• Flink执行计划第三层——JobGraph

    《Flink执行计划第一层——StreamTransformation》 构造了列表+链表的结构;
    《Flink执行计划第二层——StreamGraph》 转化第一层为图结构;

    接下来,就该转化 StreamGraph 为 JobGraph 了。StreamGraph 继承了抽象类 StreamingPlan 并实现了 getJobGraph 方法:

     * Gets the assembled {@link JobGraph} with a given job id.
    public JobGraph getJobGraph(@Nullable JobID jobID) {
    	// temporarily forbid checkpointing for iterative jobs
    	if (isIterative() && checkpointConfig.isCheckpointingEnabled() && !checkpointConfig.isForceCheckpointing()) {
    		throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
    			"Checkpointing is currently not supported by default for iterative jobs, as we cannot guarantee exactly once semantics. "
    				+ "State checkpoints happen normally, but records in-transit during the snapshot will be lost upon failure. "
    				+ "\nThe user can force enable state checkpoints with the reduced guarantees by calling: env.enableCheckpointing(interval,true)");
    	return StreamingJobGraphGenerator.createJobGraph(this, jobID);


    跟踪 createJobGraph 的代码:

    private JobGraph createJobGraph() {
    	// make sure that all vertices start immediately
    	// Generate deterministic hashes for the nodes in order to identify them across
    	// submission iff they didn't change.
            // defaultStreamGraphHasher 目前的实例对象是 StreamGraphHasherV2
            // 会为 StreamGraph 中的每个节点生成一个Hash值
            // 每个节点计算Hash时,都会拿输入节点的节点的 hash 一同参与计算
    	Map<Integer, byte[]> hashes = defaultStreamGraphHasher.traverseStreamGraphAndGenerateHashes(streamGraph);
    	// Generate legacy version hashes for backwards compatibility
    	List<Map<Integer, byte[]>> legacyHashes = new ArrayList<>(legacyStreamGraphHashers.size());
            // 目前的遗留版本 Hash 算法实现类是 StreamGraphUserHashHasher
    	for (StreamGraphHasher hasher : legacyStreamGraphHashers) {
    	Map<Integer, List<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>>> chainedOperatorHashes = new HashMap<>();
    	setChaining(hashes, legacyHashes, chainedOperatorHashes);
    	JobGraphGenerator.addUserArtifactEntries(streamGraph.getEnvironment().getCachedFiles(), jobGraph);
    	// set the ExecutionConfig last when it has been finalized
    	try {
    	catch (IOException e) {
    		throw new IllegalConfigurationException("Could not serialize the ExecutionConfig." +
    				"This indicates that non-serializable types (like custom serializers) were registered");
    	return jobGraph;


    2.1 setChaining

    跟踪 setChaining 的源码

     * Sets up task chains from the source {@link StreamNode} instances.
     * <p>This will recursively create all {@link JobVertex} instances.
    private void setChaining(Map<Integer, byte[]> hashes, List<Map<Integer, byte[]>> legacyHashes, Map<Integer, List<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>>> chainedOperatorHashes) {
            // getSourceIDs() 将获取由 StreamGraph.addSource 方法添加到 StreamGraph 中的“数据源”节点ID集合
    	for (Integer sourceNodeId : streamGraph.getSourceIDs()) {
                    // 接下来将递归调用 createChain 来创建 JobVertex 实例
                    // 目前,hashes 中有值,legacyHashes 为空,chainedOperatorHashes 暂时也是空的,但是递归过程中会填充
    		createChain(sourceNodeId, sourceNodeId, hashes, legacyHashes, 0, chainedOperatorHashes);

