• Double-checked Locking


    在学习C++11多线程的时候,会碰到一大堆概念,mutex, lock, atomic, memory model, memory barrier, lock-free等。要更好的理解,可以先了解下CPU的Memory Barriers机制(可读Paul McKenny的Memory Barriers: a Hardware View for Software Hackers),然后看Jeff Preshing的blog, 他的帖子深入浅出,写得非常好。再看看Herb Sutter,Hans Boehm等人的文章。 Bartosz Milewski的博客也值得看看.

    double-checked locking是一个用来学习的好例子。 Scott Meyers和Andrei Alexandrescu两位大牛写过一篇paper,讨论了double-checked实现的困难(Java的memeory model没有完善之前有同样的问题). Jeff Preshing写篇文章讨论这个问题.

    看完大牛们的文章, 一步一步来动手实现一个Singleton,最后用template泛化.

    1. 单线程


    //header file
    class Singleton {
    	static Singleton* getInstance ();
    	static Singleton* m_Instance;
    //implementation.  Version 0.1
    Singleton* Singleton::m_Instance = nullptr;
    Singleton* Singleton::getInstance () {
    	if (m_Instance == nullptr) {
    		m_Instance = new Singleton;
    	return Singleton;

    在单线程环境,这个版本工作的很好。 但在多线程线环境下有data race了, 关键在那个if判断, 多个线程可能同时进入if里面。


    C++11已经支持多线程,无需调用库,用std::mutex加个锁, 把if判断放到临界区里保护起来:

    //header file
    class Singleton {
    	static Singleton* getInstance ();
    	static Singleton* m_Instance;
    	static mutex m_mutex;
    //implementation.  Version 0.2  it is ok, but too expensive
    Singleton* Singleton::m_Instance = nullptr;
    //oops, high cost.
    Singleton* Singleton::getInstance () {
    	lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_mutex);
    	if (m_Instance == nullptr) {
    		m_Instance = new Singleton;
    	return Singleton;

    这个版本有什么问题呢?成本太高,每个调用都去获取锁,单例创建好之后,其实已经没有必要获取锁了,并发情况下会导致其他线程因等待锁而被系统休眠,成本太高了。 那么,每次调用都加锁, 在获取锁之前再加一个if(m_Instance == nullptr)判断, 是否可行?

    //implementation.  Version 0.3
    Singleton* Singleton::m_Instance = nullptr;
    //oops! it does NOT work
    Singleton* Singleton::getInstance () {
    	if (m_Instance == nullptr) {
    		lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_mutex);
    		if (m_Instance == nullptr) {
    			m_Instance = new Singleton;
    	return Singleton;

    想法很好,但是有严重的缺陷,来看看 m_Instance = new Singleton, 这个new操作是先分配一块空间,然后执行构造函数,相当于:

    pInstance = operator new(sizeof(Singleton)); // Step 1
    new (pInstance) Singleton; // Step 2

    如果一个线程执行到step 1时, 另一个线程发现 m_Instance != nullptr, 直接把 m_Instance 返回,而Step 2 还没来得及执行,返回的指针指向一块并没有构造好的空间...

    //implementation.  Version 0.4  
    Singleton* Singleton::getInstance () {
    	Singleton * tmp = m_Instance;
    	if (m_Instance == nullptr) {
    		lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_mutex);
    		tmp = m_Instance;
    		if (m_Instance == nullptr) {
    			tmp = new Singleton;   //oops
    			m_Instance = tmp;  
    	return Singleton;

    但是,我们知道,编译器优化和CPU流水线执行都有可能对代码执行顺序进行re-order.(参考Memory Model), 这样:

    //re-order之后,不能保证 step 2一定在step 3之前执行完毕。
    tmp = operator new(sizeof(Singleton)); // Step 1
    new (pInstance) Singleton; // Step 2
    m_Instance = tmp; //Step 3

    3.C++11 Sequentially Consistent Atomics

    要保证step 3在step 2之后执行,可以用Sequential ordering实现(即使用默认的memory_order_seq_cst),编译器会插入memery barrier来保证。

