• 分析性能瓶颈 — 调试OutOfMemoryException



    1.   dir /s /b c:\windows > d:\test.txt

    2.   FOR /L %i IN (1,1,100) DO type test.txt >> testdata.txt



     (318.1688): CLR exception - code e0434352 (first chance)

    … …


    # OutOfMemeoryException已经抛出了


     (318.1688): CLR exception - code e0434352 (!!! second chance !!!)

    eax=0017eb74 ebx=00000005 ecx=00000005 edx=00000000 esi=0017ec20 edi=005595e0

    eip=753b9617 esp=0017eb74 ebp=0017ebc4 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac pe nc

    cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000             efl=00000216


    753b9617 c9              leave

    0:000> .loadby sos clr

    0:000> !pe

    Exception object: 744a8e84

    Exception type:   System.OutOfMemoryException

    Message:          <none>

    InnerException:   <none>

    StackTrace (generated):

    SP       IP       Function


    # 不出所料,StreamReader里面使用StringBuilder将文本文件读入到一个字符串里。而StringBuilder是动态

    # 分配内存的。


        0017ED38 5713E61E mscorlib_ni!System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()+0x1e

        0017ED64 57121991 mscorlib_ni!System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd()+0x7d

        0017ED78 002F0136 ConsoleApplication1!ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(System.String[])+0xc6

    StackTraceString: <none>

    HResult: 8007000e


    # 使用AnalyzeOOM来分析一下原因,看看是GC哪一个内存区域导致了这个异常。


    0:000> !ao


    # 找到了,是大对象堆(Large Object Heap - LOH),GC在尝试申请一个1.5G的内存空间时

    # 遭拒。


    Managed OOM occured after GC #312 (Requested to allocate 1649667816 bytes)

    Reason: Didn't have enough memory to allocate an LOH segment

    Detail: LOH: Failed to reserve memory (1652555776 bytes)


    # 使用!eeheap –gc命令找到GC里,各个generation的堆的起始地址和结束地址


    0:000> !eeheap -gc

    Number of GC Heaps: 1

    generation 0 starts at 0x744a8e78

    generation 1 starts at 0x7446a408

    generation 2 starts at 0x01911000

    ephemeral segment allocation context: none

     segment     begin allocated size

    01910000 01911000 0290aee0 0xff9ee0(16752352)

    03fd0000 03fd1000 04fcd3ec 0xffc3ec(16761836)

    … …

    73ca0000 73ca1000 744aae84 0x809e84(8429188)

    Large object heap starts at 0x02911000


    # LOH的起始地址找到了,0x02911000就是LOH的起始地址

    # 已经分配了0x02913240个字节,所以结束地址就是

    # 0x02911000 + 0x02913240


     segment     begin allocated size

    02910000 02911000 02913240 0x2240(8768)

    Total Size:              Size: 0x629424c0 (1653875904) bytes.


    GC Heap Size:            Size: 0x629424c0 (1653875904) bytes.


    # 使用dumpheap看一下LOH当中各个对象的内存分配情况。


    # dumpheap的参数中,0x02911000是要查看的内存的起始地址,

    # 0x02911000 + 0x02913240是查看的结束地址


    0:000> !dumpheap -stat 02911000 02911000+02913240

    total 0 objects


          MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name

    00529748        4           84      Free

    57166c28        3         8720 System.Object[]


    # 不出所料,StringBuilderChar[]对象最多,但是

    # Char[]的数组大小有171M之多。


    571afb78     1119        31332 System.Text.StringBuilder

    571b1d88     1120     17933440 System.Char[]

    Total 2246 objects


    # 使用!dumpheap-mt参数看看char[]数组的详细内存分配情况


    # 571b1d88这个参数,来自于前面的!dumpheap命令的输出(注意高亮显示的地方)

    # 这个参数告诉dumpheap命令,只检索char[]数组(Method table571b1d88

    # 的情况。


    0:000> !dumpheap -mt 571b1d88 02911000 02911000+02913240

     Address       MT     Size

    03fd1000 571b1d88    16012    

    … …

    05222c90 571b1d88    16012    

    total 0 objects


          MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name

    571b1d88     1120     17933440 System.Char[]

