• FMallocBinned内存分配器


    #if PLATFORM_IOS        // IOS平台
    #define PLAT_PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT 16384
    #else                   // 非IOS平台
    #define PLAT_PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT 65536
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    struct FMallocBinned::Private { /** Default alignment for binned allocator */ enum { DEFAULT_BINNED_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT = sizeof(FFreeMem) }; // sizeof(FFreeMem)=16 static_assert(DEFAULT_BINNED_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT == 16, "Default alignment should be 16 bytes"); enum { PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = PLAT_PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT }; // BINNED_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE can be increased beyond 64k to cause binned malloc to allocate // the small size bins in bigger chunks. If OS Allocation is slow, increasing // this number *may* help performance but YMMV. enum { BINNED_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE = PLAT_BINNED_ALLOC_POOLSIZE }; // On IOS can push small allocs in to a pre-allocated small block pool enum { SMALL_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE = PLAT_SMALL_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE }; // ... ... }; // ... ... class FMallocBinned : public FMalloc { struct Private; private: // Counts. enum { POOL_COUNT = 41 }; /** Maximum allocation for the pooled allocator */ enum { EXTENDED_PAGE_POOL_ALLOCATION_COUNT = 2 }; enum { MAX_POOLED_ALLOCATION_SIZE = 32768+1 }; // ... ... FCriticalSection AccessGuard; // 用于FScopeLock的临界段对象,实现对临界段的互斥访问 // ... ... FPoolTable PoolTable[POOL_COUNT]; // 所有的内存池表列表, 单个内存池的Block尺寸是一样的 FPoolTable OsTable; // 未使用 FPoolTable PagePoolTable[EXTENDED_PAGE_POOL_ALLOCATION_COUNT]; // 非小块内存的内存池表. FPoolTable* MemSizeToPoolTable[MAX_POOLED_ALLOCATION_SIZE+EXTENDED_PAGE_POOL_ALLOCATION_COUNT]; // 根据size索引的内存池表, 实际会指向PoolTable和PagePoolTable PoolHashBucket* HashBuckets; // Key命中时使用的内存池哈希桶 PoolHashBucket* HashBucketFreeList; // Key未命中时使用的内存池哈希桶 uint32 PageSize; // 内存页大小 // ... ... };


