• oracle--AWR报告

    一, 前言

    • 当我们把一条sql送到数据库去执行的时候,我们要知道,什么时候用到cpu,什么时候用到内存,什么时候用到io 

            在看性能指标的时候,心里先要明白,数据库出现性能问题,一般都在三个地方,io,内存,cpu,这三个又是息息相关的(ps:我们先假设这个三个地方都没有物理上的故障),当io负载增大时,肯定需要更多的内存来存放,同时也需要cpu花费更多的时间来过滤这些数据,相反,cpu时间花费多的话,有可能是解析sql语句,也可能是过滤太多的数据,到不一定是和io或内存有关系了 。      

      1. cpu:


          2. 内存:


      3. io:

        这里有一点说明的是,虽然oracle占用了8G的内存,但pga一般只占8G的20%,对于专用服务器模式,每次执行sql语句,表数据的运算等操作,都在pga中进行的,也就是说只能用1.6G左右的内存,如果多个用户都执行 多表关联,而且表数据又多,再加上关联不当的话,内存就成为瓶颈了,所有优化sql很重要的一点就是,减少逻辑读和物理读。


      01 AWR的数据主要有两部分组成:

      1)保存在内存中的系统负载和性能统计数据,主要通过v$视图查询 ;

      02. AWR快照的生成


    SQL> select SNAP_INTERVAL,RETENTION from dba_hist_wr_control;
    +00000 01:00:00.0
    +00008 00:00:00.0


    exec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings(interval => 30, retention = > 10*24*60);


    exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;

