• 表白网源码



      1 body {
      2     margin: 0;
      3     padding: 0;
      4     background: #ffe;
      5     font-size: 12px;
      6     overflow: auto
      7 }
      9 #mainDiv {
     10     width: 100%;
     11     height: 100%
     12 }
     14 #loveHeart {
     15     float: left;
     16     width: 670px;
     17     height: 625px
     18 }
     20 #garden {
     21     width: 100%;
     22     height: 100%
     23 }
     25 #elapseClock {
     26     text-align: right;
     27     font-size: 18px;
     28     margin-top: 10px;
     29     margin-bottom: 10px
     30 }
     32 #words {
     33     font-family: "sans-serif";
     34     width: 505px;
     35     font-size: 24px;
     36     color: #666
     37 }
     39 #messages {
     40     display: none
     41 }
     43 #elapseClock .digit {
     44     font-family: "digit";
     45     font-size: 36px
     46 }
     48 #loveu {
     49     padding: 5px;
     50     font-size: 22px;
     51     margin-top: 80px;
     52     margin-right: 120px;
     53     text-align: right;
     54     display: none
     55 }
     57 #loveu .signature {
     58     margin-top: 10px;
     59     font-size: 20px;
     60     font-style: italic
     61 }
     63 #code {
     64     float: left;
     65     width: 440px;
     66     height: 400px;
     67     color: #333;
     68     font-family: "Consolas", "Monaco", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", "sans-serif";
     69     font-size: 12px
     70 }
     72 #code .string {
     73     color: #2a36ff
     74 }
     76 #code .keyword {
     77     color: #7f0055;
     78     font-weight: bold
     79 }
     81 #code .placeholder {
     82     margin-left: 15px
     83 }
     85 #code .space {
     86     margin-left: 23px
     87 }
     89 #code .comments {
     90     color: palevioletred
     91 }
     93 #copyright {
     94     margin-top: 10px;
     95     text-align: center;
     96     width: 100%;
     97     color: #666
     98 }
    100 #errorMsg {
    101     width: 100%;
    102     text-align: center;
    103     font-size: 24px;
    104     position: absolute;
    105     top: 100px;
    106     left: 0
    107 }
    109 #copyright a {
    110     color: #666
    111 }


    1 var $window = $(window), gardenCtx, gardenCanvas, $garden, garden; var clientWidth = $(window).width(); var clientHeight = $(window).height(); $(function () { $loveHeart = $("#loveHeart"); var a = $loveHeart.width() / 2; var b = $loveHeart.height() / 2 - 55; $garden = $("#garden"); gardenCanvas = $garden[0]; gardenCanvas.width = $("#loveHeart").width(); gardenCanvas.height = $("#loveHeart").height(); gardenCtx = gardenCanvas.getContext("2d"); gardenCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; garden = new Garden(gardenCtx, gardenCanvas); $("#content").css("width", $loveHeart.width() + $("#code").width()); $("#content").css("height", Math.max($loveHeart.height(), $("#code").height())); $("#content").css("margin-top", Math.max(($window.height() - $("#content").height()) / 2, 10)); $("#content").css("margin-left", Math.max(($window.width() - $("#content").width()) / 2, 10)); setInterval(function () { garden.render() }, Garden.options.growSpeed) }); $(window).resize(function () { var b = $(window).width(); var a = $(window).height(); if (b != clientWidth && a != clientHeight) { location.replace(location) } }); function getHeartPoint(c) { var b = c / Math.PI; var a = 19.5 * (16 * Math.pow(Math.sin(b), 3)); var d = -20 * (13 * Math.cos(b) - 5 * Math.cos(2 * b) - 2 * Math.cos(3 * b) - Math.cos(4 * b)); return new Array(offsetX + a, offsetY + d) } function startHeartAnimation() { var c = 50; var d = 10; var b = new Array(); var a = setInterval(function () { var h = getHeartPoint(d); var e = true; for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) { var g = b[f]; var j = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(g[0] - h[0], 2) + Math.pow(g[1] - h[1], 2)); if (j < Garden.options.bloomRadius.max * 1.3) { e = false; break } } if (e) { b.push(h); garden.createRandomBloom(h[0], h[1]) } if (d >= 30) { clearInterval(a); showMessages() } else { d += 0.2 } }, c) } (function (a) { a.fn.typewriter = function () { this.each(function () { var d = a(this), c = d.html(), b = 0; d.html(""); var e = setInterval(function () { var f = c.substr(b, 1); if (f == "<") { b = c.indexOf(">", b) + 1 } else { b++ } d.html(c.substring(0, b) + (b & 1 ? "_" : "")); if (b >= c.length) { clearInterval(e) } }, 75) }); return this } })(jQuery); function timeElapse(c) { var e = Date(); var f = (Date.parse(e) - Date.parse(c)) / 1000; var g = Math.floor(f / (3600 * 24)); f = f % (3600 * 24); var b = Math.floor(f / 3600); if (b < 10) { b = "0" + b } f = f % 3600; var d = Math.floor(f / 60); if (d < 10) { d = "0" + d } f = f % 60; if (f < 10) { f = "0" + f } var a = '<span class="digit">' + g + '</span> days <span class="digit">' + b + '</span> hours <span class="digit">' + d + '</span> minutes <span class="digit">' + f + "</span> seconds"; $("#elapseClock").html(a) } function showMessages() { $("#messages").fadeIn(5000, function () { showLoveU() }) } function adjustWordsPosition() { $("#words").css("position", "absolute"); $("#words").css("top", $("#garden").position().top + 195); $("#words").css("left", $("#garden").position().left + 70) } function adjustCodePosition() { $("#code").css("margin-top", ($("#garden").height() - $("#code").height()) / 2) } function showLoveU() { $("#loveu").fadeIn(3000) };


    1 function Vector(a, b) { this.x = a; this.y = b } Vector.prototype = { rotate: function (b) { var a = this.x; var c = this.y; this.x = Math.cos(b) * a - Math.sin(b) * c; this.y = Math.sin(b) * a + Math.cos(b) * c; return this }, mult: function (a) { this.x *= a; this.y *= a; return this }, clone: function () { return new Vector(this.x, this.y) }, length: function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) }, subtract: function (a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; return this }, set: function (a, b) { this.x = a; this.y = b; return this } }; function Petal(a, f, b, e, c, d) { this.stretchA = a; this.stretchB = f; this.startAngle = b; this.angle = e; this.bloom = d; this.growFactor = c; this.r = 1; this.isfinished = false } Petal.prototype = { draw: function () { var a = this.bloom.garden.ctx; var e, d, c, b; e = new Vector(0, this.r).rotate(Garden.degrad(this.startAngle)); d = e.clone().rotate(Garden.degrad(this.angle)); c = e.clone().mult(this.stretchA); b = d.clone().mult(this.stretchB); a.strokeStyle = this.bloom.c; a.beginPath(); a.moveTo(e.x, e.y); a.bezierCurveTo(c.x, c.y, b.x, b.y, d.x, d.y); a.stroke() }, render: function () { if (this.r <= this.bloom.r) { this.r += this.growFactor; this.draw() } else { this.isfinished = true } } }; function Bloom(e, d, f, a, b) { this.p = e; this.r = d; this.c = f; this.pc = a; this.petals = []; this.garden = b; this.init(); this.garden.addBloom(this) } Bloom.prototype = { draw: function () { var c, b = true; this.garden.ctx.save(); this.garden.ctx.translate(this.p.x, this.p.y); for (var a = 0; a < this.petals.length; a++) { c = this.petals[a]; c.render(); b *= c.isfinished } this.garden.ctx.restore(); if (b == true) { this.garden.removeBloom(this) } }, init: function () { var c = 360 / this.pc; var b = Garden.randomInt(0, 90); for (var a = 0; a < this.pc; a++) { this.petals.push(new Petal(Garden.random(Garden.options.petalStretch.min, Garden.options.petalStretch.max), Garden.random(Garden.options.petalStretch.min, Garden.options.petalStretch.max), b + a * c, c, Garden.random(Garden.options.growFactor.min, Garden.options.growFactor.max), this)) } } }; function Garden(a, b) { this.blooms = []; this.element = b; this.ctx = a } Garden.prototype = { render: function () { for (var a = 0; a < this.blooms.length; a++) { this.blooms[a].draw() } }, addBloom: function (a) { this.blooms.push(a) }, removeBloom: function (a) { var d; for (var c = 0; c < this.blooms.length; c++) { d = this.blooms[c]; if (d === a) { this.blooms.splice(c, 1); return this } } }, createRandomBloom: function (a, b) { this.createBloom(a, b, Garden.randomInt(Garden.options.bloomRadius.min, Garden.options.bloomRadius.max), Garden.randomrgba(Garden.options.color.rmin, Garden.options.color.rmax, Garden.options.color.gmin, Garden.options.color.gmax, Garden.options.color.bmin, Garden.options.color.bmax, Garden.options.color.opacity), Garden.randomInt(Garden.options.petalCount.min, Garden.options.petalCount.max)) }, createBloom: function (a, f, d, e, b) { new Bloom(new Vector(a, f), d, e, b, this) }, clear: function () { this.blooms = []; this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.element.width, this.element.height) } }; Garden.options = { petalCount: { min: 8, max: 15 }, petalStretch: { min: 0.1, max: 3 }, growFactor: { min: 0.1, max: 1 }, bloomRadius: { min: 8, max: 10 }, density: 10, growSpeed: 1000 / 60, color: { rmin: 128, rmax: 255, gmin: 0, gmax: 128, bmin: 0, bmax: 128, opacity: 0.1 }, tanAngle: 60 }; Garden.random = function (b, a) { return Math.random() * (a - b) + b }; Garden.randomInt = function (b, a) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (a - b + 1)) + b }; Garden.circle = 2 * Math.PI; Garden.degrad = function (a) { return Garden.circle / 360 * a }; Garden.raddeg = function (a) { return a / Garden.circle * 360 }; Garden.rgba = function (f, e, c, d) { return "rgba(" + f + "," + e + "," + c + "," + d + ")" }; Garden.randomrgba = function (i, n, h, m, l, d, k) { var c = Math.round(Garden.random(i, n)); var f = Math.round(Garden.random(h, m)); var j = Math.round(Garden.random(l, d)); var e = 5; if (Math.abs(c - f) <= e && Math.abs(f - j) <= e && Math.abs(j - c) <= e) { return Garden.rgba(i, n, h, m, l, d, k) } else { return Garden.rgba(c, f, j, k) } };


     * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2
     * http://jquery.com/
     * Copyright 2010, John Resig
     * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
     * http://jquery.org/license
     * Includes Sizzle.js
     * http://sizzlejs.com/
     * Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
     * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
     * Date: Sat Feb 13 22:33:48 2010 -0500
    (function (A, w) {
        function ma() { if (!c.isReady) { try { s.documentElement.doScroll("left") } catch (a) { setTimeout(ma, 1); return } c.ready() } } function Qa(a, b) { b.src ? c.ajax({ url: b.src, async: false, dataType: "script" }) : c.globalEval(b.text || b.textContent || b.innerHTML || ""); b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b) } function X(a, b, d, f, e, j) {
            var i = a.length; if (typeof b === "object") { for (var o in b) X(a, o, b[o], f, e, d); return a } if (d !== w) { f = !j && f && c.isFunction(d); for (o = 0; o < i; o++)e(a[o], b, f ? d.call(a[o], o, e(a[o], b)) : d, j); return a } return i ?