    注:BinnedSizeLimit != PageSize / 2,因此2个扩展的内存池PagePoolTable的BlockSize为0,相当于被弃用






    FMallocBinned内存分配器的初始化 // 在其构造函数中


    FMallocBinned::FMallocBinned(uint32 InPageSize, uint64 AddressLimit)
        // ... ...
        /** Shift to get the reference from the indirect tables */
        PoolBitShift = FPlatformMath::CeilLogTwo(PageSize);
        IndirectPoolBitShift = FPlatformMath::CeilLogTwo(PageSize/sizeof(FPoolInfo));
        IndirectPoolBlockSize = PageSize/sizeof(FPoolInfo);
        MaxHashBuckets = AddressLimit >> (IndirectPoolBitShift+PoolBitShift); 
        MaxHashBucketBits = FPlatformMath::CeilLogTwo(MaxHashBuckets);
        MaxHashBucketWaste = (MaxHashBuckets*sizeof(PoolHashBucket))/1024;
        MaxBookKeepingOverhead = ((AddressLimit/PageSize)*sizeof(PoolHashBucket))/(1024*1024);
        * Shift required to get required hash table key.
        HashKeyShift = PoolBitShift+IndirectPoolBitShift;
        /** Used to mask off the bits that have been used to lookup the indirect table */
        PoolMask =  ( ( 1ull << ( HashKeyShift - PoolBitShift ) ) - 1 );
        // 装箱的最大尺寸为8k(IOS)或32k(非IOS平台).
        BinnedSizeLimit = Private::PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT/2;
        BinnedOSTableIndex = BinnedSizeLimit+EXTENDED_PAGE_POOL_ALLOCATION_COUNT;
        check((BinnedSizeLimit & (BinnedSizeLimit-1)) == 0);
        // Init tables.
        OsTable.FirstPool = nullptr;
        OsTable.ExhaustedPool = nullptr;
        OsTable.BlockSize = 0;
        /** The following options are not valid for page sizes less than 64k. They are here to reduce waste*/
        // 初始化内存页的内存池1, 默认情况下, 它的BlockSize为12k(IOS)或48k(非IOS平台).
        PagePoolTable[0].FirstPool = nullptr;
        PagePoolTable[0].ExhaustedPool = nullptr;
        PagePoolTable[0].BlockSize = PageSize == Private::PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT ? BinnedSizeLimit+(BinnedSizeLimit/2) : 0;
        // 初始化内存页的内存池2, 默认情况下, 它的BlockSize为24k(IOS)或96k(非IOS平台).
        PagePoolTable[1].FirstPool = nullptr;
        PagePoolTable[1].ExhaustedPool = nullptr;
        PagePoolTable[1].BlockSize = PageSize == Private::PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT ? PageSize+BinnedSizeLimit : 0;
        // Block sizes are based around getting the maximum amount of allocations per pool, with as little alignment waste as possible.
        // Block sizes should be close to even divisors of the POOL_SIZE, and well distributed. They must be 16-byte aligned as well.
        // 用来创建不同BlockSize的数字数组, 它们遵循两个规则: 1. 尽可能是内存池尺寸的整除数(因子), 减少内存浪费; 2. 必须16位对齐.
        static const uint32 BlockSizes[POOL_COUNT] =
            16,        32,        48,        64,        80,        96,        112,    128,
            160,    192,    224,    256,    288,    320,    384,    448,
            512,    576,    640,    704,    768,    896,    1024,    1168,
            1360,    1632,    2048,    2336,    2720,    3264,    4096,    4672,
            5456,    6544,    8192,    9360,    10912,    13104,    16384,    21840,    32768
        // 创建内存块的内存池表, 并根据BlockSizes初始化BlockSize
        for( uint32 i = 0; i < POOL_COUNT; i++ )
            PoolTable[i].FirstPool = nullptr;
            PoolTable[i].ExhaustedPool = nullptr;
            PoolTable[i].BlockSize = BlockSizes[i];
            check(IsAligned(BlockSizes[i], Private::DEFAULT_BINNED_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT));
    #if STATS
            PoolTable[i].MinRequest = PoolTable[i].BlockSize;
        // 初始化MemSizeToPoolTable, 将所有大小的内存池表指向PoolTable.
        for( uint32 i=0; i<MAX_POOLED_ALLOCATION_SIZE; i++ )
            uint32 Index = 0;
            while( PoolTable[Index].BlockSize < i )
            checkSlow(Index < POOL_COUNT);
            MemSizeToPoolTable[i] = &PoolTable[Index];
        // 将内存页的内存池表添加到MemSizeToPoolTable数组的末尾.
        MemSizeToPoolTable[BinnedSizeLimit] = &PagePoolTable[0];
        MemSizeToPoolTable[BinnedSizeLimit+1] = &PagePoolTable[1];
        check(MAX_POOLED_ALLOCATION_SIZE - 1 == PoolTable[POOL_COUNT - 1].BlockSize);

    FPoolTable  // 同一Block大小内存池表 

    /** 内存池表 */
    struct FPoolTable
        FPoolInfo*            FirstPool;        // 指向有空闲Block的内存池链表
        FPoolInfo*            ExhaustedPool;    // 指向已满(没有可分配的内存)的内存池链表
        uint32                BlockSize;        // 当前PoolTable中所有内存池的Block大小

    1. 有空闲Block的内存池链表FirstPool

    ① 当FirstPool为空时, 则分配一块BINNED_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE(IOS:16KB,其他平台:64KB)的内存块来给内存池划分成Block使用

