function GetAuditorInfoBySeqNo(filenostr,strSeqNo)
Dim auditorInfo(3)
sqltext = "select auditor from fileaudit where FileNO='"&filenostr&"' and seqNo='"&strSeqNo&"'"
set rs_auditor = conn.Execute(sqltext)
if not rs_auditor.eof then
employeeid = rs_auditor("auditor")
sqltext =" select * from employee where id="&employeeid
set rs_em = conn.Execute(sqltext)
auditorInfo(1) = rs_em("ID")
auditorInfo(2) = rs_em("en_Name")
auditorInfo(3) = rs_em("mail")
end if
GetAuditorInfoBySeqNo = auditorInfo
end function
Dim auditorInfo(3)
sqltext = "select auditor from fileaudit where FileNO='"&filenostr&"' and seqNo='"&strSeqNo&"'"
set rs_auditor = conn.Execute(sqltext)
if not rs_auditor.eof then
employeeid = rs_auditor("auditor")
sqltext =" select * from employee where id="&employeeid
set rs_em = conn.Execute(sqltext)
auditorInfo(1) = rs_em("ID")
auditorInfo(2) = rs_em("en_Name")
auditorInfo(3) = rs_em("mail")
end if
GetAuditorInfoBySeqNo = auditorInfo
end function
AuditorInfo = GetAuditorInfoBySeqNo(file_No,2)
Response.write AuditorInfo(1)
Response.write AuditorInfo(1)