                e(a[0], b) : w
        } function J() { return (new Date).getTime() } function Y() { return false } function Z() { return true } function na(a, b, d) { d[0].type = a; return c.event.handle.apply(b, d) } function oa(a) {
            var b, d = [], f = [], e = arguments, j, i, o, k, n, r; i = c.data(this, "events"); if (!(a.liveFired === this || !i || !i.live || a.button && a.type === "click")) {
            a.liveFired = this; var u = i.live.slice(0); for (k = 0; k < u.length; k++) { i = u[k]; i.origType.replace(O, "") === a.type ? f.push(i.selector) : u.splice(k--, 1) } j = c(a.target).closest(f, a.currentTarget); n = 0; for (r =
                j.length; n < r; n++)for (k = 0; k < u.length; k++) { i = u[k]; if (j[n].selector === i.selector) { o = j[n].elem; f = null; if (i.preType === "mouseenter" || i.preType === "mouseleave") f = c(a.relatedTarget).closest(i.selector)[0]; if (!f || f !== o) d.push({ elem: o, handleObj: i }) } } n = 0; for (r = d.length; n < r; n++) { j = d[n]; a.currentTarget = j.elem; a.data = j.handleObj.data; a.handleObj = j.handleObj; if (j.handleObj.origHandler.apply(j.elem, e) === false) { b = false; break } } return b
        } function pa(a, b) {
            return "live." + (a && a !== "*" ? a + "." : "") + b.replace(/./g, "`").replace(/ /g,
        } function qa(a) { return !a || !a.parentNode || a.parentNode.nodeType === 11 } function ra(a, b) { var d = 0; b.each(function () { if (this.nodeName === (a[d] && a[d].nodeName)) { var f = c.data(a[d++]), e = c.data(this, f); if (f = f && f.events) { delete e.handle; e.events = {}; for (var j in f) for (var i in f[j]) c.event.add(this, j, f[j][i], f[j][i].data) } } }) } function sa(a, b, d) {
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                e =
                true; if (j = c.fragments[a[0]]) if (j !== 1) f = j
            } if (!f) { f = b.createDocumentFragment(); c.clean(a, b, f, d) } if (e) c.fragments[a[0]] = j ? f : 1; return { fragment: f, cacheable: e }
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            Wa = /^(s|u00A0)+|(s|u00A0)+$/g, Xa = /^<(w+)s*/?>(?:</1>)?$/, P = navigator.userAgent, xa = false, Q = [], L, $ = Object.prototype.toString, aa = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ba = Array.prototype.push, R = Array.prototype.slice, ya = Array.prototype.indexOf; c.fn = c.prototype = {
                init: function (a, b) {
                    var d, f; if (!a) return this; if (a.nodeType) { this.context = this[0] = a; this.length = 1; return this } if (a === "body" && !b) { this.context = s; this[0] = s.body; this.selector = "body"; this.length = 1; return this } if (typeof a === "string") if ((d = Ta.exec(a)) &&
                        (d[1] || !b)) if (d[1]) { f = b ? b.ownerDocument || b : s; if (a = Xa.exec(a)) if (c.isPlainObject(b)) { a = [s.createElement(a[1])]; c.fn.attr.call(a, b, true) } else a = [f.createElement(a[1])]; else { a = sa([d[1]], [f]); a = (a.cacheable ? a.fragment.cloneNode(true) : a.fragment).childNodes } return c.merge(this, a) } else { if (b = s.getElementById(d[2])) { if (b.id !== d[2]) return T.find(a); this.length = 1; this[0] = b } this.context = s; this.selector = a; return this } else if (!b && /^w+$/.test(a)) {
                        this.selector = a; this.context = s; a = s.getElementsByTagName(a); return c.merge(this,
                        } else return !b || b.jquery ? (b || T).find(a) : c(b).find(a); else if (c.isFunction(a)) return T.ready(a); if (a.selector !== w) { this.selector = a.selector; this.context = a.context } return c.makeArray(a, this)
                }, selector: "", jquery: "1.4.2", length: 0, size: function () { return this.length }, toArray: function () { return R.call(this, 0) }, get: function (a) { return a == null ? this.toArray() : a < 0 ? this.slice(a)[0] : this[a] }, pushStack: function (a, b, d) {
                    var f = c(); c.isArray(a) ? ba.apply(f, a) : c.merge(f, a); f.prevObject = this; f.context = this.context; if (b ===
                        "find") f.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + d; else if (b) f.selector = this.selector + "." + b + "(" + d + ")"; return f
                }, each: function (a, b) { return c.each(this, a, b) }, ready: function (a) { c.bindReady(); if (c.isReady) a.call(s, c); else Q && Q.push(a); return this }, eq: function (a) { return a === -1 ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, +a + 1) }, first: function () { return this.eq(0) }, last: function () { return this.eq(-1) }, slice: function () { return this.pushStack(R.apply(this, arguments), "slice", R.call(arguments).join(",")) }, map: function (a) {
                    return this.pushStack(c.map(this,
                        function (b, d) { return a.call(b, d, b) }))
                }, end: function () { return this.prevObject || c(null) }, push: ba, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice
            }; c.fn.init.prototype = c.fn; c.extend = c.fn.extend = function () {
                var a = arguments[0] || {}, b = 1, d = arguments.length, f = false, e, j, i, o; if (typeof a === "boolean") { f = a; a = arguments[1] || {}; b = 2 } if (typeof a !== "object" && !c.isFunction(a)) a = {}; if (d === b) { a = this; --b } for (; b < d; b++)if ((e = arguments[b]) != null) for (j in e) {
                    i = a[j]; o = e[j]; if (a !== o) if (f && o && (c.isPlainObject(o) || c.isArray(o))) {
                        i = i && (c.isPlainObject(i) ||
                            c.isArray(i)) ? i : c.isArray(o) ? [] : {}; a[j] = c.extend(f, i, o)
                    } else if (o !== w) a[j] = o
                } return a
            }; c.extend({
                noConflict: function (a) { A.$ = Sa; if (a) A.jQuery = Ra; return c }, isReady: false, ready: function () { if (!c.isReady) { if (!s.body) return setTimeout(c.ready, 13); c.isReady = true; if (Q) { for (var a, b = 0; a = Q[b++];)a.call(s, c); Q = null } c.fn.triggerHandler && c(s).triggerHandler("ready") } }, bindReady: function () {
                    if (!xa) {
                        xa = true; if (s.readyState === "complete") return c.ready(); if (s.addEventListener) {
                                L, false); A.addEventListener("load", c.ready, false)
                        } else if (s.attachEvent) { s.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", L); A.attachEvent("onload", c.ready); var a = false; try { a = A.frameElement == null } catch (b) { } s.documentElement.doScroll && a && ma() }
                }, isFunction: function (a) { return $.call(a) === "[object Function]" }, isArray: function (a) { return $.call(a) === "[object Array]" }, isPlainObject: function (a) {
                    if (!a || $.call(a) !== "[object Object]" || a.nodeType || a.setInterval) return false; if (a.constructor && !aa.call(a, "constructor") && !aa.call(a.constructor.prototype,
                        "isPrototypeOf")) return false; var b; for (b in a); return b === w || aa.call(a, b)
                }, isEmptyObject: function (a) { for (var b in a) return false; return true }, error: function (a) { throw a; }, parseJSON: function (a) {
                    if (typeof a !== "string" || !a) return null; a = c.trim(a); if (/^[],:{}s]*$/.test(a.replace(/\(?:["\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\
    ]*"|true|false|null|-?d+(?:.d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:s*[)+/g, ""))) return A.JSON && A.JSON.parse ? A.JSON.parse(a) : (new Function("return " +
                        a))(); else c.error("Invalid JSON: " + a)
                }, noop: function () { }, globalEval: function (a) { if (a && Va.test(a)) { var b = s.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || s.documentElement, d = s.createElement("script"); d.type = "text/javascript"; if (c.support.scriptEval) d.appendChild(s.createTextNode(a)); else d.text = a; b.insertBefore(d, b.firstChild); b.removeChild(d) } }, nodeName: function (a, b) { return a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toUpperCase() === b.toUpperCase() }, each: function (a, b, d) {
                    var f, e = 0, j = a.length, i = j === w || c.isFunction(a); if (d) if (i) for (f in a) {
                        if (b.apply(a[f],
                            d) === false) break
                    } else for (; e < j;) { if (b.apply(a[e++], d) === false) break } else if (i) for (f in a) { if (b.call(a[f], f, a[f]) === false) break } else for (d = a[0]; e < j && b.call(d, e, d) !== false; d = a[++e]); return a
                }, trim: function (a) { return (a || "").replace(Wa, "") }, makeArray: function (a, b) { b = b || []; if (a != null) a.length == null || typeof a === "string" || c.isFunction(a) || typeof a !== "function" && a.setInterval ? ba.call(b, a) : c.merge(b, a); return b }, inArray: function (a, b) {
                    if (b.indexOf) return b.indexOf(a); for (var d = 0, f = b.length; d < f; d++)if (b[d] ===
                        a) return d; return -1
                }, merge: function (a, b) { var d = a.length, f = 0; if (typeof b.length === "number") for (var e = b.length; f < e; f++)a[d++] = b[f]; else for (; b[f] !== w;)a[d++] = b[f++]; a.length = d; return a }, grep: function (a, b, d) { for (var f = [], e = 0, j = a.length; e < j; e++)!d !== !b(a[e], e) && f.push(a[e]); return f }, map: function (a, b, d) { for (var f = [], e, j = 0, i = a.length; j < i; j++) { e = b(a[j], j, d); if (e != null) f[f.length] = e } return f.concat.apply([], f) }, guid: 1, proxy: function (a, b, d) {
                    if (arguments.length === 2) if (typeof b === "string") { d = a; a = d[b]; b = w } else if (b &&
                        !c.isFunction(b)) { d = b; b = w } if (!b && a) b = function () { return a.apply(d || this, arguments) }; if (a) b.guid = a.guid = a.guid || b.guid || c.guid++; return b
                }, uaMatch: function (a) { a = a.toLowerCase(); a = /(webkit)[ /]([w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ /]([w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(msie) ([w.]+)/.exec(a) || !/compatible/.test(a) && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([w.]+))?/.exec(a) || []; return { browser: a[1] || "", version: a[2] || "0" } }, browser: {}
            }); P = c.uaMatch(P); if (P.browser) { c.browser[P.browser] = true; c.browser.version = P.version } if (c.browser.webkit) c.browser.safari =
                true; if (ya) c.inArray = function (a, b) { return ya.call(b, a) }; T = c(s); if (s.addEventListener) L = function () { s.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", L, false); c.ready() }; else if (s.attachEvent) L = function () { if (s.readyState === "complete") { s.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", L); c.ready() } }; (function () {
                c.support = {}; var a = s.documentElement, b = s.createElement("script"), d = s.createElement("div"), f = "script" + J(); d.style.display = "none"; d.innerHTML = "   <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='color:red;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
                    var e = d.getElementsByTagName("*"), j = d.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; if (!(!e || !e.length || !j)) {
                    c.support = {
                        leadingWhitespace: d.firstChild.nodeType === 3, tbody: !d.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length, htmlSerialize: !!d.getElementsByTagName("link").length, style: /red/.test(j.getAttribute("style")), hrefNormalized: j.getAttribute("href") === "/a", opacity: /^0.55$/.test(j.style.opacity), cssFloat: !!j.style.cssFloat, checkOn: d.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value === "on", optSelected: s.createElement("select").appendChild(s.createElement("option")).selected,
