• ntpd dead but pid file exists

    Zabbix监控的一台Linux主机告警:System time is out of sync (diff with Zabbix server > 60s),一检查发现时间居然滞后一个多小时了。这台Linux设置过ntpd服务,ssh登录主机,检查ntpd服务,发现报下面错误:


    # service ntpd status
    ntpd dead but pid file exists




    # service ntpd start
    Starting ntpd: [  OK  ]
    # service ntpd status
    ntpd (pid  14956) is running...
    # service ntpd status
    ntpd dead but pid file exists


    检查日志,发现如下错误:time correction of 4988 seconds exceeds sanity limit (1000); set clock manually to the correct UTC time.。 在默认设置下,ntpd对时间差距超过1000秒的情况下,拒绝对其进行时间同步操作。这个是ntpd有一个自我保护设置.


    May 16 04:02:03 xxxxx syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
    May 17 00:38:03 xxxxx last message repeated 5 times
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14955]: ntpd 4.2.2p1@1.1570-o Fri Jul 22 18:07:53 UTC 2011 (1)
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: precision = 1.000 usec
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: Listening on interface wildcard, Disabled
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: Listening on interface lo, Enabled
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: Listening on interface eth1, 192.168.xxx.xxx#123 Enabled
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: kernel time sync status 0040
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: getaddrinfo: "::1" invalid host address, ignored
    May 17 07:07:18 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: frequency initialized 26.675 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift
    May 17 07:10:33 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10
    May 17 07:10:33 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: kernel time sync enabled 0001
    May 17 07:12:41 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: synchronized to 192.168.xxx.xxx, stratum 5
    May 17 07:19:12 xxxxx ntpd[14956]: time correction of 4988 seconds exceeds sanity limit (1000); set clock manually to the correct UTC time.
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15681]: ntpd 4.2.2p1@1.1570-o Fri Jul 22 18:07:53 UTC 2011 (1)
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: precision = 1.000 usec
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: Listening on interface wildcard, Disabled
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: Listening on interface lo, Enabled
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: Listening on interface eth1, 192.168.xxx.xxx#123 Enabled
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: kernel time sync status 0040
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: getaddrinfo: "::1" invalid host address, ignored
    May 17 07:25:21 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: frequency initialized 26.675 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift
    May 17 07:28:37 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: synchronized to LOCAL(0), stratum 10
    May 17 07:28:37 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: kernel time sync enabled 0001
    May 17 07:29:43 xxxxx ntpd[15682]: synchronized to 192.168.xxx.xxx, stratum 5






    2:运行ntpd -gnpd


    3: 启动ntpd服务


    个人测试了一下,即使不停止ntpd服务,手工运行ntpd -gnqd命令,依然可以同步时间,问题不大。但是会报addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor错误,所以最好是停止ntpd服务然后运行命令。


    # ntpd -gnqd
    ntpd 4.2.2p1@1.1570-o Fri Jul 22 18:07:53 UTC 2011 (1)
    addto_syslog: precision = 1.000 usec
    addto_syslog: no IPv6 interfaces found
    addto_syslog: ntp_io: estimated max descriptors: 1024, initial socket boundary: 16
    addto_syslog: bind() fd 16, family 2, port 123, addr, in_classd=0 flags=9 fails: Address already in use
    addto_syslog: bind() fd 16, family 2, port 123, addr, in_classd=0 flags=5 fails: Address already in use
    addto_syslog: bind() fd 16, family 2, port 123, addr 192.168.xxx.xxx, in_classd=0 flags=25 fails: Address already in use
    init_io: maxactivefd 0
    local_clock: time 0 base 0.000000 offset 0.000000 freq 0.000 state 0
    addto_syslog: getaddrinfo: "::1" invalid host address, ignored
    getaddrinfo: "::1" invalid host address, ignored.
    key_expire: at 0
    peer_clear: at 0 next 1 assoc ID 8694 refid INIT
    newpeer: 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3 vers 4 poll 6 10 flags 0x281 0x1 ttl 0 key 00000000
    key_expire: at 0
    peer_clear: at 0 next 2 assoc ID 8695 refid INIT
    newpeer:> mode 3 vers 4 poll 6 10 flags 0x1221 0x1 ttl 0 key 00000000
    addto_syslog: frequency initialized 26.675 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift
    local_clock: time 0 base 0.000000 offset 0.000000 freq 26.675 state 1
    report_event: system event 'event_restart' (0x01) status 'sync_alarm, sync_unspec, 1 event, event_unspec' (0xc010)
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 1 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    auth_agekeys: at 1 keys 1 expired 0
    timer: refresh ts 0
    refclock_transmit: at 2
    refclock_receive: at 2
    peer LOCAL(0) event 'event_reach' (0x84) status 'unreach, conf, 1 event, event_reach' (0x8014)
    refclock_sample: n 1 offset 0.000000 disp 0.010000 jitter 0.000001
    clock_filter: n 1 off 0.000000 del 0.000000 dsp 7.937500 jit 0.000001, age 0
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 3 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 5 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 7 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 9 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 11 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 13 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 15 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3
    addto_syslog: sendto(192.168.xxx.xxx) (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor
    transmit: at 17 192.168.xxx.xxx->192.168.xxx.xxx mode 3



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