• 利用安装程序完成程序初始化






    • COM类插件:通过宿主应用注册比较简单,但通过写注册表,则相对麻烦。


    Windows 7, C++, VS2008 I have a COM DLL that needs to be registered using "runas administrator" (it is a legacy app that writes to the registry) The DLL is used by a reports app which instantiates it using CoCreateInstance. This failed unless I also ran the reports app as administrator; until I changed the linker setting from /MANIFESTUAC to /MANIFESTUAC:NO

    Can anyone tell me why this works? Does it mean that I can write apps that bypass the UAC using this setting?

    If your installer/registerer app has a manifest, and it says "don't run elevated", when you try to write to HKLM it fails. If you have a manifest and it says "run elevated", when you try to write to HKLM it succeeds. If you have no manifest (which you request with /MANIFESTUAC:NO), when you try to write to HKLM it writes to a virtualized location instead.

    When you run the reports app, a similar triple applies although it it can read HKLM. Therefore if the reports app has a manifest, whether elevated or not, it reads HKLM. Without a manifest it reads the virtualized location. This is why you have success when both apps have a manifest or don't have a manifest.

    It would probably be preferably to have your installer app with a manifest that requests elevation, and your reports app have a manifest that does not request elevation. That way all your apps are telling the truth and everything works. Plus you know why it's happening.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kevinzhwl/p/3884228.html
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