                        parentNode: d.removeChild(d.appendChild(s.createElement("div"))).parentNode === null, deleteExpando: true, checkClone: false, scriptEval: false, noCloneEvent: true, boxModel: null
                    }; b.type = "text/javascript"; try { b.appendChild(s.createTextNode("window." + f + "=1;")) } catch (i) { } a.insertBefore(b, a.firstChild); if (A[f]) { c.support.scriptEval = true; delete A[f] } try { delete b.test } catch (o) { c.support.deleteExpando = false } a.removeChild(b); if (d.attachEvent && d.fireEvent) {
                        d.attachEvent("onclick", function k() {
                            c.support.noCloneEvent =
                            false; d.detachEvent("onclick", k)
                        }); d.cloneNode(true).fireEvent("onclick")
                    } d = s.createElement("div"); d.innerHTML = "<input type='radio' name='radiotest' checked='checked'/>"; a = s.createDocumentFragment(); a.appendChild(d.firstChild); c.support.checkClone = a.cloneNode(true).cloneNode(true).lastChild.checked; c(function () { var k = s.createElement("div"); k.style.width = k.style.paddingLeft = "1px"; s.body.appendChild(k); c.boxModel = c.support.boxModel = k.offsetWidth === 2; s.body.removeChild(k).style.display = "none" }); a = function (k) {
                        var n =
                            s.createElement("div"); k = "on" + k; var r = k in n; if (!r) { n.setAttribute(k, "return;"); r = typeof n[k] === "function" } return r
                    }; c.support.submitBubbles = a("submit"); c.support.changeBubbles = a("change"); a = b = d = e = j = null
                })(); c.props = { "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", readonly: "readOnly", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", rowspan: "rowSpan", colspan: "colSpan", tabindex: "tabIndex", usemap: "useMap", frameborder: "frameBorder" }; var G = "jQuery" + J(), Ya = 0, za = {}; c.extend({
                    cache: {}, expando: G, noData: {
                        embed: true, object: true,
                        applet: true
                    }, data: function (a, b, d) { if (!(a.nodeName && c.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()])) { a = a == A ? za : a; var f = a[G], e = c.cache; if (!f && typeof b === "string" && d === w) return null; f || (f = ++Ya); if (typeof b === "object") { a[G] = f; e[f] = c.extend(true, {}, b) } else if (!e[f]) { a[G] = f; e[f] = {} } a = e[f]; if (d !== w) a[b] = d; return typeof b === "string" ? a[b] : a } }, removeData: function (a, b) {
                        if (!(a.nodeName && c.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()])) {
                            a = a == A ? za : a; var d = a[G], f = c.cache, e = f[d]; if (b) { if (e) { delete e[b]; c.isEmptyObject(e) && c.removeData(a) } } else {
                                if (c.support.deleteExpando) delete a[c.expando];
                                else a.removeAttribute && a.removeAttribute(c.expando); delete f[d]
                }); c.fn.extend({
                    data: function (a, b) {
                        if (typeof a === "undefined" && this.length) return c.data(this[0]); else if (typeof a === "object") return this.each(function () { c.data(this, a) }); var d = a.split("."); d[1] = d[1] ? "." + d[1] : ""; if (b === w) { var f = this.triggerHandler("getData" + d[1] + "!", [d[0]]); if (f === w && this.length) f = c.data(this[0], a); return f === w && d[1] ? this.data(d[0]) : f } else return this.trigger("setData" + d[1] + "!", [d[0], b]).each(function () {
                                a, b)
                    }, removeData: function (a) { return this.each(function () { c.removeData(this, a) }) }
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                    queue: function (a, b) {
                        if (typeof a !== "string") { b = a; a = "fx" } if (b ===
                            w) return c.queue(this[0], a); return this.each(function () { var d = c.queue(this, a, b); a === "fx" && d[0] !== "inprogress" && c.dequeue(this, a) })
                    }, dequeue: function (a) { return this.each(function () { c.dequeue(this, a) }) }, delay: function (a, b) { a = c.fx ? c.fx.speeds[a] || a : a; b = b || "fx"; return this.queue(b, function () { var d = this; setTimeout(function () { c.dequeue(d, b) }, a) }) }, clearQueue: function (a) { return this.queue(a || "fx", []) }
                }); var Aa = /[
    	]/g, ca = /s+/, Za = /
    /g, $a = /href|src|style/, ab = /(button|input)/i, bb = /(button|input|object|select|textarea)/i,
                    cb = /^(a|area)$/i, Ba = /radio|checkbox/; c.fn.extend({
                        attr: function (a, b) { return X(this, a, b, true, c.attr) }, removeAttr: function (a) { return this.each(function () { c.attr(this, a, ""); this.nodeType === 1 && this.removeAttribute(a) }) }, addClass: function (a) {
                            if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (n) { var r = c(this); r.addClass(a.call(this, n, r.attr("class"))) }); if (a && typeof a === "string") for (var b = (a || "").split(ca), d = 0, f = this.length; d < f; d++) {
                                var e = this[d]; if (e.nodeType === 1) if (e.className) {
                                    for (var j = " " + e.className + " ",
                                        i = e.className, o = 0, k = b.length; o < k; o++)if (j.indexOf(" " + b[o] + " ") < 0) i += " " + b[o]; e.className = c.trim(i)
                                } else e.className = a
                            } return this
                        }, removeClass: function (a) {
                            if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (k) { var n = c(this); n.removeClass(a.call(this, k, n.attr("class"))) }); if (a && typeof a === "string" || a === w) for (var b = (a || "").split(ca), d = 0, f = this.length; d < f; d++) {
                                var e = this[d]; if (e.nodeType === 1 && e.className) if (a) {
                                    for (var j = (" " + e.className + " ").replace(Aa, " "), i = 0, o = b.length; i < o; i++)j = j.replace(" " + b[i] + " ",
                                        " "); e.className = c.trim(j)
                                } else e.className = ""
                            } return this
                        }, toggleClass: function (a, b) {
                            var d = typeof a, f = typeof b === "boolean"; if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (e) { var j = c(this); j.toggleClass(a.call(this, e, j.attr("class"), b), b) }); return this.each(function () {
                                if (d === "string") for (var e, j = 0, i = c(this), o = b, k = a.split(ca); e = k[j++];) { o = f ? o : !i.hasClass(e); i[o ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](e) } else if (d === "undefined" || d === "boolean") {
                                this.className && c.data(this, "__className__", this.className); this.className =
                                    this.className || a === false ? "" : c.data(this, "__className__") || ""
                        }, hasClass: function (a) { a = " " + a + " "; for (var b = 0, d = this.length; b < d; b++)if ((" " + this[b].className + " ").replace(Aa, " ").indexOf(a) > -1) return true; return false }, val: function (a) {
                            if (a === w) {
                                var b = this[0]; if (b) {
                                    if (c.nodeName(b, "option")) return (b.attributes.value || {}).specified ? b.value : b.text; if (c.nodeName(b, "select")) {
                                        var d = b.selectedIndex, f = [], e = b.options; b = b.type === "select-one"; if (d < 0) return null; var j = b ? d : 0; for (d = b ? d + 1 : e.length; j < d; j++) {
                                            var i =
                                                e[j]; if (i.selected) { a = c(i).val(); if (b) return a; f.push(a) }
                                        } return f
                                    } if (Ba.test(b.type) && !c.support.checkOn) return b.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : b.value; return (b.value || "").replace(Za, "")
                                } return w
                            } var o = c.isFunction(a); return this.each(function (k) {
                                var n = c(this), r = a; if (this.nodeType === 1) {
                                    if (o) r = a.call(this, k, n.val()); if (typeof r === "number") r += ""; if (c.isArray(r) && Ba.test(this.type)) this.checked = c.inArray(n.val(), r) >= 0; else if (c.nodeName(this, "select")) {
                                        var u = c.makeArray(r); c("option", this).each(function () {
                                        this.selected =
                                            c.inArray(c(this).val(), u) >= 0
                                        }); if (!u.length) this.selectedIndex = -1
                                    } else this.value = r
                    }); c.extend({
                        attrFn: { val: true, css: true, html: true, text: true, data: true,  true, height: true, offset: true }, attr: function (a, b, d, f) {
                            if (!a || a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8) return w; if (f && b in c.attrFn) return c(a)[b](d); f = a.nodeType !== 1 || !c.isXMLDoc(a); var e = d !== w; b = f && c.props[b] || b; if (a.nodeType === 1) {
                                var j = $a.test(b); if (b in a && f && !j) {
                                    if (e) {
                                    b === "type" && ab.test(a.nodeName) && a.parentNode && c.error("type property can't be changed");
                                        a[b] = d
                                    } if (c.nodeName(a, "form") && a.getAttributeNode(b)) return a.getAttributeNode(b).nodeValue; if (b === "tabIndex") return (b = a.getAttributeNode("tabIndex")) && b.specified ? b.value : bb.test(a.nodeName) || cb.test(a.nodeName) && a.href ? 0 : w; return a[b]
                                } if (!c.support.style && f && b === "style") { if (e) a.style.cssText = "" + d; return a.style.cssText } e && a.setAttribute(b, "" + d); a = !c.support.hrefNormalized && f && j ? a.getAttribute(b, 2) : a.getAttribute(b); return a === null ? w : a
                            } return c.style(a, b, d)
                    }); var O = /.(.*)$/, db = function (a) {
                        return a.replace(/[^ws.|`]/g,
                            function (b) { return "\" + b })
                    }; c.event = {
                        add: function (a, b, d, f) {
                            if (!(a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8)) {
                                if (a.setInterval && a !== A && !a.frameElement) a = A; var e, j; if (d.handler) { e = d; d = e.handler } if (!d.guid) d.guid = c.guid++; if (j = c.data(a)) {
                                    var i = j.events = j.events || {}, o = j.handle; if (!o) j.handle = o = function () { return typeof c !== "undefined" && !c.event.triggered ? c.event.handle.apply(o.elem, arguments) : w }; o.elem = a; b = b.split(" "); for (var k, n = 0, r; k = b[n++];) {
                                        j = e ? c.extend({}, e) : { handler: d, data: f }; if (k.indexOf(".") > -1) {
                                            r = k.split(".");
                                            k = r.shift(); j.namespace = r.slice(0).sort().join(".")