      03. AWR报告的生成


    [oracle@node12c01 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Apr 17 02:20:31 2019
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql  --执行生成报表
    Specify the Report Type
    AWR reports can be generated in the following formats.    Please enter the
    name of the format at the prompt.  Default value is 'html'.
    'html'        HTML format (default)
    'text'        Text format
    'active-html'    Includes Performance Hub active report
    Enter value for report_type: html            --选择你要生成的类型,类型有上显示
    old   1: select 'Type Specified: ',lower(nvl('&&report_type','html')) report_type from dual
    new   1: select 'Type Specified: ',lower(nvl('html','html')) report_type from dual
    Type Specified:  html             
    old   1: select '&&report_type' report_type_def from dual
    new   1: select 'html' report_type_def from dual
    old   1: select '&&view_loc' view_loc_def from dual
    new   1: select 'AWR_PDB' view_loc_def from dual
    Current Instance
    DB Id           DB Name          Inst Num         Instance        Container Name
    -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
     1532278336    ORCL                1 orcl         CDB$ROOT
    Instances in this Workload Repository schema
      DB Id      Inst Num    DB Name      Instance      Host
    ------------ ---------- ---------    ----------   ------
    * 1532278336     1    ORCL         orcl      node12c01
    Using 1532278336 for database Id
    Using           1 for instance number
    Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
    Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
    (n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
    specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
    Enter value for num_days: 7    --选择时间范围
    Listing the last 7 days of Completed Snapshots
    Instance     DB Name      Snap Id    Snap Started    Snap Level
    ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
    orcl         ORCL        213  11 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    214  11 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    215  11 Apr 2019 02:00      1
                    216  11 Apr 2019 03:00      1
                    217  11 Apr 2019 04:00      1
                    218  11 Apr 2019 05:00      1
                    219  11 Apr 2019 06:00      1
                    220  11 Apr 2019 07:00      1
                    221  11 Apr 2019 08:00      1
                    222  11 Apr 2019 09:00      1
                    223  11 Apr 2019 10:00      1
                    224  11 Apr 2019 11:00      1
                    225  11 Apr 2019 12:00      1
                    226  11 Apr 2019 13:00      1
                    227  11 Apr 2019 14:00      1
                    228  11 Apr 2019 15:00      1
                    229  11 Apr 2019 16:00      1
                    230  11 Apr 2019 17:00      1
                    231  11 Apr 2019 18:00      1
                    232  11 Apr 2019 19:00      1
                    233  11 Apr 2019 20:00      1
                    234  11 Apr 2019 21:00      1
                    235  11 Apr 2019 22:00      1
                    236  11 Apr 2019 23:00      1
                    237  12 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    238  12 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    239  12 Apr 2019 02:00      1
                    240  12 Apr 2019 03:00      1
                    241  12 Apr 2019 04:00      1
                    242  12 Apr 2019 05:00      1
                    243  12 Apr 2019 06:00      1
                    244  12 Apr 2019 07:00      1
                    245  12 Apr 2019 08:00      1
                    246  12 Apr 2019 09:00      1
                    247  12 Apr 2019 10:00      1
                    248  12 Apr 2019 11:00      1
                    249  12 Apr 2019 12:00      1
                    250  12 Apr 2019 13:00      1
                    251  12 Apr 2019 14:00      1
                    252  12 Apr 2019 15:00      1
                    253  12 Apr 2019 16:00      1
                    254  12 Apr 2019 17:00      1
                    255  12 Apr 2019 18:00      1
                    256  12 Apr 2019 19:00      1
                    257  12 Apr 2019 20:00      1
                    258  12 Apr 2019 21:00      1
                    259  12 Apr 2019 22:00      1
                    260  12 Apr 2019 23:00      1
                    261  13 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    262  13 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    263  13 Apr 2019 02:00      1
                    264  13 Apr 2019 03:00      1
                    265  13 Apr 2019 04:00      1
                    266  13 Apr 2019 05:00      1
                    267  13 Apr 2019 06:00      1
                    268  13 Apr 2019 07:00      1
    Instance     DB Name      Snap Id    Snap Started    Snap Level
    ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
    orcl         ORCL        269  13 Apr 2019 08:00      1
                    270  13 Apr 2019 09:00      1
                    271  13 Apr 2019 10:00      1
                    272  13 Apr 2019 11:00      1
                    273  13 Apr 2019 12:00      1
                    274  13 Apr 2019 13:00      1
                    275  13 Apr 2019 14:00      1
                    276  13 Apr 2019 15:00      1
                    277  13 Apr 2019 16:00      1
                    278  13 Apr 2019 17:00      1
                    279  13 Apr 2019 18:00      1
                    280  13 Apr 2019 19:00      1
                    281  13 Apr 2019 20:00      1
                    282  13 Apr 2019 21:00      1
                    283  13 Apr 2019 22:00      1
                    284  13 Apr 2019 23:00      1
                    285  14 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    286  14 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    287  14 Apr 2019 02:00      1
                    288  14 Apr 2019 03:00      1
                    289  14 Apr 2019 04:00      1
                    290  14 Apr 2019 05:00      1
                    291  14 Apr 2019 06:00      1
                    292  14 Apr 2019 07:00      1
                    293  14 Apr 2019 08:00      1
                    294  14 Apr 2019 09:00      1
                    295  14 Apr 2019 10:00      1
                    296  14 Apr 2019 11:00      1
                    297  14 Apr 2019 12:00      1
                    298  14 Apr 2019 13:00      1
                    299  14 Apr 2019 14:00      1
                    300  14 Apr 2019 15:00      1
                    301  14 Apr 2019 16:00      1
                    302  14 Apr 2019 17:00      1
                    303  14 Apr 2019 18:00      1
                    304  14 Apr 2019 19:00      1
                    305  14 Apr 2019 20:00      1
                    306  14 Apr 2019 21:00      1
                    307  14 Apr 2019 22:00      1
                    308  14 Apr 2019 23:00      1
                    309  15 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    310  15 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    311  15 Apr 2019 02:00      1
                    312  15 Apr 2019 03:00      1
                    313  15 Apr 2019 04:00      1
                    314  15 Apr 2019 05:00      1
                    315  15 Apr 2019 06:00      1
                    316  15 Apr 2019 07:00      1
                    317  15 Apr 2019 08:00      1
                    318  15 Apr 2019 09:00      1
                    319  15 Apr 2019 10:00      1
                    320  15 Apr 2019 11:00      1
                    321  15 Apr 2019 12:00      1
                    322  15 Apr 2019 13:00      1
                    323  15 Apr 2019 14:00      1
                    324  15 Apr 2019 15:00      1
    Instance     DB Name      Snap Id    Snap Started    Snap Level
    ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
    orcl         ORCL        325  15 Apr 2019 16:00      1
                    326  15 Apr 2019 17:00      1
                    327  15 Apr 2019 18:00      1
                    328  15 Apr 2019 19:00      1
                    329  15 Apr 2019 20:00      1
                    330  15 Apr 2019 21:00      1
                    331  15 Apr 2019 22:00      1
                    332  15 Apr 2019 23:00      1
                    333  16 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    334  16 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    335  16 Apr 2019 02:00      1
                    336  16 Apr 2019 03:00      1
                    337  16 Apr 2019 04:00      1
                    338  16 Apr 2019 05:00      1
                    339  16 Apr 2019 06:00      1
                    340  16 Apr 2019 07:00      1
                    341  16 Apr 2019 08:00      1
                    342  16 Apr 2019 09:00      1
                    343  16 Apr 2019 10:00      1
                    344  16 Apr 2019 11:00      1
                    345  16 Apr 2019 12:00      1
                    346  16 Apr 2019 13:00      1
                    347  16 Apr 2019 14:00      1
                    348  16 Apr 2019 15:00      1
                    349  16 Apr 2019 16:00      1
                    350  16 Apr 2019 17:00      1
                    351  16 Apr 2019 18:00      1
                    352  16 Apr 2019 19:00      1
                    353  16 Apr 2019 20:00      1
                    354  16 Apr 2019 21:00      1
                    355  16 Apr 2019 22:00      1
                    356  16 Apr 2019 23:00      1
                    357  17 Apr 2019 00:00      1
                    358  17 Apr 2019 01:00      1
                    359  17 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
    Enter value for begin_snap: 213     --生成开始的id
    Begin Snapshot Id specified: 213
    Enter value for end_snap: 359        --生成结束的id
    End   Snapshot Id specified: 359
    Specify the Report Name
    The default report file name is awrrpt_1_213_359.html.    To use this name,
    press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
    Enter value for report_name:   选择自己的名字
    Using the report name awrrpt_1_213_359.html


