• [原]not in/not exists 的 null 陷阱

    以前遇到了 not in 子查询的一个 null 陷阱,有经验的朋友可能知道怎么回事了,用代码来说就是:

    -- 创建两张测试表:
    create table tmp01 as 
    with tmp as (
      select 1 as id from dual  union all
      select 2       from dual  union all
      select 3       from dual  union all
      select null    from dual
    select * from tmp;
    create table tmp02 as 
    with tmp as (
      select 1 as id from dual  union all
      select 2       from dual  union all
      select null    from dual
    select * from tmp;


    select id
    from tmp01 
    where id not in ( select id from tmp02 )




    no rows selected


    通常使用 not in / not exists 的场景是希望得到两个集合的“差集”,与真正的差集又略有不同,后文将会提到,一般的写法有两种:

    select id from tmp01 where id not in ( select id from tmp02 )
    select id from tmp01 where not exists ( select 1 from tmp02 where tmp02.id=tmp01.id )

    正如上文提到的例子,第一条语句没有可返回的行(no rows selected),第二条语句返回了结果是:




    select id from tmp01 where id<>1 and id<>2 and id<>null

    id=1或者2的时候很好理解,当id=3的时候,id<>null 的判断结果是UNKNOW,注意不是false,where子句只认true,其他都不认,所以tmp01中没有一个值经过 id<>1 and id<>2 and id<>null 这个长长的条件判断后能获得true,也就不会有结果集返回了。

    那第二条语句为什么返回的结果是两条呢?3容易理解,null为什么也在结果集中呢?明明tmp02中有null值的啊,我们仔细看一下子查询的where 子句 tmp02.id=tmp01.id,我们再逐个值来跟踪一下,这里我用笛卡尔乘积来获得结果:

    set pagesize 6;
      tmp01.id "tmp01.id" , 
      tmp02.id "tmp02.id" , 
    (select case when count(*)>0 
                 then '   Yes         ' 
                 else '   No          ' 
                 end  from dual where tmp01.id=tmp02.id) "Result Exists?" 
    from tmp01,tmp02
    order by 1,2


      tmp01.id   tmp02.id Result Exists?
    ---------- ---------- ---------------
             1          1    Yes
             1          2    No
             1      (null)   No
      tmp01.id   tmp02.id Result Exists?
    ---------- ---------- ---------------
             2          1    No
             2          2    Yes
             2     (null)    No
      tmp01.id   tmp02.id Result Exists?
    ---------- ---------- ---------------
             3          1    No
             3          2    No
             3     (null)    No
      tmp01.id   tmp02.id Result Exists?
    ---------- ---------- ---------------
        (null)          1    No
        (null)          2    No
        (null)     (null)    No

    从结果来看有这么一个规律:只要 null 参与了比较,Result Exists? 就一定为NO(因为结果是UNKNOW),这个也是关于 null 的基本知识,这就解析了为什么第二条语句的输出是两行。

    从上面的分析,我们可以“窥视”出 in/not in 的结果是依赖于“=”等值判断的结果;exists/not exists 虽然是判断集合是否为空,但通常里面的子查询做的是值判断。


    rename tmp01 to tmp01_with_null;
    rename tmp02 to tmp02_with_null;


     test case id   tmp01 has null   tmp01 has null  result has null
    ------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
                1             true             true            false
                2             true            false             true
                3            false             true            false
                4            false            false            false

    其中test case 4 就是打酱油的,只要SQL没有写错,一般不会出问题。


    -- not in 求差集
    with tmp01 as (
      select id from tmp01_with_null --where id is not null
    tmp02 as (
      select id from tmp02_with_null --where id is not null 
    -- start here
    select id from tmp01 
    where id not in ( select id from tmp02 where id is not null )
    -- 以下是新加的,应付 test case 2
    union all
    select null from dual 
    where exists ( select 1 from tmp01 where id is null )
    and not exists ( select 1 from tmp02 where id is null )
    -- not exists 求差集
    with tmp01 as (
      select id from tmp01_with_null --where id is not null
    tmp02 as (
      select id from tmp02_with_null --where id is not null 
    -- start here
    select id from tmp01 
    where not exists ( 
      select 1 from tmp02 
      where (tmp02.id=tmp01.id) 
      -- 这行是新加的,应付 test case 1
      or (tmp02.id is null and tmp01.id is null )  


    with tmp01 as (
      select id from tmp01_with_null --where id is not null
    tmp02 as (
      select id from tmp02_with_null --where id is not null 
    -- start here 
    select id from tmp01
    select id from tmp02 


    with tmp01 as (
      select id from tmp01_with_null --where id is not null
      union all                      -- 注意这里,现在tmp01已经有重复行了
      select id from tmp01_with_null -- 注意这里,现在tmp01已经有重复行了
    tmp02 as (
      select id from tmp02_with_null --where id is not null 
    -- start here 
    select 'minus ' as sql_op,id from tmp01
    select 'minus ',id from tmp02 
    union all
    -- not in
    select 'not in',id from tmp01 
    where id not in ( select id from tmp02 where id is not null )
    union all
    select 'not in',null from dual 
    where exists ( select 1 from tmp01 where id is null )
    and not exists ( select 1 from tmp02 where id is null )
    union all
    -- not exists
    select 'not exists',id from tmp01 
    where not exists ( 
      select 1 from tmp02 
      where (tmp02.id=tmp01.id) 
      -- 这行是新加的,应付 test case 1
      or (tmp02.id is null and tmp01.id is null )  
    SQL_OP             ID
    ---------- ----------
    minus               3
    not in              3
    not in              3
    not exists          3
    not exists          3

    minus消灭了重复行!这就是前文所说的 not in 和 not exists 并非真正意义上的差集。

    刚在博问中发现有位朋友遇到了这个陷阱 一个sql 语句in not in 的问题,不知道大家见到过吗?

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/killkill/p/1817266.html
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