                                        } else { r = []; j.namespace = "" } j.type = k; j.guid = d.guid; var u = i[k], z = c.event.special[k] || {}; if (!u) { u = i[k] = []; if (!z.setup || z.setup.call(a, f, r, o) === false) if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener(k, o, false); else a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + k, o) } if (z.add) { z.add.call(a, j); if (!j.handler.guid) j.handler.guid = d.guid } u.push(j); c.event.global[k] = true
                                    } a = null
                        }, global: {}, remove: function (a, b, d, f) {
                            if (!(a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8)) {
                                var e, j = 0, i, o, k, n, r, u, z = c.data(a),
                                C = z && z.events; if (z && C) {
                                    if (b && b.type) { d = b.handler; b = b.type } if (!b || typeof b === "string" && b.charAt(0) === ".") { b = b || ""; for (e in C) c.event.remove(a, e + b) } else {
                                        for (b = b.split(" "); e = b[j++];) {
                                            n = e; i = e.indexOf(".") < 0; o = []; if (!i) { o = e.split("."); e = o.shift(); k = new RegExp("(^|\.)" + c.map(o.slice(0).sort(), db).join("\.(?:.*\.)?") + "(\.|$)") } if (r = C[e]) if (d) {
                                                n = c.event.special[e] || {}; for (B = f || 0; B < r.length; B++) {
                                                    u = r[B]; if (d.guid === u.guid) {
                                                        if (i || k.test(u.namespace)) { f == null && r.splice(B--, 1); n.remove && n.remove.call(a, u) } if (f !=
                                                            null) break
                                                } if (r.length === 0 || f != null && r.length === 1) { if (!n.teardown || n.teardown.call(a, o) === false) Ca(a, e, z.handle); delete C[e] }
                                            } else for (var B = 0; B < r.length; B++) { u = r[B]; if (i || k.test(u.namespace)) { c.event.remove(a, n, u.handler, B); r.splice(B--, 1) } }
                                        } if (c.isEmptyObject(C)) { if (b = z.handle) b.elem = null; delete z.events; delete z.handle; c.isEmptyObject(z) && c.removeData(a) }
                        }, trigger: function (a, b, d, f) {
                            var e = a.type || a; if (!f) {
                                a = typeof a === "object" ? a[G] ? a : c.extend(c.Event(e), a) : c.Event(e); if (e.indexOf("!") >= 0) {
                                a.type =
                                    e = e.slice(0, -1); a.exclusive = true
                                } if (!d) { a.stopPropagation(); c.event.global[e] && c.each(c.cache, function () { this.events && this.events[e] && c.event.trigger(a, b, this.handle.elem) }) } if (!d || d.nodeType === 3 || d.nodeType === 8) return w; a.result = w; a.target = d; b = c.makeArray(b); b.unshift(a)
                            } a.currentTarget = d; (f = c.data(d, "handle")) && f.apply(d, b); f = d.parentNode || d.ownerDocument; try { if (!(d && d.nodeName && c.noData[d.nodeName.toLowerCase()])) if (d["on" + e] && d["on" + e].apply(d, b) === false) a.result = false } catch (j) { } if (!a.isPropagationStopped() &&
                                f) c.event.trigger(a, b, f, true); else if (!a.isDefaultPrevented()) { f = a.target; var i, o = c.nodeName(f, "a") && e === "click", k = c.event.special[e] || {}; if ((!k._default || k._default.call(d, a) === false) && !o && !(f && f.nodeName && c.noData[f.nodeName.toLowerCase()])) { try { if (f[e]) { if (i = f["on" + e]) f["on" + e] = null; c.event.triggered = true; f[e]() } } catch (n) { } if (i) f["on" + e] = i; c.event.triggered = false } }
                        }, handle: function (a) {
                            var b, d, f, e; a = arguments[0] = c.event.fix(a || A.event); a.currentTarget = this; b = a.type.indexOf(".") < 0 && !a.exclusive;
                            if (!b) { d = a.type.split("."); a.type = d.shift(); f = new RegExp("(^|\.)" + d.slice(0).sort().join("\.(?:.*\.)?") + "(\.|$)") } e = c.data(this, "events"); d = e[a.type]; if (e && d) { d = d.slice(0); e = 0; for (var j = d.length; e < j; e++) { var i = d[e]; if (b || f.test(i.namespace)) { a.handler = i.handler; a.data = i.data; a.handleObj = i; i = i.handler.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== w) { a.result = i; if (i === false) { a.preventDefault(); a.stopPropagation() } } if (a.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) break } } } return a.result
                        }, props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),
                        fix: function (a) {
                            if (a[G]) return a; var b = a; a = c.Event(b); for (var d = this.props.length, f; d;) { f = this.props[--d]; a[f] = b[f] } if (!a.target) a.target = a.srcElement || s; if (a.target.nodeType === 3) a.target = a.target.parentNode; if (!a.relatedTarget && a.fromElement) a.relatedTarget = a.fromElement === a.target ? a.toElement : a.fromElement; if (a.pageX == null && a.clientX != null) {
                                b = s.documentElement; d = s.body; a.pageX = a.clientX + (b && b.scrollLeft || d && d.scrollLeft || 0) - (b && b.clientLeft || d && d.clientLeft || 0); a.pageY = a.clientY + (b && b.scrollTop ||
                                    d && d.scrollTop || 0) - (b && b.clientTop || d && d.clientTop || 0)
                            } if (!a.which && (a.charCode || a.charCode === 0 ? a.charCode : a.keyCode)) a.which = a.charCode || a.keyCode; if (!a.metaKey && a.ctrlKey) a.metaKey = a.ctrlKey; if (!a.which && a.button !== w) a.which = a.button & 1 ? 1 : a.button & 2 ? 3 : a.button & 4 ? 2 : 0; return a
                        }, guid: 1E8, proxy: c.proxy, special: {
                            ready: { setup: c.bindReady, teardown: c.noop }, live: {
                                add: function (a) { c.event.add(this, a.origType, c.extend({}, a, { handler: oa })) }, remove: function (a) {
                                    var b = true, d = a.origType.replace(O, ""); c.each(c.data(this,
                                        "events").live || [], function () { if (d === this.origType.replace(O, "")) return b = false }); b && c.event.remove(this, a.origType, oa)
                            }, beforeunload: { setup: function (a, b, d) { if (this.setInterval) this.onbeforeunload = d; return false }, teardown: function (a, b) { if (this.onbeforeunload === b) this.onbeforeunload = null } }
                    }; var Ca = s.removeEventListener ? function (a, b, d) { a.removeEventListener(b, d, false) } : function (a, b, d) { a.detachEvent("on" + b, d) }; c.Event = function (a) {
                        if (!this.preventDefault) return new c.Event(a); if (a && a.type) {
                        this.originalEvent =
                            a; this.type = a.type
                        } else this.type = a; this.timeStamp = J(); this[G] = true
                    }; c.Event.prototype = {
                        preventDefault: function () { this.isDefaultPrevented = Z; var a = this.originalEvent; if (a) { a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(); a.returnValue = false } }, stopPropagation: function () { this.isPropagationStopped = Z; var a = this.originalEvent; if (a) { a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation(); a.cancelBubble = true } }, stopImmediatePropagation: function () { this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = Z; this.stopPropagation() }, isDefaultPrevented: Y, isPropagationStopped: Y,
                        isImmediatePropagationStopped: Y
                    }; var Da = function (a) { var b = a.relatedTarget; try { for (; b && b !== this;)b = b.parentNode; if (b !== this) { a.type = a.data; c.event.handle.apply(this, arguments) } } catch (d) { } }, Ea = function (a) { a.type = a.data; c.event.handle.apply(this, arguments) }; c.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, function (a, b) { c.event.special[a] = { setup: function (d) { c.event.add(this, b, d && d.selector ? Ea : Da, a) }, teardown: function (d) { c.event.remove(this, b, d && d.selector ? Ea : Da) } } }); if (!c.support.submitBubbles) c.event.special.submit =
                        { setup: function () { if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "form") { c.event.add(this, "click.specialSubmit", function (a) { var b = a.target, d = b.type; if ((d === "submit" || d === "image") && c(b).closest("form").length) return na("submit", this, arguments) }); c.event.add(this, "keypress.specialSubmit", function (a) { var b = a.target, d = b.type; if ((d === "text" || d === "password") && c(b).closest("form").length && a.keyCode === 13) return na("submit", this, arguments) }) } else return false }, teardown: function () { c.event.remove(this, ".specialSubmit") } };
        if (!c.support.changeBubbles) {
            var da = /textarea|input|select/i, ea, Fa = function (a) { var b = a.type, d = a.value; if (b === "radio" || b === "checkbox") d = a.checked; else if (b === "select-multiple") d = a.selectedIndex > -1 ? c.map(a.options, function (f) { return f.selected }).join("-") : ""; else if (a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select") d = a.selectedIndex; return d }, fa = function (a, b) {
                var d = a.target, f, e; if (!(!da.test(d.nodeName) || d.readOnly)) {
                    f = c.data(d, "_change_data"); e = Fa(d); if (a.type !== "focusout" || d.type !== "radio") c.data(d, "_change_data",
                        e); if (!(f === w || e === f)) if (f != null || e) { a.type = "change"; return c.event.trigger(a, b, d) }
            }; c.event.special.change = {
                filters: {
                    focusout: fa, click: function (a) { var b = a.target, d = b.type; if (d === "radio" || d === "checkbox" || b.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "select") return fa.call(this, a) }, keydown: function (a) { var b = a.target, d = b.type; if (a.keyCode === 13 && b.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "textarea" || a.keyCode === 32 && (d === "checkbox" || d === "radio") || d === "select-multiple") return fa.call(this, a) }, beforeactivate: function (a) {
                        a = a.target; c.data(a,
                            "_change_data", Fa(a))
                }, setup: function () { if (this.type === "file") return false; for (var a in ea) c.event.add(this, a + ".specialChange", ea[a]); return da.test(this.nodeName) }, teardown: function () { c.event.remove(this, ".specialChange"); return da.test(this.nodeName) }
            }; ea = c.event.special.change.filters
        } s.addEventListener && c.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function (a, b) {
            function d(f) { f = c.event.fix(f); f.type = b; return c.event.handle.call(this, f) } c.event.special[b] = {
                setup: function () {
                        d, true)
                }, teardown: function () { this.removeEventListener(a, d, true) }
        }); c.each(["bind", "one"], function (a, b) { c.fn[b] = function (d, f, e) { if (typeof d === "object") { for (var j in d) this[b](j, f, d[j], e); return this } if (c.isFunction(f)) { e = f; f = w } var i = b === "one" ? c.proxy(e, function (k) { c(this).unbind(k, i); return e.apply(this, arguments) }) : e; if (d === "unload" && b !== "one") this.one(d, f, e); else { j = 0; for (var o = this.length; j < o; j++)c.event.add(this[j], d, i, f) } return this } }); c.fn.extend({
            unbind: function (a, b) {
                if (typeof a === "object" &&
                    !a.preventDefault) for (var d in a) this.unbind(d, a[d]); else { d = 0; for (var f = this.length; d < f; d++)c.event.remove(this[d], a, b) } return this