    ② 从FirstPool中分配Block后,如果该FPoolInfo已满,会将该FPoolInfo从FirstPool中移动到ExhaustedPool链表头部

    ③ Free掉Ptr指针时,如果该Ptr在FirstPool链表中某个FPoolInfo中最后一个占用内存Block,会释放该FPoolInfo占用的内存页

    2. 指向已满(没有可分配的内存)的内存池链表ExhaustedPool

    ① Free掉Ptr指针时,如果该内存占用在ExhaustedPool链表中,会将该FPoolInfo从ExhaustedPool中移动到FirstPool链表头部

    FPoolInfo   // 内存池


    // 内存池 32 bytes.
    struct FMallocBinned::FPoolInfo
        /** Number of allocated elements in this pool, when counts down to zero can free the entire pool. */
        uint16            Taken;        // 已分配的Block的个数  当为0时,将释放整个内存池及其FirstMem指向的内存块
        /** Index of pool. Index into MemSizeToPoolTable[]. Valid when < MAX_POOLED_ALLOCATION_SIZE, MAX_POOLED_ALLOCATION_SIZE is OsTable.
            When AllocSize is 0, this is the number of pages to step back to find the base address of an allocation. See FindPoolInfoInternal()
        uint16            TableIndex; // 在MemSizeToPoolTable中的索引        
        /** Number of bytes allocated */
        uint32            AllocSize;    // 已分配的字节数
        /** Pointer to first free memory in this pool or the OS Allocation Size in bytes if this allocation is not binned*/
        FFreeMem*        FirstMem;   // 如果是Bin模式,指向内存池可用的内存块Block链表; 如果非Bin模式, 指向由操作系统直接分配的内存块.
        FPoolInfo*        Next;        // 指向下一个内存池
        FPoolInfo**        PrevLink;    //

    FFreeMem   // 内存块


    ① 内存池FFreeMem* FirstMem链表尾部的FFreeMem指向分配内存块的起始处,其NumFreeBlocks为剩余空闲Block的个数(注:该个数不包括后面被free还回来的Block),并从后面向前来分配

    ② 被free还回来的Block的FFreeMem节点,会存放在Block所在位置,并指向该Block,其NumFreeBlocks为1,并被插入到内存池FFreeMem* FirstMem链表的头部

    ③ 分配Block时,从FFreeMem* FirstMem链表的前向后来分配,优先把free还回来的Block再次分配出去

    /** 内存块. 16 bytes */
    struct alignas(16) FMallocBinned::FFreeMem
        /** Next or MemLastPool[], always in order by pool. */
        FFreeMem*    Next;  // 释放1个Block时,会构建该Block的FFreeMem,并插入到Pool->FirstMem链表的头部
        /** Number of consecutive free blocks here, at least 1. */
        uint32        NumFreeBlocks;  // 空闲Block个数

    PoolHashBucket   // 内存池哈希桶


    ① 通过Ptr地址计算CalcKey=Ptr >> Allocator.HashKeyShift

    ② 再用CalcKey & (MaxHashBuckets - 1)来计算在PoolHashBucket* HashBuckets的索引值BucketIndex

    ③ 当HashBuckets[BucketIndex].Key==CalcKey,目标PoolHashBucket* TargetBucket为当前&HashBuckets[BucketIndex]

        当HashBuckets[BucketIndex].Key!=CalcKey,遍历Next(链表后面的PoolHashBucket节点都存放在PoolHashBucket* HashBucketFreeList中)来查找目标PoolHashBucket* TargetBucket

    ④ 计算PoolIndex=((UPTRINT)Ptr >> PoolBitShift) & PoolMask,最后使用TargetBucket->FirstPool[PoolIndex]来得到Ptr地址的内存池FPoolInfo

    /** 内存池哈希桶,用于存放由内存地址哈希出来的键对应的内存池链表  32 bytes */
    struct FMallocBinned::PoolHashBucket
        UPTRINT            Key;  // 哈希键 Key=Ptr >> Allocator.HashKeyShift  内存地址右移27个bit位
        FPoolInfo*        FirstPool; // 指向内存池内存块(大小为64KB:成员变量PageSize的值)的起始处
        PoolHashBucket* Prev; // 上一个内存池哈希桶
        PoolHashBucket* Next; // 下一个内存池哈希桶


