• ORACLE 10升级到10.2.0.5 Patch Set遇到的内核参数检测失败问题

    在测试ORACLE升级到10.2.0.5 Patch Set的过程中,遇到一个内核参数检查失败的问题,具体错误信息如下所示



         操作系统:Oracle Linux Server release 5.7




    Checking operating system requirements ...
    Expected result: One of redhat-6,redhat-5,redhat-4,redhat-3,SuSE-11,SuSE-10,SuSE-9,asianux-3,asianux-2,asianux-1
    Actual Result: redhat-5
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking operating system package requirements ...
    Checking for make-3.81; found make-1:3.81-3.el5.    Passed
    Checking for binutils-; found binutils-    Passed
    Checking for gcc-4.1.1; found gcc-4.1.2-51.el5.    Passed
    Checking for libaio-0.3.106; found libaio-0.3.106-5.    Passed
    Checking for libstdc++-4.1.1; found libstdc++-4.1.2-51.el5.    Passed
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking kernel parameters
    Checking for semmsl=250; found semmsl=250.    Passed
    Checking for semmns=32000; found semmns=32000.    Passed
    Checking for semopm=100; found semopm=100.    Passed
    Checking for semmni=128; found semmni=128.    Passed
    Checking for shmmax=1073741824; found shmmax=68719476736.    Passed
    Checking for shmmni=4096; found shmmni=4096.    Passed
    Checking for shmall=2097152; found shmall=4294967296.    Passed
    Checking for file-max=101365; found file-max=65536.    Failed <<<<
    Checking for VERSION=2.6.18; found VERSION=2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek.    Passed
    Checking for ip_local_port_range=9000 - 65500; found ip_local_port_range=1024 - 65000.    Failed <<<<
    Checking for rmem_default=1048576; found rmem_default=262144.    Failed <<<<
    Checking for rmem_max=1048576; found rmem_max=262144.    Failed <<<<
    Checking for wmem_default=262144; found wmem_default=262144.    Passed
    Checking for wmem_max=262144; found wmem_max=1048576.    Passed
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Problem: The kernel parameters do not meet the minimum requirements (see above).
    Recommendation: Perform operating system specific instructions to update the kernel parameters.
    Checking Recommended glibc version
    Expected result: ATLEAST=2.5-12 NOT_EQUALS=2.5-18 
    Actual Result: 2.5-65
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking physical memory requirements ...
    Expected result: 922MB
    Actual Result: 3956MB
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking available swap space requirements ...
    Expected result: 3956MB
    Actual Result: 13987MB
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed




    1:Checking for file-max=101365; found file-max=65536. Failed <<<<

    这个失败,很好理解,因为processes为 150,而参数65536 = 512*128 , 我们的进程数为150,大于128(fs.file-max = 512 x processes (for example 65536 for 128 processes) ,所以系统给了一个推荐值(具体怎么计算,还没弄清楚)

    SQL> show parameter processes;
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    aq_tm_processes                      integer     0
    db_writer_processes                  integer     1
    gcs_server_processes                 integer     0
    job_queue_processes                  integer     0
    log_archive_max_processes            integer     2
    processes                            integer     150


    2:Checking for ip_local_port_range=9000 - 65500; found ip_local_port_range=1024 - 65000. Failed <<<<

    这个参数,官方文档推荐就是net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500 ,也没啥好说的。 The runInstaller (OUI) checks may expect this to be the old guidance of "1024 65000". The new guidance from Oracle development is "9000 65500". Please allow the runInstaller (OUI) to proceed with the new guidance from Oracle development.



    Checking for rmem_default=1048576; found rmem_default=262144. Failed <<<<

    Checking for rmem_max=1048576; found rmem_max=262144. Failed <<<<

    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<


    在官方文档Requirements For Installing Oracle10gR2 On RHEL 5/OEL 5 (x86_64) (文档 ID 421308.1)里面有下面介绍,也是上面的配置值

    4. Set the kernel parameters 

    Add the following the lines in the file /etc/sysctl.conf

    kernel.shmall = physical RAM size / pagesize For most systems, this will be the value 2097152. See Note 301830.1 for more information.

    kernel.shmmax = 1/2 of physical RAM. This would be the value 2147483648 for a system with 4Gb of physical RAM. See Note 567506.1 for more information.

    kernel.shmmni = 4096

    kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

    fs.file-max = 512 x processes (for example 65536 for 128 processes)

    Development recommends a minimum of 327679 for active systems.

    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500

    (The runInstaller (OUI) checks may expect this to be the old guidance of 1024 65000.

    The new guidance from Oracle development is 9000 65500.

    Please allow the runInstaller (OUI) to proceed with the new guidance from Oracle development.)

    net.core.rmem_default = 262144

    net.core.rmem_max = 2097152

    net.core.wmem_default = 262144

    net.core.wmem_max = 1048576


    后面在官方文档 Requirements For Installing Oracle10gR2 On RHEL 5/OEL 5 (x86_64) (文档 ID 421308.1) 里面看到,这个是ORACLE的一个bug来的,可以忽略这个错误,具体见截图






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kerrycode/p/5363854.html
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