            }, delegate: function (a, b, d, f) { return this.live(b, d, f, a) }, undelegate: function (a, b, d) { return arguments.length === 0 ? this.unbind("live") : this.die(b, null, d, a) }, trigger: function (a, b) { return this.each(function () { c.event.trigger(a, b, this) }) }, triggerHandler: function (a, b) { if (this[0]) { a = c.Event(a); a.preventDefault(); a.stopPropagation(); c.event.trigger(a, b, this[0]); return a.result } },
            toggle: function (a) { for (var b = arguments, d = 1; d < b.length;)c.proxy(a, b[d++]); return this.click(c.proxy(a, function (f) { var e = (c.data(this, "lastToggle" + a.guid) || 0) % d; c.data(this, "lastToggle" + a.guid, e + 1); f.preventDefault(); return b[e].apply(this, arguments) || false })) }, hover: function (a, b) { return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(b || a) }
        }); var Ga = { focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout", mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }; c.each(["live", "die"], function (a, b) {
        c.fn[b] = function (d, f, e, j) {
            var i, o = 0, k, n, r = j || this.selector,
            u = j ? this : c(this.context); if (c.isFunction(f)) { e = f; f = w } for (d = (d || "").split(" "); (i = d[o++]) != null;) { j = O.exec(i); k = ""; if (j) { k = j[0]; i = i.replace(O, "") } if (i === "hover") d.push("mouseenter" + k, "mouseleave" + k); else { n = i; if (i === "focus" || i === "blur") { d.push(Ga[i] + k); i += k } else i = (Ga[i] || i) + k; b === "live" ? u.each(function () { c.event.add(this, pa(i, r), { data: f, selector: r, handler: e, origType: i, origHandler: e, preType: n }) }) : u.unbind(pa(i, r), e) } } return this
        }); c.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error".split(" "),
            function (a, b) { c.fn[b] = function (d) { return d ? this.bind(b, d) : this.trigger(b) }; if (c.attrFn) c.attrFn[b] = true }); A.attachEvent && !A.addEventListener && A.attachEvent("onunload", function () { for (var a in c.cache) if (c.cache[a].handle) try { c.event.remove(c.cache[a].handle.elem) } catch (b) { } }); (function () {
                function a(g) { for (var h = "", l, m = 0; g[m]; m++) { l = g[m]; if (l.nodeType === 3 || l.nodeType === 4) h += l.nodeValue; else if (l.nodeType !== 8) h += a(l.childNodes) } return h } function b(g, h, l, m, q, p) {
                    q = 0; for (var v = m.length; q < v; q++) {
                        var t = m[q];
                        if (t) { t = t[g]; for (var y = false; t;) { if (t.sizcache === l) { y = m[t.sizset]; break } if (t.nodeType === 1 && !p) { t.sizcache = l; t.sizset = q } if (t.nodeName.toLowerCase() === h) { y = t; break } t = t[g] } m[q] = y }
                } function d(g, h, l, m, q, p) { q = 0; for (var v = m.length; q < v; q++) { var t = m[q]; if (t) { t = t[g]; for (var y = false; t;) { if (t.sizcache === l) { y = m[t.sizset]; break } if (t.nodeType === 1) { if (!p) { t.sizcache = l; t.sizset = q } if (typeof h !== "string") { if (t === h) { y = true; break } } else if (k.filter(h, [t]).length > 0) { y = t; break } } t = t[g] } m[q] = y } } } var f = /((?:((?:([^()]+)|[^()]+)+)|[(?:[[^[]]*]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[]'"]+)+]|\.|[^ >+~,([\]+)+|[>+~])(s*,s*)?((?:.|
                    e = 0, j = Object.prototype.toString, i = false, o = true;[0, 0].sort(function () { o = false; return 0 }); var k = function (g, h, l, m) {
                        l = l || []; var q = h = h || s; if (h.nodeType !== 1 && h.nodeType !== 9) return []; if (!g || typeof g !== "string") return l; for (var p = [], v, t, y, S, H = true, M = x(h), I = g; (f.exec(""), v = f.exec(I)) !== null;) { I = v[3]; p.push(v[1]); if (v[2]) { S = v[3]; break } } if (p.length > 1 && r.exec(g)) if (p.length === 2 && n.relative[p[0]]) t = ga(p[0] + p[1], h); else for (t = n.relative[p[0]] ? [h] : k(p.shift(), h); p.length;) {
                            g = p.shift(); if (n.relative[g]) g += p.shift();
                            t = ga(g, t)
                        } else { if (!m && p.length > 1 && h.nodeType === 9 && !M && n.match.ID.test(p[0]) && !n.match.ID.test(p[p.length - 1])) { v = k.find(p.shift(), h, M); h = v.expr ? k.filter(v.expr, v.set)[0] : v.set[0] } if (h) { v = m ? { expr: p.pop(), set: z(m) } : k.find(p.pop(), p.length === 1 && (p[0] === "~" || p[0] === "+") && h.parentNode ? h.parentNode : h, M); t = v.expr ? k.filter(v.expr, v.set) : v.set; if (p.length > 0) y = z(t); else H = false; for (; p.length;) { var D = p.pop(); v = D; if (n.relative[D]) v = p.pop(); else D = ""; if (v == null) v = h; n.relative[D](y, v, M) } } else y = [] } y || (y = t); y || k.error(D ||
                            g); if (j.call(y) === "[object Array]") if (H) if (h && h.nodeType === 1) for (g = 0; y[g] != null; g++) { if (y[g] && (y[g] === true || y[g].nodeType === 1 && E(h, y[g]))) l.push(t[g]) } else for (g = 0; y[g] != null; g++)y[g] && y[g].nodeType === 1 && l.push(t[g]); else l.push.apply(l, y); else z(y, l); if (S) { k(S, q, l, m); k.uniqueSort(l) } return l
                    }; k.uniqueSort = function (g) { if (B) { i = o; g.sort(B); if (i) for (var h = 1; h < g.length; h++)g[h] === g[h - 1] && g.splice(h--, 1) } return g }; k.matches = function (g, h) { return k(g, null, null, h) }; k.find = function (g, h, l) {
                        var m, q; if (!g) return [];
                        for (var p = 0, v = n.order.length; p < v; p++) { var t = n.order[p]; if (q = n.leftMatch[t].exec(g)) { var y = q[1]; q.splice(1, 1); if (y.substr(y.length - 1) !== "\") { q[1] = (q[1] || "").replace(/\/g, ""); m = n.find[t](q, h, l); if (m != null) { g = g.replace(n.match[t], ""); break } } } } m || (m = h.getElementsByTagName("*")); return { set: m, expr: g }
                    }; k.filter = function (g, h, l, m) {
                        for (var q = g, p = [], v = h, t, y, S = h && h[0] && x(h[0]); g && h.length;) {
                            for (var H in n.filter) if ((t = n.leftMatch[H].exec(g)) != null && t[2]) {
                                var M = n.filter[H], I, D; D = t[1]; y = false; t.splice(1, 1); if (D.substr(D.length -
                                    1) !== "\") { if (v === p) p = []; if (n.preFilter[H]) if (t = n.preFilter[H](t, v, l, p, m, S)) { if (t === true) continue } else y = I = true; if (t) for (var U = 0; (D = v[U]) != null; U++)if (D) { I = M(D, t, U, v); var Ha = m ^ !!I; if (l && I != null) if (Ha) y = true; else v[U] = false; else if (Ha) { p.push(D); y = true } } if (I !== w) { l || (v = p); g = g.replace(n.match[H], ""); if (!y) return []; break } }
                            } if (g === q) if (y == null) k.error(g); else break; q = g
                        } return v
                    }; k.error = function (g) { throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + g; }; var n = k.selectors = {
                        order: ["ID", "NAME", "TAG"], match: {
                            ID: /#((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.)+)/,
                            CLASS: /.((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.)+)/, NAME: /[name=['"]*((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.)+)['"]*]/, ATTR: /[s*((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.)+)s*(?:(S?=)s*(['"]*)(.*?)3|)s*]/, TAG: /^((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF*-]|\.)+)/, CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:((even|odd|[dn+-]*)))?/, POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:((d*)))?(?=[^-]|$)/, PSEUDO: /:((?:[wu00c0-uFFFF-]|\.)+)(?:((['"]?)((?:([^)]+)|[^()]*)+)2))?/
                        }, leftMatch: {}, attrMap: { "class": "className", "for": "htmlFor" }, attrHandle: { href: function (g) { return g.getAttribute("href") } },
                        relative: {
                            "+": function (g, h) { var l = typeof h === "string", m = l && !/W/.test(h); l = l && !m; if (m) h = h.toLowerCase(); m = 0; for (var q = g.length, p; m < q; m++)if (p = g[m]) { for (; (p = p.previousSibling) && p.nodeType !== 1;); g[m] = l || p && p.nodeName.toLowerCase() === h ? p || false : p === h } l && k.filter(h, g, true) }, ">": function (g, h) {
                                var l = typeof h === "string"; if (l && !/W/.test(h)) { h = h.toLowerCase(); for (var m = 0, q = g.length; m < q; m++) { var p = g[m]; if (p) { l = p.parentNode; g[m] = l.nodeName.toLowerCase() === h ? l : false } } } else {
                                    m = 0; for (q = g.length; m < q; m++)if (p = g[m]) g[m] =
                                        l ? p.parentNode : p.parentNode === h; l && k.filter(h, g, true)
                            }, "": function (g, h, l) { var m = e++, q = d; if (typeof h === "string" && !/W/.test(h)) { var p = h = h.toLowerCase(); q = b } q("parentNode", h, m, g, p, l) }, "~": function (g, h, l) { var m = e++, q = d; if (typeof h === "string" && !/W/.test(h)) { var p = h = h.toLowerCase(); q = b } q("previousSibling", h, m, g, p, l) }
                        }, find: {
                            ID: function (g, h, l) { if (typeof h.getElementById !== "undefined" && !l) return (g = h.getElementById(g[1])) ? [g] : [] }, NAME: function (g, h) {
                                if (typeof h.getElementsByName !== "undefined") {
                                    var l = [];
                                    h = h.getElementsByName(g[1]); for (var m = 0, q = h.length; m < q; m++)h[m].getAttribute("name") === g[1] && l.push(h[m]); return l.length === 0 ? null : l
                            }, TAG: function (g, h) { return h.getElementsByTagName(g[1]) }
                        }, preFilter: {
                            CLASS: function (g, h, l, m, q, p) { g = " " + g[1].replace(/\/g, "") + " "; if (p) return g; p = 0; for (var v; (v = h[p]) != null; p++)if (v) if (q ^ (v.className && (" " + v.className + " ").replace(/[	
    ]/g, " ").indexOf(g) >= 0)) l || m.push(v); else if (l) h[p] = false; return false }, ID: function (g) { return g[1].replace(/\/g, "") }, TAG: function (g) { return g[1].toLowerCase() },
                            CHILD: function (g) { if (g[1] === "nth") { var h = /(-?)(d*)n((?:+|-)?d*)/.exec(g[2] === "even" && "2n" || g[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" || !/D/.test(g[2]) && "0n+" + g[2] || g[2]); g[2] = h[1] + (h[2] || 1) - 0; g[3] = h[3] - 0 } g[0] = e++; return g }, ATTR: function (g, h, l, m, q, p) { h = g[1].replace(/\/g, ""); if (!p && n.attrMap[h]) g[1] = n.attrMap[h]; if (g[2] === "~=") g[4] = " " + g[4] + " "; return g }, PSEUDO: function (g, h, l, m, q) {
                                if (g[1] === "not") if ((f.exec(g[3]) || "").length > 1 || /^w/.test(g[3])) g[3] = k(g[3], null, null, h); else {
                                    g = k.filter(g[3], h, l, true ^ q); l || m.push.apply(m,
                                        g); return false
                                } else if (n.match.POS.test(g[0]) || n.match.CHILD.test(g[0])) return true; return g
                            }, POS: function (g) { g.unshift(true); return g }
                        }, filters: {
                            enabled: function (g) { return g.disabled === false && g.type !== "hidden" }, disabled: function (g) { return g.disabled === true }, checked: function (g) { return g.checked === true }, selected: function (g) { return g.selected === true }, parent: function (g) { return !!g.firstChild }, empty: function (g) { return !g.firstChild }, has: function (g, h, l) { return !!k(l[3], g).length }, header: function (g) { return /hd/i.test(g.nodeName) },