    继续跟踪 createChain 的代码:

    private List<StreamEdge> createChain(
    		Integer startNodeId,
    		Integer currentNodeId,
    		Map<Integer, byte[]> hashes,
    		List<Map<Integer, byte[]>> legacyHashes,
    		int chainIndex,
    		Map<Integer, List<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>>> chainedOperatorHashes) {
            // 这个判断是为了避免重复创建 JobVertex
    	if (!builtVertices.contains(startNodeId)) {
    		List<StreamEdge> transitiveOutEdges = new ArrayList<StreamEdge>();
    		List<StreamEdge> chainableOutputs = new ArrayList<StreamEdge>();
    		List<StreamEdge> nonChainableOutputs = new ArrayList<StreamEdge>();
                    // 把当前 StreamNode 的 outEdges 又分成了“可链接的”以及“不可链接的”,这个后面再分析
                    // 假如没有 outEdges,比如是“最终”节点,就不会递归调用 createChain
    		for (StreamEdge outEdge : streamGraph.getStreamNode(currentNodeId).getOutEdges()) {
    			if (isChainable(outEdge, streamGraph)) {
    			} else {
    		for (StreamEdge chainable : chainableOutputs) {
                            // 递归调用 createChain
    					createChain(startNodeId, chainable.getTargetId(), hashes, legacyHashes, chainIndex + 1, chainedOperatorHashes));
    		for (StreamEdge nonChainable : nonChainableOutputs) {
                            // 递归调用 createChain
    			createChain(nonChainable.getTargetId(), nonChainable.getTargetId(), hashes, legacyHashes, 0, chainedOperatorHashes);
    		List<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>> operatorHashes =
    			chainedOperatorHashes.computeIfAbsent(startNodeId, k -> new ArrayList<>());
    		byte[] primaryHashBytes = hashes.get(currentNodeId);
    		for (Map<Integer, byte[]> legacyHash : legacyHashes) {
    			operatorHashes.add(new Tuple2<>(primaryHashBytes, legacyHash.get(currentNodeId)));
    		chainedNames.put(currentNodeId, createChainedName(currentNodeId, chainableOutputs));
    		chainedMinResources.put(currentNodeId, createChainedMinResources(currentNodeId, chainableOutputs));
    		chainedPreferredResources.put(currentNodeId, createChainedPreferredResources(currentNodeId, chainableOutputs));
                    // 如果 startNodeId 等于 currentNodeId,创建 JobVertex 并添加到 JobGraph,再返回 StreamConfig 对象;否则返回一个空的 StreamConfig 对象
    		StreamConfig config = currentNodeId.equals(startNodeId)
    				? createJobVertex(startNodeId, hashes, legacyHashes, chainedOperatorHashes)
    				: new StreamConfig(new Configuration());
                    // 在执行 setVertexConfig 之前,config 都是一个刚创建未设置的对象。
    		setVertexConfig(currentNodeId, config, chainableOutputs, nonChainableOutputs);
    		if (currentNodeId.equals(startNodeId)) {
    			for (StreamEdge edge : transitiveOutEdges) {
                                    // 创建 JobEdge
    				connect(startNodeId, edge);
    		} else {
    			Map<Integer, StreamConfig> chainedConfs = chainedConfigs.get(startNodeId);
    			if (chainedConfs == null) {
    				chainedConfigs.put(startNodeId, new HashMap<Integer, StreamConfig>());
    			StreamNode node = streamGraph.getStreamNode(currentNodeId);
    			chainedConfigs.get(startNodeId).put(currentNodeId, config);
    		config.setOperatorID(new OperatorID(primaryHashBytes));
    		if (chainableOutputs.isEmpty()) {
    		return transitiveOutEdges;
    	} else {
    		return new ArrayList<>();

    我们还是先来看看 isChainable(StreamEdge, StreamGraph) 的源码:

    public static boolean isChainable(StreamEdge edge, StreamGraph streamGraph) {
            // 边的上游节点
    	StreamNode upStreamVertex = streamGraph.getSourceVertex(edge);
            // 边的下游结点
    	StreamNode downStreamVertex = streamGraph.getTargetVertex(edge);
            // 获取上游节点的 StreamOperator
    	StreamOperator<?> headOperator = upStreamVertex.getOperator();
            // 获取下游节点的 StreamOperator
    	StreamOperator<?> outOperator = downStreamVertex.getOperator();
    	return downStreamVertex.getInEdges().size() == 1
    			&& outOperator != null
    			&& headOperator != null
                            // 检查上游节点和下游节点在同一个 SlotSharingGroup
    			&& upStreamVertex.isSameSlotSharingGroup(downStreamVertex)
                            // 下游节点的 StreamOperator 允许链接前置节点的 StreamOperator
    			&& outOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS
                            // 上游节点的 StreamOperator 允许链接后置节点的 StreamOperator
    			&& (headOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.HEAD ||
    				headOperator.getChainingStrategy() == ChainingStrategy.ALWAYS)
                            // 直传
    			&& (edge.getPartitioner() instanceof ForwardPartitioner)
                            // 上游节点和下游节点的并行度相等
    			&& upStreamVertex.getParallelism() == downStreamVertex.getParallelism()
                            // StreamGraph 允许图中的节点的 StreamOperator 链接
    			&& streamGraph.isChainingEnabled();

