• js 面向对象编程

      1  function Products(){
      2     this.filters = [];
      3     this.data = [];
      4     this.myFilters=[];
      5     this.pageSize =15;
      6     this.pageNO = 1;
      7     this.totalPage=0;
      8  }
      9  Products.prototype.updateProducts = function(productList,isLoadMore){
     10     let htmlStr = '';
     11     for(let i=0;i<productList.length;i++){
     12         let product = productList[i];
     13         product.url = `/plus/view.php?aid=${product.id}`;
     14         htmlStr += `<div class="cbp-item theme-portfolio-item-v2">
     15             <div class="cbp-caption">
     16                 <a href="${product.url}" style="position: absolute; z-index:9;100%;height:100%;display: block"></a>
     17                 <div class="cbp-caption-defaultWrap theme-portfolio-active-wrap">
     18                     <img src="${product.litpic}" alt="${product.title}">
     19                 </div>
     20             </div>
     21             <div class="theme-portfolio-title-heading">
     22                 <h4 class="theme-portfolio-title" style="font-size: 14px;"><a href="${product.url}">${product.title}</a></h4>
     23                 <span class="theme-portfolio-subtitle"></span>
     24             </div>
     25         </div>`
     26     }
     27     if(isLoadMore){
     28         $("#portfolio-3-col-grid").cubeportfolio('appendItems',htmlStr,function(){
     29             products.checkDataIsEmpty();
     30         });
     31     }else{
     32         $("#portfolio-3-col-grid").cubeportfolio('destroy',function(){
     33             $("#portfolio-3-col-grid").html("");
     34             Portfolio.init();
     35             $("#portfolio-3-col-grid").on('initComplete.cbp',function(){
     36                 $("#portfolio-3-col-grid").cubeportfolio('appendItems',htmlStr,function(){
     37                     products.checkDataIsEmpty();
     38                 });
     39             });
     40             jQuery("#grid-container").off('initComplete.cbp');
     41         });
     42     }
     43  }
     44  Products.prototype.checkDataIsEmpty = function(){
     45     let that = this;
     46     if(that.totalPage <= that.pageNO){
     47         $("#loadMoreData").html("暂无更多数据")
     48     }else{
     49         $("#loadMoreData").html(`<button type="button" id="products-loadMore" class="button-load-more">加载更多</button>`);
     50         $(document).on("click","#products-loadMore",function(){
     51             that.getProductList(that.pageNO +1,true)
     52         });
     53     }
     54  }
     55  Products.prototype.getProductList = function(pageIndex,isLoadMore){
     56     let that = this;
     57     if(!pageIndex){
     58         that.totalPage = 0
     59     }
     60     if(that.totalPage&&that.totalPage <= that.pageNO){
     61         $("#loadMoreData").html("暂无更多数据");
     62         return
     63     }
     64     $("#loadMoreData").html("数据加载中...")
     65     let navId = $("#nav-id").val();
     66     let minPrice = $("#minPrice").val();
     67     let maxPrice = $("#maxPrice").val();
     68     let obj ={};
     69     for(let i=0;i<that.myFilters.length;i++){
     70        let item = that.myFilters[i];
     71        if(!obj[item.field]){
     72         obj[item.field]="";
     73        };
     74        obj[item.field] += (obj[item.field]? ",":"=") + item.name;
     75     }
     76     let dataStr =""
     77     for(let key in obj){
     78         console.log(key);
     79         dataStr += '&' + key + obj[key];
     80     }
     81     this.pageNO = pageIndex?pageIndex:1;
     82     let data = `action=list&tid=${navId}&pageSize=${this.pageSize}&pageNO=${this.pageNO}&check_price_min=${minPrice}&check_price_max=${maxPrice}${dataStr}`;
     83     // console.log(data);
     84     let options = {
     85         url: '/plus/goods.php',
     86         type: 'GET',
     87         dataType: 'json',
     88         data: data,
     89         success: function (data) {
     90             if(data.status){
     91                 that.totalPage = data.data.totalPage;
     92                 that.pageNO = Number(data.data.pageNO);
     93                 that.updateProducts(data.data.list,isLoadMore);
     94             }else{
     95                 notice.updateNotice("notice-error",`获取商品列表失败:${data.message}`);
     96                 console.error(`获取商品列表失败:${data.message}`);
     97             }
     98         },
     99         error:function(xhr){
    100             notice.updateNotice("notice-error",`操作发生错误:${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`);
    101             console.error(`操作发生错误:${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`);
    102         }
    103     };
    104     $.ajax(options);
    105  }
    106  Products.prototype.deleteMyFilter = function (filterId,item){
    107     let index = products.myFilters.indexOf(item);
    108     products.myFilters.splice(index,1);
    109     $(`#filter_${item.name}`).remove();