      1 [oracle@node12c01 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
      3 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Apr 17 02:20:31 2019
      5 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
      8 Connected to:
      9 Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
     11 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql  --执行生成报表
     13 Specify the Report Type
     14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     15 AWR reports can be generated in the following formats.    Please enter the
     16 name of the format at the prompt.  Default value is 'html'.
     18 'html'        HTML format (default)
     19 'text'        Text format
     20 'active-html'    Includes Performance Hub active report
     22 Enter value for report_type: html            --选择你要生成的类型,类型有上显示
     23 old   1: select 'Type Specified: ',lower(nvl('&&report_type','html')) report_type from dual
     24 new   1: select 'Type Specified: ',lower(nvl('html','html')) report_type from dual
     26 Type Specified:  html             
     28 old   1: select '&&report_type' report_type_def from dual
     29 new   1: select 'html' report_type_def from dual
     33 old   1: select '&&view_loc' view_loc_def from dual
     34 new   1: select 'AWR_PDB' view_loc_def from dual
     38 Current Instance
     39 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     40 DB Id           DB Name          Inst Num         Instance        Container Name
     41 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
     42  1532278336    ORCL                1 orcl         CDB$ROOT
     54 Instances in this Workload Repository schema
     55 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     56   DB Id      Inst Num    DB Name      Instance      Host
     57 ------------ ---------- ---------    ----------   ------
     58 * 1532278336     1    ORCL         orcl      node12c01
     60 Using 1532278336 for database Id
     61 Using           1 for instance number
     64 Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
     65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     66 Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
     67 (n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
     68 specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
     71 Enter value for num_days: 7    --选择时间范围
     73 Listing the last 7 days of Completed Snapshots
     74 Instance     DB Name      Snap Id    Snap Started    Snap Level
     75 ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
     77 orcl         ORCL        213  11 Apr 2019 00:00      1
     78                 214  11 Apr 2019 01:00      1
     79                 215  11 Apr 2019 02:00      1
     80                 216  11 Apr 2019 03:00      1
     81                 217  11 Apr 2019 04:00      1
     82                 218  11 Apr 2019 05:00      1
     83                 219  11 Apr 2019 06:00      1
     84                 220  11 Apr 2019 07:00      1
     85                 221  11 Apr 2019 08:00      1
     86                 222  11 Apr 2019 09:00      1
     87                 223  11 Apr 2019 10:00      1
     88                 224  11 Apr 2019 11:00      1
     89                 225  11 Apr 2019 12:00      1
     90                 226  11 Apr 2019 13:00      1
     91                 227  11 Apr 2019 14:00      1
     92                 228  11 Apr 2019 15:00      1
     93                 229  11 Apr 2019 16:00      1
     94                 230  11 Apr 2019 17:00      1
     95                 231  11 Apr 2019 18:00      1
     96                 232  11 Apr 2019 19:00      1
     97                 233  11 Apr 2019 20:00      1
     98                 234  11 Apr 2019 21:00      1
     99                 235  11 Apr 2019 22:00      1
    100                 236  11 Apr 2019 23:00      1
    101                 237  12 Apr 2019 00:00      1
    102                 238  12 Apr 2019 01:00      1
    103                 239  12 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    104                 240  12 Apr 2019 03:00      1
    105                 241  12 Apr 2019 04:00      1
    106                 242  12 Apr 2019 05:00      1
    107                 243  12 Apr 2019 06:00      1
    108                 244  12 Apr 2019 07:00      1
    109                 245  12 Apr 2019 08:00      1
    110                 246  12 Apr 2019 09:00      1
    111                 247  12 Apr 2019 10:00      1
    112                 248  12 Apr 2019 11:00      1
    113                 249  12 Apr 2019 12:00      1
    114                 250  12 Apr 2019 13:00      1
    115                 251  12 Apr 2019 14:00      1
    116                 252  12 Apr 2019 15:00      1
    117                 253  12 Apr 2019 16:00      1
    118                 254  12 Apr 2019 17:00      1
    119                 255  12 Apr 2019 18:00      1
    120                 256  12 Apr 2019 19:00      1
    121                 257  12 Apr 2019 20:00      1
    122                 258  12 Apr 2019 21:00      1
    123                 259  12 Apr 2019 22:00      1
    124                 260  12 Apr 2019 23:00      1
    125                 261  13 Apr 2019 00:00      1
    126                 262  13 Apr 2019 01:00      1
    127                 263  13 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    128                 264  13 Apr 2019 03:00      1
    129                 265  13 Apr 2019 04:00      1