    其中,我最不理解的就是这个 ChainingStrategy 有什么用?所以看一下源码:

     * Defines the chaining scheme for the operator. When an operator is chained to the
     * predecessor, it means that they run in the same thread. They become one operator
     * consisting of multiple steps.
     * 定义StreamOperator的链接方案。
     * 当operator链接到前驱operator时,这意味着它们在同一线程中运行。
     * 它们成为由多个步骤组成的一个operator。
     * <p>The default value used by the {@link StreamOperator} is {@link #HEAD}, which means that
     * the operator is not chained to its predecessor. Most operators override this with
     * {@link #ALWAYS}, meaning they will be chained to predecessors whenever possible.
    public enum ChainingStrategy {
    	 * Operators will be eagerly chained whenever possible.
             * 立即链接
    	 * <p>To optimize performance, it is generally a good practice to allow maximal
    	 * chaining and increase operator parallelism.
    	 * The operator will not be chained to the preceding or succeeding operators.
             * 不和前置或者后置 operator 链接
    	 * The operator will not be chained to the predecessor, but successors may chain to this
    	 * operator.
             * 不和前置 operator 链接,但是可以和后置 operator 链接

    2.1.1 创建JobGraph的流程

    1. 经过多次递归调用,一直到“最终”节点(id=5)
    2. 调用 createVertex,创建 JobVertex 并添加到 JobGraph:
    3. 方法栈弹出上一次的 createChain,再次执行 createVertex:
    4. 调用 connect 创建 JobEdge:
    5. 再次执行 createVertex,“Source:Socket Stream” 和 “Flat Map” 合并了:
    6. 再次调用 connect 创建 JobEdge:

    我们可以发现,JobGraph 的节点比 StreamGraph 少了一个,原因是“可链接的”的 StreamOperator 并合并了。

    2.1.2 其他提问

    问题一:StreamNode(id=1)和 StreamNode(id=2)合并后的名称 Source:Socket Stream->Flat Map 怎么得来的?
    答:设置名称的地方是 createChain 方法内的这一句代码:

    chainedNames.put(currentNodeId, createChainedName(currentNodeId, chainableOutputs));

    跟踪 createChainedName 的源码:

    private String createChainedName(Integer vertexID, List<StreamEdge> chainedOutputs) {
    	String operatorName = streamGraph.getStreamNode(vertexID).getOperatorName();
    	if (chainedOutputs.size() > 1) {
    		List<String> outputChainedNames = new ArrayList<>();
    		for (StreamEdge chainable : chainedOutputs) {
    		return operatorName + " -> (" + StringUtils.join(outputChainedNames, ", ") + ")";
    	} else if (chainedOutputs.size() == 1) {
    		return operatorName + " -> " + chainedNames.get(chainedOutputs.get(0).getTargetId());
    	} else {
    		return operatorName;

    调试发现,chainedNames 的映射如下:

    然后,在 createJobVertex 的源码中,创建 JobVertex 的代码如下:

    jobVertex = new JobVertex(
                    // 根据 StreamNode 的 id 查询 chainedNames 映射,确定赋值名称

    问题二:JobVertex 中的属性 OperatorIDs 的来源?
    首先,跟踪 JobVertex 的构造函数:

    public JobVertex(String name, JobVertexID primaryId, List<JobVertexID> alternativeIds, List<OperatorID> operatorIds, List<OperatorID> alternativeOperatorIds) {
      (省略... )
      this.operatorIDs = new ArrayList();
      (省略... )
      (省略... )


    jobVertex = new JobVertex(
                    // 对应构造函数中 operatorIds 参数

    跟踪到 createJobVertex 中:

