• unixmanul page and ftp command[perfect]

    unix manul pages(recommended): http://www.bigbiz.com/cgi-bin/manpage

    (Ftp learn by sample)http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/dward/classes/skills/ftp/unixftp.html 

      (ITS Quick Start) http://www.albany.edu/its/quickstarts/qs-ftp.html 

       How to use UNIX File Transfer Protocol (FTP) : http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/dward/classes/skills/ftp/unixftp.html#syntax

    quick start: 


    Starting FTP

    To access the FTP software on Unix, type:

    itsunix% ftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    This will attempt to establish a connection to the remote site specified by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Alternatively, you can call the FTP program without the site specification to get the ftp> prompt and then "open" a connection to the desired site:

    itsunix% ftp

    ftp> open xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    The site name may be specified in either Internet address form, for example "", or domain name form, as in "itsunix.albany.edu".

    FTP Commands

    The following commands at the ftp> prompt allow you to manipulate directories on the remote computer and to view a list of your files in your remote directories.



    cd dir

    Changes your working directory to dir on the remote machine. (lcd changes your local directory)


    Prints your current working directory on the remote machine.

    dir [dir]

    Lists the files of the remote directory dir. If dir is not specified, then FTP lists the files of your current working directory on the remote machine.

    The following commands are for transferring files between the local Unix cluster machine and a remote computer. You have the option of transferring one file at a time, or transferring several files. Multiple file transfers require you to give a file specification that will allow FTP to match several files with one command.



    get file1[file2]

    Gets the remote file file1 and stores it on the Unix machine as file2. If file2 is not specified, then the local file will be called file1.


    Gets multiple remote files matching the file specification filespec. All files received on the Unix machine will have the same name as they did on the remote machine. Wildcards are allowed.

    put file1[file2]

    Sends the file file1 from the Unix machine to the remote computer. If file2 is specified, then the file is stored with the name file2; otherwise, it will have the same name as it had on the Unix machine. Write privileges on the remote computer are required.


    Sends all files matching the file specification filespecto the remote machine. All transferred files will have the same name as they did on the Unix machine. Write privileges on the remote computer are required. These are "copies", not "moves."

    The following two commands let you define the contents of the file that you are transferring.




    Sets the file transfer type to ASCII. Use this command if your file is a readable text file.


    Sets the file transfer type to binary. Use this command to transfer binary files such as programs, compressed files, digital images, word processor files (ie Word, WordPerfect), and sound files.

    Leaving FTP

    When you have completed your FTP session, type "quit" at the ftp> prompt:

    ftp> quit


    You are returned to the Unix command prompt. Remember to "logout" of your Unix session and any communication connections when you have completed your work on the machine.

    Getting Help

    On-line help is available within FTP by typing help at the ftp> prompt.

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