    130                 266  13 Apr 2019 05:00      1
    131                 267  13 Apr 2019 06:00      1
    132                 268  13 Apr 2019 07:00      1
    133 Instance     DB Name      Snap Id    Snap Started    Snap Level
    134 ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
    136 orcl         ORCL        269  13 Apr 2019 08:00      1
    137                 270  13 Apr 2019 09:00      1
    138                 271  13 Apr 2019 10:00      1
    139                 272  13 Apr 2019 11:00      1
    140                 273  13 Apr 2019 12:00      1
    141                 274  13 Apr 2019 13:00      1
    142                 275  13 Apr 2019 14:00      1
    143                 276  13 Apr 2019 15:00      1
    144                 277  13 Apr 2019 16:00      1
    145                 278  13 Apr 2019 17:00      1
    146                 279  13 Apr 2019 18:00      1
    147                 280  13 Apr 2019 19:00      1
    148                 281  13 Apr 2019 20:00      1
    149                 282  13 Apr 2019 21:00      1
    150                 283  13 Apr 2019 22:00      1
    151                 284  13 Apr 2019 23:00      1
    152                 285  14 Apr 2019 00:00      1
    153                 286  14 Apr 2019 01:00      1
    154                 287  14 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    155                 288  14 Apr 2019 03:00      1
    156                 289  14 Apr 2019 04:00      1
    157                 290  14 Apr 2019 05:00      1
    158                 291  14 Apr 2019 06:00      1
    159                 292  14 Apr 2019 07:00      1
    160                 293  14 Apr 2019 08:00      1
    161                 294  14 Apr 2019 09:00      1
    162                 295  14 Apr 2019 10:00      1
    163                 296  14 Apr 2019 11:00      1
    164                 297  14 Apr 2019 12:00      1
    165                 298  14 Apr 2019 13:00      1
    166                 299  14 Apr 2019 14:00      1
    167                 300  14 Apr 2019 15:00      1
    168                 301  14 Apr 2019 16:00      1
    169                 302  14 Apr 2019 17:00      1
    170                 303  14 Apr 2019 18:00      1
    171                 304  14 Apr 2019 19:00      1
    172                 305  14 Apr 2019 20:00      1
    173                 306  14 Apr 2019 21:00      1
    174                 307  14 Apr 2019 22:00      1
    175                 308  14 Apr 2019 23:00      1
    176                 309  15 Apr 2019 00:00      1
    177                 310  15 Apr 2019 01:00      1
    178                 311  15 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    179                 312  15 Apr 2019 03:00      1
    180                 313  15 Apr 2019 04:00      1
    181                 314  15 Apr 2019 05:00      1
    182                 315  15 Apr 2019 06:00      1
    183                 316  15 Apr 2019 07:00      1
    184                 317  15 Apr 2019 08:00      1
    185                 318  15 Apr 2019 09:00      1
    186                 319  15 Apr 2019 10:00      1
    187                 320  15 Apr 2019 11:00      1
    188                 321  15 Apr 2019 12:00      1
    189                 322  15 Apr 2019 13:00      1
    190                 323  15 Apr 2019 14:00      1
    191                 324  15 Apr 2019 15:00      1
    192 Instance     DB Name      Snap Id    Snap Started    Snap Level
    193 ------------ ------------ ---------- ------------------ ----------
    195 orcl         ORCL        325  15 Apr 2019 16:00      1
    196                 326  15 Apr 2019 17:00      1
    197                 327  15 Apr 2019 18:00      1
    198                 328  15 Apr 2019 19:00      1
    199                 329  15 Apr 2019 20:00      1
    200                 330  15 Apr 2019 21:00      1
    201                 331  15 Apr 2019 22:00      1
    202                 332  15 Apr 2019 23:00      1
    203                 333  16 Apr 2019 00:00      1
    204                 334  16 Apr 2019 01:00      1
    205                 335  16 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    206                 336  16 Apr 2019 03:00      1
    207                 337  16 Apr 2019 04:00      1
    208                 338  16 Apr 2019 05:00      1
    209                 339  16 Apr 2019 06:00      1
    210                 340  16 Apr 2019 07:00      1
    211                 341  16 Apr 2019 08:00      1
    212                 342  16 Apr 2019 09:00      1
    213                 343  16 Apr 2019 10:00      1
    214                 344  16 Apr 2019 11:00      1
    215                 345  16 Apr 2019 12:00      1
    216                 346  16 Apr 2019 13:00      1
    217                 347  16 Apr 2019 14:00      1
    218                 348  16 Apr 2019 15:00      1
    219                 349  16 Apr 2019 16:00      1
    220                 350  16 Apr 2019 17:00      1
    221                 351  16 Apr 2019 18:00      1
    222                 352  16 Apr 2019 19:00      1
    223                 353  16 Apr 2019 20:00      1
    224                 354  16 Apr 2019 21:00      1
    225                 355  16 Apr 2019 22:00      1
    226                 356  16 Apr 2019 23:00      1
    227                 357  17 Apr 2019 00:00      1
    228                 358  17 Apr 2019 01:00      1
    229                 359  17 Apr 2019 02:00      1