                            text: function (g) { return "text" === g.type }, radio: function (g) { return "radio" === g.type }, checkbox: function (g) { return "checkbox" === g.type }, file: function (g) { return "file" === g.type }, password: function (g) { return "password" === g.type }, submit: function (g) { return "submit" === g.type }, image: function (g) { return "image" === g.type }, reset: function (g) { return "reset" === g.type }, button: function (g) { return "button" === g.type || g.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "button" }, input: function (g) { return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(g.nodeName) }
                        setFilters: { first: function (g, h) { return h === 0 }, last: function (g, h, l, m) { return h === m.length - 1 }, even: function (g, h) { return h % 2 === 0 }, odd: function (g, h) { return h % 2 === 1 }, lt: function (g, h, l) { return h < l[3] - 0 }, gt: function (g, h, l) { return h > l[3] - 0 }, nth: function (g, h, l) { return l[3] - 0 === h }, eq: function (g, h, l) { return l[3] - 0 === h } }, filter: {
                            PSEUDO: function (g, h, l, m) {
                                var q = h[1], p = n.filters[q]; if (p) return p(g, l, h, m); else if (q === "contains") return (g.textContent || g.innerText || a([g]) || "").indexOf(h[3]) >= 0; else if (q === "not") {
                                    h =
                                    h[3]; l = 0; for (m = h.length; l < m; l++)if (h[l] === g) return false; return true
                                } else k.error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + q)
                            }, CHILD: function (g, h) {
                                var l = h[1], m = g; switch (l) {
                                    case "only": case "first": for (; m = m.previousSibling;)if (m.nodeType === 1) return false; if (l === "first") return true; m = g; case "last": for (; m = m.nextSibling;)if (m.nodeType === 1) return false; return true; case "nth": l = h[2]; var q = h[3]; if (l === 1 && q === 0) return true; h = h[0]; var p = g.parentNode; if (p && (p.sizcache !== h || !g.nodeIndex)) {
                                        var v = 0; for (m = p.firstChild; m; m =
                                            m.nextSibling)if (m.nodeType === 1) m.nodeIndex = ++v; p.sizcache = h
                                    } g = g.nodeIndex - q; return l === 0 ? g === 0 : g % l === 0 && g / l >= 0
                            }, ID: function (g, h) { return g.nodeType === 1 && g.getAttribute("id") === h }, TAG: function (g, h) { return h === "*" && g.nodeType === 1 || g.nodeName.toLowerCase() === h }, CLASS: function (g, h) { return (" " + (g.className || g.getAttribute("class")) + " ").indexOf(h) > -1 }, ATTR: function (g, h) {
                                var l = h[1]; g = n.attrHandle[l] ? n.attrHandle[l](g) : g[l] != null ? g[l] : g.getAttribute(l); l = g + ""; var m = h[2]; h = h[4]; return g == null ? m === "!=" : m ===
                                    "=" ? l === h : m === "*=" ? l.indexOf(h) >= 0 : m === "~=" ? (" " + l + " ").indexOf(h) >= 0 : !h ? l && g !== false : m === "!=" ? l !== h : m === "^=" ? l.indexOf(h) === 0 : m === "$=" ? l.substr(l.length - h.length) === h : m === "|=" ? l === h || l.substr(0, h.length + 1) === h + "-" : false
                            }, POS: function (g, h, l, m) { var q = n.setFilters[h[2]]; if (q) return q(g, l, h, m) }
                    }, r = n.match.POS; for (var u in n.match) {
                    n.match[u] = new RegExp(n.match[u].source + /(?![^[]*])(?![^(]*))/.source); n.leftMatch[u] = new RegExp(/(^(?:.|
    )*?)/.source + n.match[u].source.replace(/\(d+)/g, function (g,
                        h) { return "\" + (h - 0 + 1) }))
                    } var z = function (g, h) { g = Array.prototype.slice.call(g, 0); if (h) { h.push.apply(h, g); return h } return g }; try { Array.prototype.slice.call(s.documentElement.childNodes, 0) } catch (C) { z = function (g, h) { h = h || []; if (j.call(g) === "[object Array]") Array.prototype.push.apply(h, g); else if (typeof g.length === "number") for (var l = 0, m = g.length; l < m; l++)h.push(g[l]); else for (l = 0; g[l]; l++)h.push(g[l]); return h } } var B; if (s.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition) B = function (g, h) {
                        if (!g.compareDocumentPosition ||
                            !h.compareDocumentPosition) { if (g == h) i = true; return g.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1 } g = g.compareDocumentPosition(h) & 4 ? -1 : g === h ? 0 : 1; if (g === 0) i = true; return g
                    }; else if ("sourceIndex" in s.documentElement) B = function (g, h) { if (!g.sourceIndex || !h.sourceIndex) { if (g == h) i = true; return g.sourceIndex ? -1 : 1 } g = g.sourceIndex - h.sourceIndex; if (g === 0) i = true; return g }; else if (s.createRange) B = function (g, h) {
                        if (!g.ownerDocument || !h.ownerDocument) { if (g == h) i = true; return g.ownerDocument ? -1 : 1 } var l = g.ownerDocument.createRange(), m =
                            h.ownerDocument.createRange(); l.setStart(g, 0); l.setEnd(g, 0); m.setStart(h, 0); m.setEnd(h, 0); g = l.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, m); if (g === 0) i = true; return g
                    }; (function () {
                        var g = s.createElement("div"), h = "script" + (new Date).getTime(); g.innerHTML = "<a name='" + h + "'/>"; var l = s.documentElement; l.insertBefore(g, l.firstChild); if (s.getElementById(h)) {
                            n.find.ID = function (m, q, p) {
                                if (typeof q.getElementById !== "undefined" && !p) return (q = q.getElementById(m[1])) ? q.id === m[1] || typeof q.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" &&
                                    q.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === m[1] ? [q] : w : []
                            }; n.filter.ID = function (m, q) { var p = typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id"); return m.nodeType === 1 && p && p.nodeValue === q }
                        } l.removeChild(g); l = g = null
                    })(); (function () {
                        var g = s.createElement("div"); g.appendChild(s.createComment("")); if (g.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0) n.find.TAG = function (h, l) { l = l.getElementsByTagName(h[1]); if (h[1] === "*") { h = []; for (var m = 0; l[m]; m++)l[m].nodeType === 1 && h.push(l[m]); l = h } return l }; g.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
                        if (g.firstChild && typeof g.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" && g.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#") n.attrHandle.href = function (h) { return h.getAttribute("href", 2) }; g = null
                    })(); s.querySelectorAll && function () { var g = k, h = s.createElement("div"); h.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>"; if (!(h.querySelectorAll && h.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0)) { k = function (m, q, p, v) { q = q || s; if (!v && q.nodeType === 9 && !x(q)) try { return z(q.querySelectorAll(m), p) } catch (t) { } return g(m, q, p, v) }; for (var l in g) k[l] = g[l]; h = null } }();
                (function () { var g = s.createElement("div"); g.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>"; if (!(!g.getElementsByClassName || g.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0)) { g.lastChild.className = "e"; if (g.getElementsByClassName("e").length !== 1) { n.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"); n.find.CLASS = function (h, l, m) { if (typeof l.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !m) return l.getElementsByClassName(h[1]) }; g = null } } })(); var E = s.compareDocumentPosition ? function (g, h) { return !!(g.compareDocumentPosition(h) & 16) } :
                    function (g, h) { return g !== h && (g.contains ? g.contains(h) : true) }, x = function (g) { return (g = (g ? g.ownerDocument || g : 0).documentElement) ? g.nodeName !== "HTML" : false }, ga = function (g, h) { var l = [], m = "", q; for (h = h.nodeType ? [h] : h; q = n.match.PSEUDO.exec(g);) { m += q[0]; g = g.replace(n.match.PSEUDO, "") } g = n.relative[g] ? g + "*" : g; q = 0; for (var p = h.length; q < p; q++)k(g, h[q], l); return k.filter(m, l) }; c.find = k; c.expr = k.selectors; c.expr[":"] = c.expr.filters; c.unique = k.uniqueSort; c.text = a; c.isXMLDoc = x; c.contains = E
            })(); var eb = /Until$/, fb = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
                gb = /,/; R = Array.prototype.slice; var Ia = function (a, b, d) { if (c.isFunction(b)) return c.grep(a, function (e, j) { return !!b.call(e, j, e) === d }); else if (b.nodeType) return c.grep(a, function (e) { return e === b === d }); else if (typeof b === "string") { var f = c.grep(a, function (e) { return e.nodeType === 1 }); if (Ua.test(b)) return c.filter(b, f, !d); else b = c.filter(b, f) } return c.grep(a, function (e) { return c.inArray(e, b) >= 0 === d }) }; c.fn.extend({
                    find: function (a) {
                        for (var b = this.pushStack("", "find", a), d = 0, f = 0, e = this.length; f < e; f++) {
                            d = b.length;
                            c.find(a, this[f], b); if (f > 0) for (var j = d; j < b.length; j++)for (var i = 0; i < d; i++)if (b[i] === b[j]) { b.splice(j--, 1); break }
                        } return b
                    }, has: function (a) { var b = c(a); return this.filter(function () { for (var d = 0, f = b.length; d < f; d++)if (c.contains(this, b[d])) return true }) }, not: function (a) { return this.pushStack(Ia(this, a, false), "not", a) }, filter: function (a) { return this.pushStack(Ia(this, a, true), "filter", a) }, is: function (a) { return !!a && c.filter(a, this).length > 0 }, closest: function (a, b) {
                        if (c.isArray(a)) {
                            var d = [], f = this[0], e, j =
                                {}, i; if (f && a.length) { e = 0; for (var o = a.length; e < o; e++) { i = a[e]; j[i] || (j[i] = c.expr.match.POS.test(i) ? c(i, b || this.context) : i) } for (; f && f.ownerDocument && f !== b;) { for (i in j) { e = j[i]; if (e.jquery ? e.index(f) > -1 : c(f).is(e)) { d.push({ selector: i, elem: f }); delete j[i] } } f = f.parentNode } } return d
                        } var k = c.expr.match.POS.test(a) ? c(a, b || this.context) : null; return this.map(function (n, r) { for (; r && r.ownerDocument && r !== b;) { if (k ? k.index(r) > -1 : c(r).is(a)) return r; r = r.parentNode } return null })
                    }, index: function (a) {
                        if (!a || typeof a ===
                            "string") return c.inArray(this[0], a ? c(a) : this.parent().children()); return c.inArray(a.jquery ? a[0] : a, this)
                    }, add: function (a, b) { a = typeof a === "string" ? c(a, b || this.context) : c.makeArray(a); b = c.merge(this.get(), a); return this.pushStack(qa(a[0]) || qa(b[0]) ? b : c.unique(b)) }, andSelf: function () { return this.add(this.prevObject) }
                }); c.each({
                    parent: function (a) { return (a = a.parentNode) && a.nodeType !== 11 ? a : null }, parents: function (a) { return c.dir(a, "parentNode") }, parentsUntil: function (a, b, d) {
                        return c.dir(a, "parentNode",
                    }, next: function (a) { return c.nth(a, 2, "nextSibling") }, prev: function (a) { return c.nth(a, 2, "previousSibling") }, nextAll: function (a) { return c.dir(a, "nextSibling") }, prevAll: function (a) { return c.dir(a, "previousSibling") }, nextUntil: function (a, b, d) { return c.dir(a, "nextSibling", d) }, prevUntil: function (a, b, d) { return c.dir(a, "previousSibling", d) }, siblings: function (a) { return c.sibling(a.parentNode.firstChild, a) }, children: function (a) { return c.sibling(a.firstChild) }, contents: function (a) {
                        return c.nodeName(a, "iframe") ?
