• log file sync等待超高案例浅析

    监控工具DPA发现海外一台Oracle数据库服务器DB Commit Time指标告警,超过红色告警线(40毫秒左右,黄色告警是10毫秒,红色告警线是20毫秒),如下截图所示,生成了对应的时段的AWR报告,发现Top 5 Timed Events里面,log file sync等待事件的平均等待时间为37毫秒,log file parallel write等待事件的平均等待时间为40毫秒







    如果对Tanel Poder::Understanding LGWR, Log File Sync Waits and Commit Performance这篇文章所讲述的内容很熟悉的话(经典图如下),那么通过等待事件log file sync与log file parallel write的Avg Wait(ms)指标: 37ms & 40ms,基本上可以判断就是redo log所在的磁盘I/O出现了性能问题












    APPROACH: Look at the wait distribution for log file sync waits
    by looking at "wait_time_milli". Look at the high wait times then
    see if you can correlate those with other related wait events.
       INST_ID EVENT                                    WAIT_TIME_MILLI WAIT_COUNT
    ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- ----------
             1 log file sync                                          1       4363
             1 log file sync                                          2        835
             1 log file sync                                          4       1650
             1 log file sync                                          8       4937
             1 log file sync                                         16     146252
             1 log file sync                                         32     606674
             1 log file sync                                         64     263377
             1 log file sync                                        128     253254
             1 log file sync                                        256          2
             1 log file switch completion                             1        124
             1 log file switch completion                             2          9
             1 log file switch completion                             4         19
             1 log file switch completion                             8         21
             1 log file switch completion                            16         35
             1 log file switch completion                            32         97
             1 log file switch completion                            64        133
             1 log file switch completion                           128        326
             1 log file switch completion                           256       1736
             1 log file switch completion                           512       3042
             1 log file switch completion                          1024       2020
             1 log file parallel write                                1          0
             1 log file parallel write                                2          0
             1 log file parallel write                                4         80
             1 log file parallel write                                8       2142
             1 log file parallel write                               16     170987
             1 log file parallel write                               32     779205
             1 log file parallel write                               64     311463
             1 log file parallel write                              128      79688
             1 log file parallel write                              256      42763
             1 log file parallel write                              512      13052
             1 log file parallel write                             1024      20468
             1 log file parallel write                             2048      14020
             1 log file parallel write                             4096        921
             1 log file parallel write                             8192         96
             1 log file parallel write                            16384         18
             1 log file parallel write                            32768         18
             1 log file parallel write                            65536          8
             1 log file parallel write                           131072          2
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                1       8516
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                2         20
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                4         19
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                8         20
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                               16         11
       INST_ID EVENT                                    WAIT_TIME_MILLI WAIT_COUNT
    ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------- ----------
             1 log file sync                                          1       4363
             1 log file switch completion                             1        124
             1 log file parallel write                                1          0
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                1       8516
             1 log file sync                                          2        835
             1 log file switch completion                             2          9
             1 log file parallel write                                2          0
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                2         20
             1 log file sync                                          4       1650
             1 log file switch completion                             4         19
             1 log file parallel write                                4         80
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                4         19
             1 log file sync                                          8       4937
             1 log file switch completion                             8         21
             1 log file parallel write                                8       2142
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                                8         20
             1 log file sync                                         16     146252
             1 log file switch completion                            16         35
             1 log file parallel write                               16     170987
             1 LGWR wait for redo copy                               16         11
             1 log file sync                                         32     606674
             1 log file switch completion                            32         97
             1 log file parallel write                               32     779205
             1 log file sync                                         64     263377
             1 log file switch completion                            64        133
             1 log file parallel write                               64     311463
             1 log file sync                                        128     253254
             1 log file switch completion                           128        326
             1 log file parallel write                              128      79688
             1 log file sync                                        256          2
             1 log file switch completion                           256       1736
             1 log file parallel write                              256      42763
             1 log file switch completion                           512       3042
             1 log file parallel write                              512      13052
             1 log file switch completion                          1024       2020
             1 log file parallel write                             1024      20468
             1 log file parallel write                             2048      14020
             1 log file parallel write                             4096        921
             1 log file parallel write                             8192         96
             1 log file parallel write                            16384         18
             1 log file parallel write                            32768         18
             1 log file parallel write                            65536          8
             1 log file parallel write                           131072          2
    "redo write time" in centiseconds (100 per second)
    11.1: "redo write broadcast ack time" in centiseconds (100 per second)
    11.2: "redo write broadcast ack time" in microseconds (1000 per millisecond)
    VERSION              INST_ID NAME                                                     VALUE        MILLISECONDS
    ----------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------                 1 redo write time                                        9551524        95515240.000                 1 redo writer latching time                                   51                 1 redo writes                                            1434931


    上面数据可以看到,log file sync等待事件数量最多的是32ms这个区间的,log file parallel write等待事件发生最多的也是32ms这个区间的,其实这个值已经远远超过7ms,极其不正常。log file parallel write 事件是LGWR进程专属的等待事件,发生在LGWR将log_buffer中的重做日志信息写入联机重做日志文件组的成员文件,LGWR在该事件上等待该写入过程的完成。该事件等待时间过长,说明日志文件所在磁盘缓慢或存在争用。log file synclog file parallel write是相互关联的。换句话讲,假设log file parallel write的时间非常长,那么必定导致log file sync等待时间拉长。如果log file parallel write 等待非常高,那么可能一般是物理磁盘I/O的问题


    另外,我们也检查了一下redo log的切换频率,如下所示,redolog_sitch_time.sql查看发现redo log切换的次数并不频繁,生成的归档日志的量也并不大。大部分时候一小时切换零次或一次。












    # time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test bs=512k count=2048 oflag=direct

    2048+0 records in

    2048+0 records out

    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 88.271 seconds, 12.2 MB/s


    real    1m28.273s

    user    0m0.010s

    sys     0m0.655s









    # time dd if=/dev/zero of=./test bs=512k count=2048 oflag=direct

    2048+0 records in

    2048+0 records out

    1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.48344 seconds, 432 MB/s


    real    0m2.485s

    user    0m0.004s

    sys     0m0.386s






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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kerrycode/p/11484066.html
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