    232 Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
    233 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    234 Enter value for begin_snap: 213     --生成开始的id
    235 Begin Snapshot Id specified: 213
    237 Enter value for end_snap: 359        --生成结束的id
    238 End   Snapshot Id specified: 359
    242 Specify the Report Name
    243 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    244 The default report file name is awrrpt_1_213_359.html.    To use this name,
    245 press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
    247 Enter value for report_name:   选择自己的名字
    249 Using the report name awrrpt_1_213_359.html
    251 .........................................
    253 <td class='awrnc'>
    254 CDB$ROOT
    255 </td></tr>
    256 </table><p />
    257 <hr align="left" width="20%" /><p />
    258 <a class="awr" href="#36">Back to init.ora Parameters</a>
    259 <br /><a class="awr" href="#top">Back to Top</a><p />
    260 <p />
    261 <a class="awr" name="99995"></a>
    262 <h2>ADDM Task ADDM:1532278336_1_282</h2>
    263 <pre>
    264       ADDM Report for Task &apos;ADDM:1532278336_1_282&apos;
    265       --------------------------------------------
    267 Analysis Period
    268 ---------------
    269 AWR snapshot range from 281 to 282.
    270 Time period starts at 13-APR-19 08.00.39 PM
    271 Time period ends at 13-APR-19 09.00.44 PM
    273 Analysis Target
    274 ---------------
    275 Database &apos;ORCL&apos; with DB ID 1532278336.
    276 Database version
    277 ADDM performed an analysis of instance orcl, numbered 1 and hosted at
    278 node12c01.
    280 Activity During the Analysis Period
    281 -----------------------------------
    282 Total database time was 191 seconds.
    283 The average number of active sessions was .05.
    286 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    287 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    289 There are no findings to report.
    291 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    292 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    294       Additional Information
    295       ----------------------
    297 Miscellaneous Information
    298 -------------------------
    299 There was no significant database activity to run the ADDM.
    301 The database&apos;s maintenance windows were active during 99% of the analysis
    302 period.
    304 </pre>
    305 <h2>ADDM Task ADDM:1532278336_1_306</h2>
    306 <pre>
    307       ADDM Report for Task &apos;ADDM:1532278336_1_306&apos;
    308       --------------------------------------------
    310 Analysis Period
    311 ---------------
    312 AWR snapshot range from 305 to 306.
    313 Time period starts at 14-APR-19 08.00.33 PM
    314 Time period ends at 14-APR-19 09.00.38 PM
    316 Analysis Target
    317 ---------------
    318 Database &apos;ORCL&apos; with DB ID 1532278336.
    319 Database version
    320 ADDM performed an analysis of instance orcl, numbered 1 and hosted at
    321 node12c01.
    323 Activity During the Analysis Period
    324 -----------------------------------
    325 Total database time was 180 seconds.
    326 The average number of active sessions was .05.
    329 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    330 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    332 There are no findings to report.
    334 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    335 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    337       Additional Information
    338       ----------------------
    340 Miscellaneous Information
    341 -------------------------
    342 There was no significant database activity to run the ADDM.
    344 The database&apos;s maintenance windows were active during 100% of the analysis
    345 period.
    347 </pre>
    348 <h2>ADDM Task ADDM:1532278336_1_305</h2>
    349 <pre>
    350       ADDM Report for Task &apos;ADDM:1532278336_1_305&apos;
    351       --------------------------------------------
    353 Analysis Period
    354 ---------------
    355 AWR snapshot range from 304 to 305.
    356 Time period starts at 14-APR-19 07.00.28 PM
    357 Time period ends at 14-APR-19 08.00.33 PM
    359 Analysis Target
    360 ---------------
    361 Database &apos;ORCL&apos; with DB ID 1532278336.
    362 Database version
    363 ADDM performed an analysis of instance orcl, numbered 1 and hosted at
    364 node12c01.
    366 Activity During the Analysis Period
    367 -----------------------------------
    368 Total database time was 168 seconds.
    369 The average number of active sessions was .05.
    372 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    373 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    375 There are no findings to report.
    377 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    378 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    380       Additional Information
    381       ----------------------
    383 Miscellaneous Information
    384 -------------------------
    385 There was no significant database activity to run the ADDM.
    387 The database&apos;s maintenance windows were active during 99% of the analysis
    388 period.
    390 </pre>
    391 <br /><a class="awr" href="#top">Back to Top</a><p />
    392 <p />
    393 <p />
    394 <p />
    395 <p />
    396 <p />
    397 <p />
    398 <p />
    399 <p />
    400 <p />
    401 End of Report
    402 </body></html>
    View Code