    List<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>> chainedOperators = chainedOperatorHashes.get(streamNodeId);
    List<OperatorID> chainedOperatorVertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); // Flink自动生成的OperatorID
    List<OperatorID> userDefinedChainedOperatorVertexIds = new ArrayList<>(); // 用户设定的OperatorID
    if (chainedOperators != null) {
    	for (Tuple2<byte[], byte[]> chainedOperator : chainedOperators) {
    		chainedOperatorVertexIds.add(new OperatorID(chainedOperator.f0));
    		userDefinedChainedOperatorVertexIds.add(chainedOperator.f1 != null ? new OperatorID(chainedOperator.f1) : null);

    chainedOperatorHashescreateJobVertex 的第四个参数:

    List<Tuple2<byte[], byte[]>> operatorHashes =
    	chainedOperatorHashes.computeIfAbsent(startNodeId, k -> new ArrayList<>());
    // 来源 hashes
    byte[] primaryHashBytes = hashes.get(currentNodeId);
    for (Map<Integer, byte[]> legacyHash : legacyHashes) {
    	operatorHashes.add(new Tuple2<>(primaryHashBytes, legacyHash.get(currentNodeId)));
    StreamConfig config = currentNodeId.equals(startNodeId)
                    // 对应 chainedOperatorHashes
    		? createJobVertex(startNodeId, hashes, legacyHashes, chainedOperatorHashes)
    		: new StreamConfig(new Configuration());

    operatorIDs 的数据来源是 hashes,而 hashes 的创建则要追踪到 StreamingJobGraphGenerator#createJobGraph 中的以下代码:

    Map<Integer, byte[]> hashes = defaultStreamGraphHasher.traverseStreamGraphAndGenerateHashes(streamGraph);

    问题三:IntermediateDataSet 是什么时候创建的?
    我们把断点设置在 IntermediateDataSet 的构造函数第一行:

    这个地方是之前被我忽略的地方,在 connect 方法创建 JobEdge 时候,会创建 IntermediateDataSet 对象。

    2.2 physicalEdgesInOrder

    我们目光回到 StreamingJobGraphGenerator#createJobGraph 方法,来看 setChaining 之后执行的 setPhysicalEdges

    private void setPhysicalEdges() {
    	Map<Integer, List<StreamEdge>> physicalInEdgesInOrder = new HashMap<Integer, List<StreamEdge>>();
    	for (StreamEdge edge : physicalEdgesInOrder) {
    		int target = edge.getTargetId();
    		List<StreamEdge> inEdges = physicalInEdgesInOrder.get(target);
    		// create if not set
    		if (inEdges == null) {
    			inEdges = new ArrayList<>();
    			physicalInEdgesInOrder.put(target, inEdges);
    	for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<StreamEdge>> inEdges : physicalInEdgesInOrder.entrySet()) {
    		int vertex = inEdges.getKey();
    		List<StreamEdge> edgeList = inEdges.getValue();

    physicalEdgesInOrder 数据来源是来自 connect 方法:

    private void connect(Integer headOfChain, StreamEdge edge) {

    JobEdge 对应的 StreamEdge 也被保存在 StreamConfig 中。

    2.3 setSlotSharingAndCoLocation

    代码继续运行,到了 createJobGraph 中调用 setSlotSharingAndCoLocation,这个命令就很好理解,接下来要设置 JobVertex 的 SlotSharingGroup 和 CoLocationGroup。

    SlotSharingGroup: 插槽共享单元定义了可以在插槽中一起部署哪些不同的任务(来自不同的作业顶点)。这是一个软权限,与Co-Location提示定义的硬约束相反。
    CoLocationGroup:Co-location group 是一组 JobVertex,其中一个顶点的第i个子任务必须与同一组中所有其他作业顶点的第i个子任务在同一TaskManager上执行。例如,使用 Co-Location Group来确保迭代头和迭代尾的第i个子任务调度到同一个TaskManager。

    参考自《Flink – SlotSharingGroup》[https://www.cnblogs.com/fxjwind/p/6703312.html]

