt' ); [var,var_name,var_num] = tecplot2mat_2D(filename); % load variables for j = 1:var_num eval([var_name{1,j},'=var(:,:,j)'';']); end % figure 1 figure('units','centimeters','position',[32 18 18 6]) hold on axis equal box on axis off ax = gca; pcolor( X, Y, Density ); [ C, h ] = contour( X, Y, Density, [ 1.0 ] , 'k-', 'linewidth', 2 ); shading interp caxis( [ 0.5, 7 ] ) colormap(mycolor); colorbar % setup the axis ax.LineWidth = 1.5; ax.FontSize = 12; ax.FontName = 'Times New Roman'; % delete white space set(gca,'looseinset',get(gca,'tightinset')) set(gca,'looseinset',[0 0 0 0]) % points for polyfit circle index = C(1,:) > min(min(X)) & C(1,:) < max(max(X)); C = C(:,index); index = C(2,:) > min(min(Y)) & C(2,:) < max(max(Y)); C = C(:,index); % plot( C(1,:), C(2,:), 'b.', 'markersize', 7 ) % polyfit circle [ xc, yc, R, a ] = circfit( C(1,:), C(2,:) ); theta = 0:0.1:2*pi; Circle1 = xc+R*cos(theta); Circle2 = yc+R*sin(theta); plot( xc, yc, 'k.', 'markersize', 15 ); plot( Circle1, Circle2, 'm:', 'linewidth', 2 ); % save picture picname = strcat( './Diameter_', num2str( num ), '.tiff'); print( gcf, '-dtiff', '-r150', picname ); % contact angle if yc >= R angle = 0; else angle = 90 - asin( yc / R ) * 180 / pi; end fprintf( 'contact angle = % 10.5f ', angle );
子函数 circfit
function [xc,yc,R,a] = circfit(x,y) %CIRCFIT Fits a circle in x,y plane % [XC, YC, R, A] = CIRCFIT(X,Y) % Result is center point (yc,xc) and radius R.A is an % optional output describing the circle’s equation: % x^2+y^2+a(1)*x+a(2)*y+a(3)=0 n = length(x); xx = x.*x; yy = y.*y; xy = x.*y; A = [ sum(x), sum(y), n; sum(xy), sum(yy), sum(y); sum(xx), sum(xy), sum(x) ]; B = [ -sum(xx+yy); -sum(xx.*y+yy.*y); -sum(xx.*x+xy.*y) ]; a = AB; xc = -.5*a(1); yc = -.5*a(2); R = sqrt((a(1)^2+a(2)^2)/4-a(3)); end