#Author:Kevin_hou #定义产品列表 product_list =[ ('HUAWEI',5999), ('Watch',500), ('Nike',800), ('Toyota',200000), ('basketball',500), ('bike',1000), ] shopping_list =[] #定义购物车列表 salary = input("your salary is...>>>") #首要先输入工资 if salary.isdigit(): #然后工资要是数值 salary =int(salary) #将工资取整,因为产品价格均为整数值 while True: #while True循环语句 for index,item in enumerate(product_list): #for循环语句,用于依次输出产品列表,index指数组下标值,item指具体产品 print(index,item) #输出 0 ('HUAWEI', 5999) user_choice = input("what do you want buy ?") #输入用户选择的产品,即数组值 if user_choice.isdigit(): #判断如果用户输入的是数字变量 user_choice =int(user_choice) #取整 if user_choice< len(product_list) and user_choice >=0: #如果是数字量,再次判断数字值是否在产品数量区间内 p_item = product_list[user_choice] #将用户选择的产品赋给p_item if p_item[1] <= salary: #再判断产品价格不大于工资值 shopping_list.append(p_item) #如果不大于,加入购车列表 salary -= p_item[1] #余额=工资-支付的费用 print("Add %s into shopping cart, your current balance is 33[31;1m%s 33[0m" %(p_item,salary)) #输出余额 else: print(" 33[41;1m your current balance is [%s], you have no enough many to pay...>>>