                            a.contentDocument || a.contentWindow.document : c.makeArray(a.childNodes)
                }, function (a, b) { c.fn[a] = function (d, f) { var e = c.map(this, b, d); eb.test(a) || (f = d); if (f && typeof f === "string") e = c.filter(f, e); e = this.length > 1 ? c.unique(e) : e; if ((this.length > 1 || gb.test(f)) && fb.test(a)) e = e.reverse(); return this.pushStack(e, a, R.call(arguments).join(",")) } }); c.extend({
                    filter: function (a, b, d) { if (d) a = ":not(" + a + ")"; return c.find.matches(a, b) }, dir: function (a, b, d) {
                        var f = []; for (a = a[b]; a && a.nodeType !== 9 && (d === w || a.nodeType !== 1 || !c(a).is(d));) {
                        a.nodeType ===
                            1 && f.push(a); a = a[b]
                        } return f
                    }, nth: function (a, b, d) { b = b || 1; for (var f = 0; a; a = a[d])if (a.nodeType === 1 && ++f === b) break; return a }, sibling: function (a, b) { for (var d = []; a; a = a.nextSibling)a.nodeType === 1 && a !== b && d.push(a); return d }
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                    return hb.test(d) ?
                        a : b + "></" + d + ">"
                }, F = { option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"], legend: [1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>"], thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"], tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"], td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"], col: [2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"], area: [1, "<map>", "</map>"], _default: [0, "", ""] }; F.optgroup = F.option; F.tbody = F.tfoot = F.colgroup = F.caption = F.thead; F.th = F.td; if (!c.support.htmlSerialize) F._default = [1, "div<div>", "</div>"]; c.fn.extend({
                    text: function (a) {
                        if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) {
                            var d =
                                c(this); d.text(a.call(this, b, d.text()))
                        }); if (typeof a !== "object" && a !== w) return this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || s).createTextNode(a)); return c.text(this)
                    }, wrapAll: function (a) { if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (d) { c(this).wrapAll(a.call(this, d)) }); if (this[0]) { var b = c(a, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(true); this[0].parentNode && b.insertBefore(this[0]); b.map(function () { for (var d = this; d.firstChild && d.firstChild.nodeType === 1;)d = d.firstChild; return d }).append(this) } return this },
                    wrapInner: function (a) { if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { c(this).wrapInner(a.call(this, b)) }); return this.each(function () { var b = c(this), d = b.contents(); d.length ? d.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a) }) }, wrap: function (a) { return this.each(function () { c(this).wrapAll(a) }) }, unwrap: function () { return this.parent().each(function () { c.nodeName(this, "body") || c(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes) }).end() }, append: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function (a) { this.nodeType === 1 && this.appendChild(a) }) },
                    prepend: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, true, function (a) { this.nodeType === 1 && this.insertBefore(a, this.firstChild) }) }, before: function () { if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) return this.domManip(arguments, false, function (b) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(b, this) }); else if (arguments.length) { var a = c(arguments[0]); a.push.apply(a, this.toArray()); return this.pushStack(a, "before", arguments) } }, after: function () {
                        if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) return this.domManip(arguments, false, function (b) {
                        }); else if (arguments.length) { var a = this.pushStack(this, "after", arguments); a.push.apply(a, c(arguments[0]).toArray()); return a }
                    }, remove: function (a, b) { for (var d = 0, f; (f = this[d]) != null; d++)if (!a || c.filter(a, [f]).length) { if (!b && f.nodeType === 1) { c.cleanData(f.getElementsByTagName("*")); c.cleanData([f]) } f.parentNode && f.parentNode.removeChild(f) } return this }, empty: function () {
                        for (var a = 0, b; (b = this[a]) != null; a++)for (b.nodeType === 1 && c.cleanData(b.getElementsByTagName("*")); b.firstChild;)b.removeChild(b.firstChild);
                        return this
                    }, clone: function (a) { var b = this.map(function () { if (!c.support.noCloneEvent && !c.isXMLDoc(this)) { var d = this.outerHTML, f = this.ownerDocument; if (!d) { d = f.createElement("div"); d.appendChild(this.cloneNode(true)); d = d.innerHTML } return c.clean([d.replace(Ja, "").replace(/=([^="'>s]+/)>/g, '="$1">').replace(V, "")], f)[0] } else return this.cloneNode(true) }); if (a === true) { ra(this, b); ra(this.find("*"), b.find("*")) } return b }, html: function (a) {
                        if (a === w) return this[0] && this[0].nodeType === 1 ? this[0].innerHTML.replace(Ja,
                            "") : null; else if (typeof a === "string" && !ta.test(a) && (c.support.leadingWhitespace || !V.test(a)) && !F[(La.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) { a = a.replace(Ka, Ma); try { for (var b = 0, d = this.length; b < d; b++)if (this[b].nodeType === 1) { c.cleanData(this[b].getElementsByTagName("*")); this[b].innerHTML = a } } catch (f) { this.empty().append(a) } } else c.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function (e) { var j = c(this), i = j.html(); j.empty().append(function () { return a.call(this, e, i) }) }) : this.empty().append(a); return this
                    }, replaceWith: function (a) {
                        if (this[0] &&
                            this[0].parentNode) { if (c.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function (b) { var d = c(this), f = d.html(); d.replaceWith(a.call(this, b, f)) }); if (typeof a !== "string") a = c(a).detach(); return this.each(function () { var b = this.nextSibling, d = this.parentNode; c(this).remove(); b ? c(b).before(a) : c(d).append(a) }) } else return this.pushStack(c(c.isFunction(a) ? a() : a), "replaceWith", a)
                    }, detach: function (a) { return this.remove(a, true) }, domManip: function (a, b, d) {
                        function f(u) {
                            return c.nodeName(u, "table") ? u.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
                                u.appendChild(u.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")) : u
                        } var e, j, i = a[0], o = [], k; if (!c.support.checkClone && arguments.length === 3 && typeof i === "string" && ua.test(i)) return this.each(function () { c(this).domManip(a, b, d, true) }); if (c.isFunction(i)) return this.each(function (u) { var z = c(this); a[0] = i.call(this, u, b ? z.html() : w); z.domManip(a, b, d) }); if (this[0]) {
                            e = i && i.parentNode; e = c.support.parentNode && e && e.nodeType === 11 && e.childNodes.length === this.length ? { fragment: e } : sa(a, this, o); k = e.fragment; if (j = k.childNodes.length ===
                                1 ? (k = k.firstChild) : k.firstChild) { b = b && c.nodeName(j, "tr"); for (var n = 0, r = this.length; n < r; n++)d.call(b ? f(this[n], j) : this[n], n > 0 || e.cacheable || this.length > 1 ? k.cloneNode(true) : k) } o.length && c.each(o, Qa)
                        } return this
                }); c.fragments = {}; c.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function (a, b) {
                c.fn[a] = function (d) {
                    var f = []; d = c(d); var e = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode; if (e && e.nodeType === 11 && e.childNodes.length === 1 && d.length === 1) {
                        return this
                    } else { e = 0; for (var j = d.length; e < j; e++) { var i = (e > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this).get(); c.fn[b].apply(c(d[e]), i); f = f.concat(i) } return this.pushStack(f, a, d.selector) }
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                    clean: function (a, b, d, f) {
                        b = b || s; if (typeof b.createElement === "undefined") b = b.ownerDocument || b[0] && b[0].ownerDocument || s; for (var e = [], j = 0, i; (i = a[j]) != null; j++) {
                            if (typeof i === "number") i += ""; if (i) {
                                if (typeof i === "string" && !jb.test(i)) i = b.createTextNode(i); else if (typeof i === "string") {
                                    i = i.replace(Ka, Ma); var o = (La.exec(i) || ["",
                                        ""])[1].toLowerCase(), k = F[o] || F._default, n = k[0], r = b.createElement("div"); for (r.innerHTML = k[1] + i + k[2]; n--;)r = r.lastChild; if (!c.support.tbody) { n = ib.test(i); o = o === "table" && !n ? r.firstChild && r.firstChild.childNodes : k[1] === "<table>" && !n ? r.childNodes : []; for (k = o.length - 1; k >= 0; --k)c.nodeName(o[k], "tbody") && !o[k].childNodes.length && o[k].parentNode.removeChild(o[k]) } !c.support.leadingWhitespace && V.test(i) && r.insertBefore(b.createTextNode(V.exec(i)[0]), r.firstChild); i = r.childNodes
                                } if (i.nodeType) e.push(i); else e =
                                    c.merge(e, i)
                        } if (d) for (j = 0; e[j]; j++)if (f && c.nodeName(e[j], "script") && (!e[j].type || e[j].type.toLowerCase() === "text/javascript")) f.push(e[j].parentNode ? e[j].parentNode.removeChild(e[j]) : e[j]); else { e[j].nodeType === 1 && e.splice.apply(e, [j + 1, 0].concat(c.makeArray(e[j].getElementsByTagName("script")))); d.appendChild(e[j]) } return e
                    }, cleanData: function (a) {
                        for (var b, d, f = c.cache, e = c.event.special, j = c.support.deleteExpando, i = 0, o; (o = a[i]) != null; i++)if (d = o[c.expando]) {
                            b = f[d]; if (b.events) for (var k in b.events) e[k] ?