       01, AWR

          Elapsed: 240.00 (mins) 表明采样时间是240分钟,任何数据都要通过这个时间来衡量,离开了这个采样时间,任何数据都毫无疑义 
          DB Time: 92,537.95 (mins) 表明用户操作花费的时候,包括cpu时间喝等待时间,也许有人会觉得奇怪,为什么在采样的240分钟过程中,用户操作时间竟然有92537分钟呢,远远超过了 


       1. Buffer Nowait 说明 在从内存取数据的时候,没有经历等待的比例,期望值是100% 
       2. Buffer Hit 说明从内存取数据的时候,buffer的命中率的比例,期望值是100%,但100%并不代表性能就好,因为这只是一个比例而已,举个例子,执行一条 sql语句,# 执行计划是需要取10000个数据块,结果内存中还真有这10000个数据块,那么比例是100%,表面上看是性能最高的,还有一个执行计划是需要500 个数据块,内存中有250个,另外250个需要在物理磁盘中取, 
          这种情况下,buffer hit是50%,结果呢,第二个执行计划性能才是最高的,所以说100%并不代表性能最好 
       3. Library Hit 说明sql在Shared Pool的命中率,期望值是100% 
       4. Execute to Parse 说明解析sql和执行sql之间的比例,越高越好,说明一次解析,到处执行,如果parse多,execute少的话,还会出现负数,因为计算公式是100*(1-parse/execute) 
       5. Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd 说明在解析sql语句过程中,cpu占整个的解析时间比例,,期望值是100%,说明没有产生等待,需要说明的是,即使有硬解析,只要cpu没有出现性能问题,也是可以容忍的,比较硬解析也有它的好处的 
       6. Redo NoWait 说明在产生日志的时候,没有产生等待,期望值是100% 
       7. Soft Parse 说明软解析的比例,期望值是100%,有一点要说明的是,不要单方面的追求软解析的高比例,而去绑定变量,要看性能的瓶颈在哪里 
       8. Latch Hit 说明latch的命中率,期望值是100%,latch类似锁,是一种内存锁,但只会产生等待,不会产生阻塞,和lock还是有区别的,latch是在并发的情况下产生的 
       9. Non-Parse CPU 说明非解析cpu的比例,越高越好,用100减去这个比例,可以看出解析sql所花费的cpu,100-99.30=0.7,说明花费在解析sql上的cpu很少

    • Time Model Statistics

      可以看出,在整个sql执行时间(sql execute elapsed time)时间为5144秒中,解析时间(parse time elapsed)用了将近900秒秒,硬解析时间(hard parse elapsed time)用了同样也用了快900秒,硬解析时间占了整个解析时间的绝大部分,但解析时间是花的也特别多,所以可以判断出,sql的解析成为性能的瓶 颈,进一步推测,sql在获取数据的过程中倒是没有太多时间

    • Top 5 Timed Events,从这里可以看出等待时间在前五位的是什么事件,基本上就可以判断出性能瓶颈在什么地方
    EventWaits%Time -outsTotal Wait Time (s)Avg waitWaits /txn% DB time
    acknowledge over PGA limit 250,355 100 2,909 11.62ms 3.35 38.13
    PGA memory operation 1,208,786   16 13.24us 16.16 0.21
    Failed Logon Delay 13 100 13 1000.08ms 0.00 0.17
    Pluggable Database file copy 2,918   11 3.85ms 0.04 0.15
    enq: JG - queue lock 12   8 662.24ms 0.00 0.10
    Disk file operations I/O 49,900   8 157.65us 0.67 0.10
    db file sequential read 30,552   7 240.51us 0.41 0.10
    log file sync 2,498   7 2.73ms 0.03 0.09
    local write wait 1,825   5 2.84ms 0.02 0.07
    enq: RO - fast object reuse 1,450   4 2.93ms 0.02 0.06
    control file parallel write 742   2 2.72ms 0.01 0.03
    enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt 606   2 3.17ms 0.01 0.03
    resmgr:cpu quantum 68   2 24.59ms 0.00 0.02
    reliable message 2,432   1 609.97us 0.03 0.02
    library cache lock 22   1 63.11ms 0.00 0.02
    latch: shared pool 1,304   1 1.04ms 0.02 0.02
    recovery area: computing obsolete files 5   1 231.36ms 0.00 0.02
    sort segment request 1 100 1 999.28ms 0.00 0.01
    ADR block file read 171   1 5.60ms 0.00 0.01
    db file scattered read 1,036   1 559.15us 0.01 0.01
    direct path sync 209   0 1.97ms 0.00 0.01
    recovery area: computing backed up files 5   0 73.53ms 0.00 0.00
    DLM cross inst call completion 80   0 3.71ms 0.00 0.00
    undo segment extension 47 98 0 4.59ms 0.00 0.00
    library cache: mutex X 60   0 3.06ms 0.00 0.00
    control file single write 150   0 1.10ms 0.00 0.00
    row cache mutex 61   0 2.52ms 0.00 0.00
    cursor: pin S wait on X 19   0 7.30ms 0.00 0.00
    rdbms ipc reply 70   0 1.84ms 0.00 0.00
    control file sequential read 21,699   0 5.83us 0.29 0.00
    resmgr:internal state change 1   0 99.93ms 0.00 0.00
    PX Deq: Slave Session Stats 388   0 238.38us 0.01 0.00
    log buffer space 1   0 78.54ms 0.00 0.00
    db file single write 75   0 929.52us 0.00 0.00
    library cache load lock 17   0 3.74ms 0.00 0.00
    recovery area: computing dropped files 5   0 12.08ms 0.00 0.00
    db file parallel read 273   0 203.64us 0.00 0.00
    row cache lock 11   0 5.01ms 0.00 0.00
    Data file init write 88   0 526.43us 0.00 0.00
    SQL*Net break/reset to client 299   0 132.44us 0.00 0.00
    log file switch (private strand flush incomplete) 2   0 18.91ms 0.00 0.00
    direct path write temp 219   0 158.95us 0.00 0.00
    PX Deq: Join ACK 88   0 376.35us 0.00 0.00
    resmgr:plan change 10   0 3.22ms 0.00 0.00
    library cache: bucket mutex X 7   0 4.54ms 0.00 0.00
    Compression analysis 10,212   0 3.04us 0.14 0.00
    oracle thread bootstrap 4   0 6.92ms 0.00 0.00
    latch free 19   0 1.12ms 0.00 0.00
    latch: enqueue hash chains 2   0 10.64ms 0.00 0.00
    write complete waits 6   0 3.53ms 0.00 0.00
    enq: TX - contention 3   0 6.79ms 0.00 0.00
    asynch descriptor resize 1,230 100 0 7.39us 0.02 0.00
    row cache read 8   0 .96ms 0.00 0.00
    PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT 44   0 164.02us 0.00 0.00
    buffer busy waits 15   0 471.87us 0.00 0.00
    enq: TC - contention 8   0 618.25us 0.00 0.00
    enq: PS - contention 8   0 607.88us 0.00 0.00
    kdic_do_merge 816   0 4.81us 0.01 0.00
    enq: CU - contention 1   0 3.40ms 0.00 0.00
    SQL*Net message to client 4,903   0 647.15ns 0.07 0.00
    CSS initialization 1   0 3.07ms 0.00 0.00
    cursor: pin S 2   0 1.14ms 0.00 0.00
    direct path write 10   0 215.40us 0.00 0.00
    latch: call allocation 2   0 1.00ms 0.00 0.00
    latch: cache buffers chains 3   0 566.00us 0.00 0.00
    latch: redo allocation 3   0 345.00us 0.00 0.00
    watchdog main loop 350,487   1,051,183 2999.21ms 4.69  
    jobq slave wait 182,465 99 90,696 497.06ms 2.44  
    SQL*Net message from client 4,902   87,039 17.76 s 0.07  
    PL/SQL lock timer 606 100 606 999.71ms 0.01  
    PX Deq: Execution Msg 1,677   22 13.22ms 0.02  
    PX Deq: Execute Reply 220   10 45.98ms 0.00  
    PX Deq: Table Q Normal 44   0 2.63ms 0.00  
    PX Deq: Parse Reply 44   0 1.79ms 0.00  
    PX Deq Credit: send blkd 42   0 182.88us 0.00  
    PX Deq: Msg Fragment 8   0 490.13us 0.00  
    PX Deq: Table Q Sample 4   0 315.50us 0.00  