    110     item.checked = false;
    111     document.getElementById(`filter_${filterId}_${item.id}`).checked = false;
    112     //更新产品列表
    113     products.getProductList();
    114 },
    115  Products.prototype.updateMyFilter = function (filterId,item){
    116     if(item.checked){
    117         item.field = filterId,
    118         this.myFilters.unshift(item);
    119         $("#myFilters").prepend(`<p class="select-val" id="filter_${item.name}">
    120             <span>${item.name}</span>
    121             <span class="filter-del-btn"> x </span>
    122             </p>`);
    123          // 动态添加事件
    124         $(document).on('click', `#filter_${item.name} .filter-del-btn`, function(event){
    125             products.deleteMyFilter(filterId,item);
    126         });
    127     }else{
    128         this.deleteMyFilter(filterId,item);
    129     }
    130  }
    131  Products.prototype.updateFilter = function(){
    132     let $filter = $("#product-filter");
    133     for(let i=0;i<this.filters.length;i++){
    134         let filter = this.filters[i];
    135         $filter.append(`<p class="selected-catalog-item">${filter.name}</p>`);
    136         if(filter.field == "check_price"){//价格范围
    137             $filter.append(`<div class="input-group input-group-addon check_price" id="check_price">
    138             <input type="text" value="" id="minPrice" placeholder="最低价" class="border-1 input-sm">
    139             <span>-</span>
    140             <input type="text" value="" id="maxPrice" placeholder="最高价" class="border-1 input-sm">
    141             <button type="button" class="btn-base">确定</button>
    142         </div>`);
    143         $(document).on("click","#check_price button.btn-base",function(){
    144             products.getProductList();
    145         })
    146         }else{//多选
    147             for(let i=0;i<filter.items.length;i++){
    148                 let item = filter.items[i];
    149                 $filter.append(`<p class="pro_filter_item">
    150                     <label for="filter_${filter.id}_${item.id}">
    151                         <span class="filterName">${item.name}</span>
    152                         <span>
    153                             <input id="filter_${filter.id}_${item.id}" name="filterItem" type="checkbox" value="${item.name}"/>
    154                         </span>
    155                     </label>
    156                 </p>`);
    157                 // 动态添加事件
    158                 $(document).on('change', `#filter_${filter.id}_${item.id}`, function(event){
    159                     item.checked=event.target.checked;
    160                     products.updateMyFilter(filter.id,item);
    161                     //更新产品列表
    162                     products.getProductList();
    163                 });
    164             }
    165         }
    166     }
    167  }
    168  Products.prototype.getFilter = function(){
    169     let that = this;
    170     let options = {
    171         url: '/plus/goods.php?action=category',
    172         type: 'GET',
    173         dataType: 'json',
    174         data: '',
    175         success: function (data) {
    176         if(data.status){
    177             that.filters = data.data.map(function(item,i){
    178                 item.id = item.field;
    179                 if(item.value) {
    180                     item.items = [];
    181                     for(let k = 0; k< item.value.length;k++){
    182                         item.items.push({
    183                             id:k+1,
    184                             name:item.value[k],
    185                             checked:false
    186                         })
    187                     }
    188                 }
    189                 return item;
    190             });
    191             that.updateFilter()
    192             // that.filters = [{
    193             //     id:1,
    194             //     name:'系列',
    195             //     items:[ 
    196             //         {id:1,name:'亮片系列',checked:false},
    197             //         {id:2,name:'编织系列',checked:false},
    198             //         {id:3,name:'格纹系列',checked:false},
    199             //         {id:4,name:'水晶系列',checked:false},
    200             //         {id:5,name:'丝绒系列',checked:false},
    201             //         {id:6,name:'印花系列',checked:false},
    202             //         {id:7,name:'珠绣系列',checked:false},
    203             //         {id:8,name:'星耀系列',checked:false}
    204             //     ]
    205             // }]
    206         }else{
    207             notice.updateNotice("notice-error",`获取筛选项目失败:${data.message}`);
    208             console.error(`获取筛选项目失败:${data.message}`);
    209         }
    210         },
    211         error:function(xhr){
    212             notice.updateNotice("notice-error",`操作发生错误:${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`);