    Total 1120 objects


    # 随便选一个对象(注意上面一个高亮显示的文本),看看它到底被谁引用了,

    # 导致GC一直不释放它,毕竟我电脑的有2G的物理内存,读取几百兆的文件,

    # 就触发了OutOfMemoryException,的确有点离谱。


    0:000> !gcroot 03fd1000

    Note: Roots found on stacks may be false positives. Run "!help gcroot" for

    more info.

    Scan Thread 0 OSTHread 1688

    ESP:17eca4:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)->


     … …


    Command cancelled at the user's request.



    # 再看看0x0191d2e0这个StringBuilder对象都在哪些地方被引用到了,

    # 根据GC的实现,堆栈上各个函数的局部变量是当作root来处理的


    0:000> !gcroot 0191d2e0

    Note: Roots found on stacks may be false positives. Run "!help gcroot" for

    more info.

    Scan Thread 0 OSTHread 1688

    ESP:17eca4:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)

    ESP:17eca8:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)

    ESP:17ecb4:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)

    ESP:17ecbc:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)

    ESP:17ed3c:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)

    ESP:17ed58:Root: 0191d2e0(System.Text.StringBuilder)

    Scan Thread 2 OSTHread ce8


    # 从前面的输出,随便找两个对象(前面标注的文本),看看它们都是哪些函数的局部变量

    # 例如17ed58这个地址介于System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd()

    # System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()之间,也就是StreamReader.ReadToEnd()

    # 这个函数定义的,至此,基本上我们可以认为已经找到影响性能的元凶了。


    0:000> !dumpstack

    OS Thread Id: 0x1688 (0)

    Current frame: KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x54

    ChildEBP RetAddr Caller, Callee

    0017eb7c 753b9617 KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x54, calling ntdll!RtlRaiseException

    0017eba0 5888bc5e clr!DllUnregisterServerInternal+0x15c62, calling clr!DllUnregisterServerInternal+0xa55b

    0017ebac 588fa99c clr!LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert+0x2df44, calling clr!DllUnregisterServerInternal+0x15c45

    0017ebbc 58871bd0 clr+0x1bd0, calling clr+0x1b8b

    0017ebc4 588fac08 clr!LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert+0x2e1b0, calling KERNEL32!RaiseException

    0017ec54 5896ab0b clr!CopyPDBs+0x4abd, calling clr!LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert+0x2e03e

    0017ec90 58b27c9e clr!CorLaunchApplication+0x11756, calling clr!CopyPDBs+0x4a78

    0017ecdc 588908f6 clr!CoUninitializeEE+0x272e, calling clr!GetMetaDataInternalInterface+0xde18

    0017ed30 5713e61e (MethodDesc 56f0c09c +0x1e System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString()), calling 00242350

    0017ed5c 57121991 (MethodDesc 56efff40 +0x7d System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd())

    0017ed70 002f0136 (MethodDesc 00253840 +0xc6 ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(System.String[]))

    0017edd4 588721db clr+0x21db

    0017ede4 58894a2a clr!CoUninitializeEE+0x6862, calling clr+0x21a8

    … …

    0017f91c 589daf00 clr!CorExeMain+0x1c, calling clr!GetCLRFunction+0xd6a

    0017f954 718455ab mscoreei!CorExeMain+0x38

    0017f960 6f667f16 MSCOREE!CreateConfigStream+0x13f

    0017f970 6f664de3 MSCOREE!CorExeMain+0x8, calling MSCOREE!CorExeMain+0x2f14

    0017f978 75d41194 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12

    0017f984 7723b495 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63

    0017f9c4 7723b468 ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36, calling ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x3c
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/killmyday/p/1770616.html
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