      1. buffer busy waits 说明在获取数据的过程中,频繁的产生等待事件,很有可能产生了热点块,也就是说,很多会话都去读取同样的数据块,这一事件等待了5627394次,总共等待了5322924秒,平均等待时间为946毫秒,而且频率也是最高的,有95.9%,等待类别是并发 
       2. 会话修改的记录不一样,也会产生等待direct path write temp和direct path read temp 说明用到了临时表空间,那我们再看一下Tablespace IO Stats 

     各项指标都是非常高的,再根据上面的In-memory Sort是100%,没有产生磁盘排序,也就在排序的时候没有用到临时表空间,进一步推测,多个session,每个session执行的sql语句中多表关联,产生了很多中间数据,pga内存中放不下, 

        * 继续看SQL Statistics 
          根据buffer busy waits等待次数,时间,频率都是最高的,我们重点看逻辑读,物理读,和执行时间最长的sql,把排在前几位的拿出来优化 

        * 有兴趣的话还可以看一下Segment Statistics 

        * 也可以看一下Load Profile 

    02 .AWR报告的分析

      001 策略



      002 系统整体状况方面

        1)Load Profile:分析系

          了解系统整体负载状况,如每秒中的事务数/语句数,每秒/每事务物理读写次数(Physical Reads/Writes), 逻辑读写次数(Logical Reads/Writes),SQL语句的解析(Parse),特别是硬解析次数等。

        2)Instance Efficiency Percentages:

          各指标都应接近100%,除了:execute to parse (70%以上)和parse cpu to parse elapsed。如果不符合,基本可以确定系统存在性能问题;但是如果反过来,即都符合,也不能说明系统完全正常,还要看实际情况。

          1)Top 5 Timed Events:这里列出消耗时间最多的5个等待事件,每种等待说明,都表示一种原因,如:db file sequential read表示按索引访问出现等待,db file scattered reade表示全表扫描访问出现等待事件。
           2)Top N SQL:根据时间消耗,内存消耗,物理I/O等排序,对相关SQL分析执行计划
                      3)如果是RAC环境,需要特别关注RAC Statistic中的相关指标      
                      4)SGA PGA分析

      003 WORKLOAD REPOSITORY report for

    DB Time不包括Oracle后台进程消耗的时间。如果DB Time远远小于Elapsed时间,说明数据库比较空闲。



      004 Report Summary


      shared pool主要包括library cache和dictionary cache。library cache用来存储最近解析(或编译)后SQL、PL/SQL和Java classes等。library cache用来存储最近引用的数据字典。发生在library cache或dictionary cache的cache miss代价要比发生在buffer cache的代价高得多。因此shared pool的设置要确保最近使用的数据都能被cache。