    213             console.error(`操作发生错误:${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`);
    214         }
    215     };
    216     $.ajax(options);
    217  }
    218  let products = new Products();
    219  $(document).ready(function() {
    220      products.getFilter();
    221      products.getProductList();
    222      $("#filter-btn").on("click",function(){
    223          $("#portfolio-3-col-grid-filter").css({
    224             "right": 0
    225          });
    226      });
    227      $(".finish-filter-btn").on("click",function(){
    228          $("#portfolio-3-col-grid-filter").css({
    229             "right": "-999px"
    230          });
    231      });
    232  })
     1 <div id="portfolio-3-col-grid-filter" class="col-md-2 col-md-offset-1 cbp-l-filters-alignCenter pro-filter-wrapper">
     2         <input type="hidden" id="nav-id" value="id">
     3     <div class="finish-filter-btn" style="display: none;"> 返回 </div>
     4     <p class="selected-title">您的选择 <span class="finish-filter-btn sure visible-xs">确定</span> </p>
     5     <div id="myFilters">
     6     </div>
     7     <p class="selected-title">筛选条件</p>
     8     <div id="product-filter">
     9     </div>
    10 </div>
    11 <div class="filter-btn" style="display: none;" id="filter-btn">筛选 <span>
    12     <svg t="1573987416432" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1031 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="65858" width="30" height="30"><path d="M544.24 870.052a24.08 24.08 0 0 1-24.053-24.054V434.555c0-5.755 2.063-11.32 5.816-15.678l182.513-212.265H213.545l167.578 213.074a24.151 24.151 0 0 1 5.145 14.869v245.637l72.458 72.453a23.849 23.849 0 0 1 6.887 17.024 23.916 23.916 0 0 1-7.173 16.958c-4.532 4.464-10.527 6.922-16.881 6.922s-12.355-2.453-16.88-6.922l-79.463-79.468a23.92 23.92 0 0 1-7.045-17.014V442.88L145.126 197.422a24.08 24.08 0 0 1 4.025-33.777 24.151 24.151 0 0 1 14.868-5.145h596.885a23.884 23.884 0 0 1 17.003 7.05 23.875 23.875 0 0 1 7.04 17.014 24.054 24.054 0 0 1-5.811 15.672L568.284 443.47v402.524a24.074 24.074 0 0 1-24.043 24.059z" fill="#2c2c2c" p-id="65859"></path><path d="M660.951 805.99a23.885 23.885 0 0 1-16.998-7.055 23.905 23.905 0 0 1-7.03-17.019 24.084 24.084 0 0 1 24.033-24.033h186.117a24.084 24.084 0 0 1 24.028 24.074 24.084 24.084 0 0 1-24.033 24.033h0.005-186.122z m0-150.553a24.074 24.074 0 0 1-24.028-24.07 24.09 24.09 0 0 1 24.033-24.038h186.117a24.084 24.084 0 0 1 24.028 24.075 24.09 24.09 0 0 1-24.033 24.033h0.005-186.122z m0-148.823c-13.184-0.17-23.839-11.095-23.67-24.356a23.9 23.9 0 0 1 23.747-23.747h186.045c13.261 0 24.049 10.788 24.049 24.054s-10.788 24.054-24.049 24.054H660.951z" fill="#2c2c2c" p-id="65860"></path></svg>
    13 </span>
    14 </div>
     1 /* 商品筛选 */
     2 .pro-filter-wrapper{
     3   text-align:left;
     4 }
     5 .pro-filter-wrapper .selected-title{
     6   font-size: 20px;
     7   padding-top: 16px;
     8   color: #727272;
     9   margin-bottom: 15px;
    10 }
    11 .pro-filter-wrapper .select-val{
    12   font-size:14px;
    13   padding: 5px;
    14   color:#000;
    15   display: flex;
    16   align-items: center;
    17   cursor: pointer;
    18   justify-content: space-between;
    19   margin-bottom: 0px;
    20 }
    21 .pro-filter-wrapper .select-val span.filter-del-btn{
    22   display: inline-block;
    23   width:20px;
    24   height: 20px;
    25   text-align: center;
    26   line-height: 17px;
    27 }
    28 .pro-filter-wrapper #myFilters{
    29   border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
    30 }
    31 .pro-filter-wrapper .selected-catalog-item{
    32   font-size:18px;
    33   padding: 5px 0px;
    34   border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
    35   color: #000;
    36   font-weight: bold;
    37   clear: both;
    38 }
    39 .pro-filter-wrapper .pro_filter_item label{
    40   display: flex;
    41   align-items: center;
    42   cursor: pointer;
    43   justify-content: space-between;
    44 }
    45 .pro-filter-wrapper .pro_filter_item label span.filterName{
    46   color: #666;
    47   font-size: 15px;
    48   padding-left: 10px;
    49   font-weight: normal;
    50 }
    51 .pro-filter-wrapper .pro_filter_item input[type="checkbox"] {
    52   -moz-appearance: none;
    53   -webkit-appearance: none;
    54   appearance: none;
    55   border: 1px solid #b8b7b6;
    56   cursor: pointer;
    57   margin: 0;
    58   position: relative;
    59   vertical-align: middle;
    60   height: 22px;
    61   width: 22px;
    62 }
    63 .pro-filter-wrapper .pro_filter_item input[type='checkbox']:checked::after {
    64   background: url(/moke8/img/right.svg) no-repeat center;
    65   background-size: contain;
    66   content: '';
    67   left: 25%;
    68   height: 50%;
    69   position: absolute;
    70   top: 25%;
    71   width: 50%;
    72 }

    js 面向对象编程 - 商品筛选

  • 相关阅读:
    centos8安装 rabbitmq
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kitty-blog/p/11947360.html
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