    2.4 configureCheckpointing

    继续跟踪 createJobGraph 的方法 configureCheckpointing:

    private void configureCheckpointing() {
    	CheckpointConfig cfg = streamGraph.getCheckpointConfig();
    	long interval = cfg.getCheckpointInterval();
    	if (interval > 0) {
    		ExecutionConfig executionConfig = streamGraph.getExecutionConfig();
    		// propagate the expected behaviour for checkpoint errors to task.
    	} else {
    		// interval of max value means disable periodic checkpoint
    		interval = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    	//  --- configure the participating vertices ---
    	// collect the vertices that receive "trigger checkpoint" messages.
    	// currently, these are all the sources
    	List<JobVertexID> triggerVertices = new ArrayList<>();
    	// collect the vertices that need to acknowledge the checkpoint
    	// currently, these are all vertices
    	List<JobVertexID> ackVertices = new ArrayList<>(jobVertices.size());
    	// collect the vertices that receive "commit checkpoint" messages
    	// currently, these are all vertices
    	List<JobVertexID> commitVertices = new ArrayList<>(jobVertices.size());
    	for (JobVertex vertex : jobVertices.values()) {
    		if (vertex.isInputVertex()) {
    	//  --- configure options ---
    	CheckpointRetentionPolicy retentionAfterTermination;
    	if (cfg.isExternalizedCheckpointsEnabled()) {
    		CheckpointConfig.ExternalizedCheckpointCleanup cleanup = cfg.getExternalizedCheckpointCleanup();
    		// Sanity check
    		if (cleanup == null) {
    			throw new IllegalStateException("Externalized checkpoints enabled, but no cleanup mode configured.");
    		retentionAfterTermination = cleanup.deleteOnCancellation() ?
    				CheckpointRetentionPolicy.RETAIN_ON_FAILURE :
    	} else {
    		retentionAfterTermination = CheckpointRetentionPolicy.NEVER_RETAIN_AFTER_TERMINATION;
    	CheckpointingMode mode = cfg.getCheckpointingMode();
    	boolean isExactlyOnce;
    	if (mode == CheckpointingMode.EXACTLY_ONCE) {
    		isExactlyOnce = true;
    	} else if (mode == CheckpointingMode.AT_LEAST_ONCE) {
    		isExactlyOnce = false;
    	} else {
    		throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected checkpointing mode. " +
    			"Did not expect there to be another checkpointing mode besides " +
    			"exactly-once or at-least-once.");
    	//  --- configure the master-side checkpoint hooks ---
    	final ArrayList<MasterTriggerRestoreHook.Factory> hooks = new ArrayList<>();
    	for (StreamNode node : streamGraph.getStreamNodes()) {
    		StreamOperator<?> op = node.getOperator();
    		if (op instanceof AbstractUdfStreamOperator) {
    			Function f = ((AbstractUdfStreamOperator<?, ?>) op).getUserFunction();
    			if (f instanceof WithMasterCheckpointHook) {
    				hooks.add(new FunctionMasterCheckpointHookFactory((WithMasterCheckpointHook<?>) f));
    	// because the hooks can have user-defined code, they need to be stored as
    	// eagerly serialized values
    	final SerializedValue<MasterTriggerRestoreHook.Factory[]> serializedHooks;
    	if (hooks.isEmpty()) {
    		serializedHooks = null;
    	} else {
    		try {
    			MasterTriggerRestoreHook.Factory[] asArray =
    					hooks.toArray(new MasterTriggerRestoreHook.Factory[hooks.size()]);
    			serializedHooks = new SerializedValue<>(asArray);
    		catch (IOException e) {
    			throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Trigger/restore hook is not serializable", e);
    	// because the state backend can have user-defined code, it needs to be stored as
    	// eagerly serialized value
    	final SerializedValue<StateBackend> serializedStateBackend;
    	if (streamGraph.getStateBackend() == null) {
    		serializedStateBackend = null;
    	} else {
    		try {
    			serializedStateBackend =
    				new SerializedValue<StateBackend>(streamGraph.getStateBackend());
    		catch (IOException e) {
    			throw new FlinkRuntimeException("State backend is not serializable", e);
    	//  --- done, put it all together ---
    	JobCheckpointingSettings settings = new JobCheckpointingSettings(
    		new CheckpointCoordinatorConfiguration(

    最终组装得到了 JobCheckpointingSettings 对象,并设置到了 JobGraph 中。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/kendoziyu/p/15528541.html
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