      005 Load Profile


    显示数据库负载概况,将之与基线数据比较才具有更多的意义,如果每秒或每事务的负载变化不大,说明应用运行比较稳定。单个的报告数据只说明应用的负载情况,绝大多数据并没有一个所谓“正确”的值,然而Logons大于每秒1~2个、Hard parses大于每秒100、全部parses超过每秒300表明可能有争用问题。

    Redo size:每秒/每事务产生的redo大小(单位字节),可标志数据库任务的繁重程序。

    Logical reads:每秒/每事务逻辑读的块数

    Block changes:每秒/每事务修改的块数

    Physical reads:每秒/每事务物理读的块数

    Physical writes:每秒/每事务物理写的块数

    User calls:每秒/每事务用户call次数


    Hard parses:其中硬解析的次数,硬解析太多,说明SQL重用率不高。





    Blocks changed per Read:表示逻辑读用于修改数据块的比例

    Recursive Call:递归调用占所有操作的比率

    Rollback per transaction:每事务的回滚率

    Rows per Sort:每次排序的行数



      提到软解析(soft prase)和硬解析(hard prase),就不能不说一下Oracle对sql的处理过程。当你发出一条sql语句交付Oracle,在执行和获取结果前,Oracle对此sql将进行几个步骤的处理过程:

      1、语法检查(syntax check)


      2、语义检查(semantic check)



      利用内部算法对sql进行解析,生成解析树(parse tree)及执行计划(execution plan)。

      4、执行sql,返回结果(execute and return)


      Oracle利用内部的hash算法来取得该sql的hash值,然后在library cache里查找是否存在该hash值;





      006 Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)


    本节包含了Oracle关键指标的内存命中率及其它数据库实例操作的效率。其中Buffer Hit Ratio 也称Cache Hit Ratio,Library Hit ratio也称Library Cache Hit ratio。同Load Profile一节相同,这一节也没有所谓“正确”的值,而只能根据应用的特点判断是否合适。在一个使用直接读执行大型并行查询的DSS环境,20%的Buffer Hit Ratio是可以接受的,而这个值对于一个OLTP系统是完全不能接受的。根据Oracle的经验,对于OLTPT系统,Buffer Hit Ratio理想应该在90%以上。

    Buffer Nowait表示在内存获得数据的未等待比例。

    buffer hit表示进程从内存中找到数据块的比率,监视这个值是否发生重大变化比这个值本身更重要。对于一般的OLTP系统,如果此值低于80%,应该给数据库分配更多的内存。

    Redo NoWait表示在LOG缓冲区获得BUFFER的未等待比例。如果太低(可参考90%阀值),考虑增加LOG BUFFER。

    library hit表示Oracle从Library Cache中检索到一个解析过的SQL或PL/SQL语句的比率,当应用程序调用SQL或存储过程时,Oracle检查Library Cache确定是否存在解析过的版本,如果存在,Oracle立即执行语句;如果不存在,Oracle解析此语句,并在Library Cache中为它分配共享SQL区。低的library hit ratio会导致过多的解析,增加CPU消耗,降低性能。如果library hit ratio低于90%,可能需要调大shared pool区。

    Latch Hit:Latch是一种保护内存结构的锁,可以认为是SERVER进程获取访问内存数据结构的许可。要确保Latch Hit>99%,否则意味着Shared Pool latch争用,可能由于未共享的SQL,或者Library Cache太小,可使用绑定变更或调大Shared Pool解决。

    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd:解析实际运行时间/(解析实际运行时间+解析中等待资源时间),越高越好。

    Non-Parse CPU :SQL实际运行时间/(SQL实际运行时间+SQL解析时间),太低表示解析消耗时间过多。

    Execute to Parse:是语句执行与分析的比例,如果要SQL重用率高,则这个比例会很高。该值越高表示一次解析后被重复执行的次数越多。

    In-memory Sort:在内存中排序的比率,如果过低说明有大量的排序在临时表空间中进行。考虑调大PGA。

    Soft Parse:软解析的百分比(softs/softs+hards),近似当作sql在共享区的命中率,太低则需要调整应用使用绑定变量。

      007 hared Pool Statistics

      Memory Usage %:对于一个已经运行一段时间的数据库来说,共享池内存使用率,应该稳定在75%-90%间,如果太小,说明Shared Pool有浪费,而如果高于90,说明共享池中有争用,内存不足。

      SQL with executions>1:执行次数大于1的sql比率,如果此值太小,说明需要在应用中更多使用绑定变量,避免过多SQL解析。

      Memory for SQL w/exec>1:执行次数大于1的SQL消耗内存的占比。

    参考文章: https://blog.csdn.net/haojiubujian920416/article/details/81511030

    02. AWR快照的生成
    [02. AWR kuàizhào de shēngchéng]
    02. Generation of AWR snapshots
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