    #include <mutex>
    #include <atomic>
    using namespace std;
    class Singleton {
    	static Singleton* getInstance ();
    	static std::atomic<Singleton*> m_Instance;
    	static mutex m_mutex;
    std::atomic<Singleton*> Singleton::m_Instance;
    std::mutex Singleton::m_mutex;
    Singleton* Singleton::getInstance () {
        Singleton* tmp = m_Instance.load ();  //memory_order_seq_cst, Sequential ordering
        if (tmp == nullptr) {
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
            //maybe many threads are locked here by the mutex at the same time.
            //After the lock is free(the singleton is created by one thread), load again
            tmp = m_Instance.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
            if (tmp == nullptr) {
                tmp = new Singleton;
                m_Instance.store (tmp);  //memory_order_seq_cst
        return tmp;

    那么,我们来看看, atomic的load和store是怎样保证re-order之后语义还是正确的呢?
    用gcc生成汇编代码(默认是AT&T风格汇编, 我习惯看intel风格的,加个masm=intel参数):

    # intel i5, ubuntu14.04, gcc 4.8.2
    g++ -O2 -S -masm=intel -pthread -std=c++11  Singleton.cpp -o asm.s
    call	_Znwm   ; call new
    	mov	QWORD PTR _ZN9Singleton10m_instanceE[rip], rax  ;return value into rax
    	test	rbp, rbp ; 
    	mov	rbx, rax   ; rbx is the var tmp
    	mfence       ;memory fence!
    	je	.L11

    可以看到编译器在x86平台上为store()生成了mfence指令。 那load()为什么没有memory fence呢,是因为x86/64是"Strong"类型的CPU(细节可参考weak vs strong memory models和Paul McKenny的文章Memory Barriers).

    4. Low-Level Ordering Constraints

    一般来说,用默认的memory_order_seq_cst已经够用了,代码也简单一些。不过mfence指令的成本较高(几十倍于register to register指令,因为需要在CPU各个core和cache里进行复杂的通讯,同步cache line等等),如果是在高并发情景下,可以考虑进一步优化。可以用low-level的acquire/release operation. 有点晦涩,可以参考acquire and release fencesacquire and release semantics

    std::atomic<Singleton*> Singleton::m_Instance;
    std::mutex Singleton::m_mutex;
    Singleton* Singleton::getInstance () {
        Singleton* tmp = m_Instance.load (std::memory_order_acquire);
        if (tmp == nullptr) {
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
            tmp = m_Instance.load (std::memory_order_relaxed);
            if (tmp == nullptr) {
                tmp = new Singleton;
                m_Instance.store (tmp, std::memory_order_release);
        return tmp;

    那,为什么还要memory_order_relaxed、memory_order_release呢? 因为它们是语言层次上的抽象,可以阻止编译器的指令re-order. 同时保证了不同CPU平台的可移植性,在ARM, PowerPC等平台会生成对应的指令。

    5. 用Template泛化

    #include <mutex>
    #include <atomic>
    using namespace std;
    template<typename T> class Singleton {
    	static atomic<T*> m_instance;
    	static mutex	m_mutex;
    	static T* getInstance () ;
    template<typename T> atomic<T*> Singleton<T>::m_instance;
    template<typename T> mutex	Singleton<T>::m_mutex;
    template<typename T> T* Singleton<T>::getInstance () {
    		T* tmp = m_instance.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
    		//atomic_thread_fence (std::memory_order_acquire);
    		if (tmp == nullptr)	{
    			lock_guard<mutex> lock(m_mutex);
    			tmp = m_Instance.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    			if (tmp == nullptr) {
    				tmp = new T;
    				//atomic_thread_fence  (std::memory_order_release);
    				m_instance.store (tmp, std::memory_order_release);
    		return tmp;
    class Foo {};
    int main()
    	Foo* inst = Singleton<Foo>::getInstance ();
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kexianda/p/4228402.html
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