                                c.event.remove(o, k) : Ca(o, k, b.handle); if (j) delete o[c.expando]; else o.removeAttribute && o.removeAttribute(c.expando); delete f[d]
                }); var kb = /z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i, Na = /alpha([^)]*)/, Oa = /opacity=([^)]*)/, ha = /float/i, ia = /-([a-z])/ig, lb = /([A-Z])/g, mb = /^-?d+(?:px)?$/i, nb = /^-?d/, ob = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, pb = ["Left", "Right"], qb = ["Top", "Bottom"], rb = s.defaultView && s.defaultView.getComputedStyle, Pa = c.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat", ja =
                    function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase() }; c.fn.css = function (a, b) { return X(this, a, b, true, function (d, f, e) { if (e === w) return c.curCSS(d, f); if (typeof e === "number" && !kb.test(f)) e += "px"; c.style(d, f, e) }) }; c.extend({
                        style: function (a, b, d) {
                            if (!a || a.nodeType === 3 || a.nodeType === 8) return w; if ((b === "width" || b === "height") && parseFloat(d) < 0) d = w; var f = a.style || a, e = d !== w; if (!c.support.opacity && b === "opacity") {
                                if (e) {
                                f.zoom = 1; b = parseInt(d, 10) + "" === "NaN" ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + d * 100 + ")"; a = f.filter || c.curCSS(a, "filter") || ""; f.filter =
                                    Na.test(a) ? a.replace(Na, b) : b
                                } return f.filter && f.filter.indexOf("opacity=") >= 0 ? parseFloat(Oa.exec(f.filter)[1]) / 100 + "" : ""
                            } if (ha.test(b)) b = Pa; b = b.replace(ia, ja); if (e) f[b] = d; return f[b]
                        }, css: function (a, b, d, f) {
                            if (b === "width" || b === "height") {
                                var e, j = b === "width" ? pb : qb; function i() {
                                    e = b === "width" ? a.offsetWidth : a.offsetHeight; f !== "border" && c.each(j, function () {
                                        f || (e -= parseFloat(c.curCSS(a, "padding" + this, true)) || 0); if (f === "margin") e += parseFloat(c.curCSS(a, "margin" + this, true)) || 0; else e -= parseFloat(c.curCSS(a,
                                            "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0
                                } a.offsetWidth !== 0 ? i() : c.swap(a, ob, i); return Math.max(0, Math.round(e))
                            } return c.curCSS(a, b, d)
                        }, curCSS: function (a, b, d) {
                            var f, e = a.style; if (!c.support.opacity && b === "opacity" && a.currentStyle) { f = Oa.test(a.currentStyle.filter || "") ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100 + "" : ""; return f === "" ? "1" : f } if (ha.test(b)) b = Pa; if (!d && e && e[b]) f = e[b]; else if (rb) {
                                if (ha.test(b)) b = "float"; b = b.replace(lb, "-$1").toLowerCase(); e = a.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!e) return null; if (a = e.getComputedStyle(a, null)) f =
                                    a.getPropertyValue(b); if (b === "opacity" && f === "") f = "1"
                            } else if (a.currentStyle) { d = b.replace(ia, ja); f = a.currentStyle[b] || a.currentStyle[d]; if (!mb.test(f) && nb.test(f)) { b = e.left; var j = a.runtimeStyle.left; a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left; e.left = d === "fontSize" ? "1em" : f || 0; f = e.pixelLeft + "px"; e.left = b; a.runtimeStyle.left = j } } return f
                        }, swap: function (a, b, d) { var f = {}; for (var e in b) { f[e] = a.style[e]; a.style[e] = b[e] } d.call(a); for (e in b) a.style[e] = f[e] }
                    }); if (c.expr && c.expr.filters) {
                        c.expr.filters.hidden = function (a) {
                            var b =
                                a.offsetWidth, d = a.offsetHeight, f = a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "tr"; return b === 0 && d === 0 && !f ? true : b > 0 && d > 0 && !f ? false : c.curCSS(a, "display") === "none"
                        }; c.expr.filters.visible = function (a) { return !c.expr.filters.hidden(a) }
                    } var sb = J(), tb = /<script(.|s)*?/script>/gi, ub = /select|textarea/i, vb = /color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week/i, N = /=?(&|$)/, ka = /?/, wb = /(?|&)_=.*?(&|$)/, xb = /^(w+:)?//([^/?#]+)/, yb = /%20/g, zb = c.fn.load; c.fn.extend({
                        load: function (a, b, d) {
                            if (typeof a !==
                                "string") return zb.call(this, a); else if (!this.length) return this; var f = a.indexOf(" "); if (f >= 0) { var e = a.slice(f, a.length); a = a.slice(0, f) } f = "GET"; if (b) if (c.isFunction(b)) { d = b; b = null } else if (typeof b === "object") { b = c.param(b, c.ajaxSettings.traditional); f = "POST" } var j = this; c.ajax({ url: a, type: f, dataType: "html", data: b, complete: function (i, o) { if (o === "success" || o === "notmodified") j.html(e ? c("<div />").append(i.responseText.replace(tb, "")).find(e) : i.responseText); d && j.each(d, [i.responseText, o, i]) } }); return this
                        serialize: function () { return c.param(this.serializeArray()) }, serializeArray: function () { return this.map(function () { return this.elements ? c.makeArray(this.elements) : this }).filter(function () { return this.name && !this.disabled && (this.checked || ub.test(this.nodeName) || vb.test(this.type)) }).map(function (a, b) { a = c(this).val(); return a == null ? null : c.isArray(a) ? c.map(a, function (d) { return { name: b.name, value: d } }) : { name: b.name, value: a } }).get() }
                    }); c.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "),
                        function (a, b) { c.fn[b] = function (d) { return this.bind(b, d) } }); c.extend({
                            get: function (a, b, d, f) { if (c.isFunction(b)) { f = f || d; d = b; b = null } return c.ajax({ type: "GET", url: a, data: b, success: d, dataType: f }) }, getScript: function (a, b) { return c.get(a, null, b, "script") }, getJSON: function (a, b, d) { return c.get(a, b, d, "json") }, post: function (a, b, d, f) { if (c.isFunction(b)) { f = f || d; d = b; b = {} } return c.ajax({ type: "POST", url: a, data: b, success: d, dataType: f }) }, ajaxSetup: function (a) { c.extend(c.ajaxSettings, a) }, ajaxSettings: {
                                url: location.href,
                                global: true, type: "GET", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", processData: true, async: true, xhr: A.XMLHttpRequest && (A.location.protocol !== "file:" || !A.ActiveXObject) ? function () { return new A.XMLHttpRequest } : function () { try { return new A.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (a) { } }, accepts: { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", html: "text/html", script: "text/javascript, application/javascript", json: "application/json, text/javascript", text: "text/plain", _default: "*/*" }
                            }, lastModified: {}, etag: {}, ajax: function (a) {
                                function b() {
                                e.success &&
                                    e.success.call(k, o, i, x); e.global && f("ajaxSuccess", [x, e])
                                } function d() { e.complete && e.complete.call(k, x, i); e.global && f("ajaxComplete", [x, e]); e.global && !--c.active && c.event.trigger("ajaxStop") } function f(q, p) { (e.context ? c(e.context) : c.event).trigger(q, p) } var e = c.extend(true, {}, c.ajaxSettings, a), j, i, o, k = a && a.context || e, n = e.type.toUpperCase(); if (e.data && e.processData && typeof e.data !== "string") e.data = c.param(e.data, e.traditional); if (e.dataType === "jsonp") {
                                    if (n === "GET") N.test(e.url) || (e.url += (ka.test(e.url) ?
                                        "&" : "?") + (e.jsonp || "callback") + "=?"); else if (!e.data || !N.test(e.data)) e.data = (e.data ? e.data + "&" : "") + (e.jsonp || "callback") + "=?"; e.dataType = "json"
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                                    false && n === "GET") { var r = J(), u = e.url.replace(wb, "$1_=" + r + "$2"); e.url = u + (u === e.url ? (ka.test(e.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + r : "") } if (e.data && n === "GET") e.url += (ka.test(e.url) ? "&" : "?") + e.data; e.global && !c.active++ && c.event.trigger("ajaxStart"); r = (r = xb.exec(e.url)) && (r[1] && r[1] !== location.protocol || r[2] !== location.host); if (e.dataType === "script" && n === "GET" && r) {
                                        var z = s.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || s.documentElement, C = s.createElement("script"); C.src = e.url; if (e.scriptCharset) C.charset = e.scriptCharset; if (!j) {
                                            var B =
                                                false; C.onload = C.onreadystatechange = function () { if (!B && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete")) { B = true; b(); d(); C.onload = C.onreadystatechange = null; z && C.parentNode && z.removeChild(C) } }
                                        } z.insertBefore(C, z.firstChild); return w
                                    } var E = false, x = e.xhr(); if (x) {
                                        e.username ? x.open(n, e.url, e.async, e.username, e.password) : x.open(n, e.url, e.async); try {
                                            if (e.data || a && a.contentType) x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", e.contentType); if (e.ifModified) {
                                            c.lastModified[e.url] && x.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since",
                                                c.lastModified[e.url]); c.etag[e.url] && x.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", c.etag[e.url])
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                                        } catch (ga) { } if (e.beforeSend && e.beforeSend.call(k, x, e) === false) { e.global && !--c.active && c.event.trigger("ajaxStop"); x.abort(); return false } e.global && f("ajaxSend", [x, e]); var g = x.onreadystatechange = function (q) {
                                            if (!x || x.readyState === 0 || q === "abort") {
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     28                 <span class="comments">某某人
     29</span><br />
     30                 <span class="space"><span class="comments">你还好么!</span></span><br />
     32                 <span class="space"/><span class="comments">只有在你的微笑里,我才有呼吸,还贪恋着你的风情,诱惑着你的神秘,埋葬了我的爱情,脉脉之情如一溪春水,快刀难斩断,随着天各一方的时间越来越长,我的思念也越来越深,我很想找一个万籁俱寂的深夜或一个阳光明媚的早晨,把许多心底的惆怅、寂寞向你倾诉。某某人
     33 ,我们的故事是最感人,最真实的,早安,我永恒的爱人,虽然我尚未起床,但思想已经飞到你的身边来了,不管今世也好来世也好,我所要的只有你。我要与你同坐在有着月光的草坪上,一起遥望着繁星点缀的夜空,讲述那人间古老的爱情神话。人生不止,寂寞不已。寂寞人生爱无休,寂寞是爱永远的主题。</span><br />
     34                 <span class="space"/><span class="comments">某某人
     35 ,在这没有月的漆黑的夜里,我独自坐在窗前写着这封信,希望睡前可以吻你;希望睡时可以抱着你;希望醒来可以看到你,有你的日子,一切都是那么美好,风和日丽,鲜花遍地;没你的日子,白昼是那么的黯淡,黑夜是那么的漫长。你的话已经锁在我的记忆里了,那钥匙你就替我保管一辈子吧。如果你冷,我将你拥入怀中;如果你哭,我替你擦去泪痕。你像那天边的云,飘泊不定,叫人难以追寻;你像那水中的萍,流移四方,叫我难以琢磨。这样的习惯也是一种甜蜜的负担,思念你早已成为我生活中不可缺少的习惯。思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房,当我闭上双眼,你的身影又浮现在我的眼前,一些路我们并肩走过,一些故事我们就是主人公,一首歌我们对唱了那么久,永远不变的是心中深藏的对爱的执着。如果,我只有一天的生命,我会去找你,并告诉你,我是如此的依恋你。我们那两颗充满柔情和陶醉的心永远在一起,我愿做天上的星星,给你永恒的光芒,永远守候在你身边。盼你在每一次想你的瞬间,爱你在每一秒呼吸的间隙。不知为什么,只要有你在我身边,我的心便不再惶惶不安。有你的日子你就是一切,没你的日子一切都是你。亲爱的,我想告诉你,自从有了你,我觉得整个世界都在向我点头微笑,你那充满朝气的身影总是伴着月光入我梦来,让我牵挂不停。还记得我俩的初遇。那一瞬间,时间就像静止了一般,你的气质让我觉得惊喜,认识你我的生活充满生机,爱上你我的生活充满激情. </span><br />
     36                 <span class="space"/><span class="comments">某某人
     37 ,保留一个最浪漫的故事,给你一声祝福,一个kiss,爱你直到永远!亲爱的,理解我吗?我不是弱智,但我会傻傻的爱你到永远。某某人
     38 ,我只想和你白头到老,美轮美奂的你编织着神话,创造着奇迹,只因让我遇到你。</span><br />
     39                 <span class="space"/><span class="comments">2013.08.12</span><br />
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