• MDSN上的windows下c的多线程用法通过线程产生和控制带有颜色的字母在屏幕上移动

    /* BEGTHRD.C illustrates multiple threads using functions:
     *      _beginthread            _endthread
     * This program requires the multithreaded library. For example,
     * compile with the following command line:
     *     CL /MT /D "_X86_" BEGTHRD.C
     * If you are using the Visual C++ development environment, select the 
     * Multi-Threaded runtime library in the compiler Project Settings 
     * dialog box.
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <process.h>    /* _beginthread, _endthread */
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    void Bounce( void *ch );
    void CheckKey( void *dummy );
    /* GetRandom 返回一个处于最大最小整数之间的一个随机整数。 */
    #define GetRandom( min, max ) ((rand() % (int)(((max) + 1) - (min))) + (min))
    BOOL repeat = TRUE;     /* Global repeat flag and video variable */
    HANDLE hStdOut;         /* Handle for console window */
    CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;    /* Console information structure */
    void main()
        CHAR    ch = 'A';
        hStdOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
        /* Get display screen's text row and column information. */
       GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdOut, &csbi );
        /* Launch CheckKey thread to check for terminating keystroke. */
        _beginthread( CheckKey, 0, NULL );
        /* Loop until CheckKey terminates program. */
        while( repeat )
            /* On first loops, launch character threads. */
            _beginthread( Bounce, 0, (void *) (ch++)  );
            /* Wait one second between loops. */
            Sleep( 1000L );
    /* CheckKey - Thread to wait for a keystroke, then clear repeat flag. */
    void CheckKey( void *dummy )
        repeat = 0;    /* _endthread implied */
    /* Bounce - Thread to create and and control a colored letter that moves
     * around on the screen.
     * Params: ch - the letter to be moved
    void Bounce( void *ch )
        /* Generate letter and color attribute from thread argument. */
        char    blankcell = 0x20;
        char    blockcell = (char) ch;
        BOOL    first = TRUE;
       COORD   oldcoord, newcoord;
       DWORD   result;
        /* Seed random number generator and get initial location. */
        srand( _threadid );
        newcoord.X = GetRandom( 0, csbi.dwSize.X - 1 );
        newcoord.Y = GetRandom( 0, csbi.dwSize.Y - 1 );
        while( repeat )
            /* Pause between loops. */
            Sleep( 100L );
            /* Blank out our old position on the screen, and draw new letter. */
            if( first )
                first = FALSE;
             WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hStdOut, &blankcell, 1, oldcoord, &result );
             WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hStdOut, &blockcell, 1, newcoord, &result );
            /* Increment the coordinate for next placement of the block. */
            oldcoord.X = newcoord.X;
            oldcoord.Y = newcoord.Y;
            newcoord.X += GetRandom( -1, 1 );
            newcoord.Y += GetRandom( -1, 1 );
            /* Correct placement (and beep) if about to go off the screen. */
            if( newcoord.X < 0 )
                newcoord.X = 1;
            else if( newcoord.X == csbi.dwSize.X )
                newcoord.X = csbi.dwSize.X - 2;
            else if( newcoord.Y < 0 )
                newcoord.Y = 1;
            else if( newcoord.Y == csbi.dwSize.Y )
                newcoord.Y = csbi.dwSize.Y - 2;
            /* If not at a screen border, continue, otherwise beep. */
            Beep( ((char) ch - 'A') * 100, 175 );
        /* _endthread given to terminate */


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kernel0815/p/2394468.html
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