    会检查当前Block的内存池是否已满,如果已满,会将其移动到FPoolInfo* ExhaustedPool链表上

    static  FFreeMem* AllocateBlockFromPool(FMallocBinned& Allocator, FPoolTable* Table, FPoolInfo* Pool, uint32 Alignment)
        // Pick first available block and unlink it.
        checkSlow(Pool->TableIndex < Allocator.BinnedOSTableIndex); // if this is false, FirstMem is actually a size not a pointer
        checkSlow(Pool->FirstMem->NumFreeBlocks > 0);
        checkSlow(Pool->FirstMem->NumFreeBlocks < PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT);
        FFreeMem* Free = (FFreeMem*)((uint8*)Pool->FirstMem + --Pool->FirstMem->NumFreeBlocks * Table->BlockSize); // 从FFreeMem* FirstMem指向地址的后面向前分配
        if( !Pool->FirstMem->NumFreeBlocks ) // 当前内存池的FirstMem的Block个数为0
            Pool->FirstMem = Pool->FirstMem->Next; // 将FirstMem的Next赋值给FirstMem
            if( !Pool->FirstMem )  // 当到达FirstMem链表的末尾,即Pool->FirstMem为空,表明Pool没有任何空闲空间了
                // Move to exhausted list.
                Pool->Unlink();  // 从Table->FirstPool链表上移除Pool
                Pool->Link( Table->ExhaustedPool ); // 从头部将Pool加入到Table->ExhaustedPool链表上
        BINNED_PEAK_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.UsedPeak, BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.UsedCurrent, Table->BlockSize));
        return Align(Free, Alignment);


    * Releases memory back to the system. This is not protected from multi-threaded access and it's
    * the callers responsibility to Lock AccessGuard before calling this.
    // 释放指针为Ptr的内存占用
    static void FreeInternal(FMallocBinned& Allocator, void* Ptr)
        MEM_TIME(MemTime -= FPlatformTime::Seconds());
            SmallOSFree(Allocator, Ptr, Private::SMALL_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE);
        UPTRINT BasePtr;
        FPoolInfo* Pool = FindPoolInfo(Allocator, (UPTRINT)Ptr, BasePtr);
        checkSlow(Pool->GetBytes() != 0);
        if (Pool->TableIndex < Allocator.BinnedOSTableIndex) // 是否被Binned内存池管理
            FPoolTable* Table = Allocator.MemSizeToPoolTable[Pool->TableIndex];
            FScopeLock TableLock(&Table->CriticalSection);
    #if STATS
            // If this pool was exhausted, move to available list.
            if( !Pool->FirstMem ) // Pool在FPoolInfo* ExhaustedPool链表上
                Pool->Unlink(); // 从Table->ExhaustedPool链表上移除Pool
                Pool->Link( Table->FirstPool ); // 从头部将Pool加入到Table->FirstPool链表上
            void* BaseAddress = (void*)BasePtr;
            uint32 BlockSize = Table->BlockSize;
            PTRINT OffsetFromBase = (PTRINT)Ptr - (PTRINT)BaseAddress;
            check(OffsetFromBase >= 0);
            uint32 AlignOffset = OffsetFromBase % BlockSize;
            // Patch pointer to include previously applied alignment.
            Ptr = (void*)((PTRINT)Ptr - (PTRINT)AlignOffset);
            // Free a pooled allocation.
            // 在释放的Block内存区域处,构建一个FFreeMem,并插入到Pool->FirstMem链表的头部
            FFreeMem* Free        = (FFreeMem*)Ptr;
            Free->NumFreeBlocks    = 1;
            Free->Next            = Pool->FirstMem;
            Pool->FirstMem        = Free;
            BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.UsedCurrent, -(int64)(Table->BlockSize));
            // Free this pool.
            checkSlow(Pool->Taken >= 1);
            if( --Pool->Taken == 0 )  // 当前内存池的Taken为0时
    #if STATS
                // Free the OS memory.
                SIZE_T OsBytes = Pool->GetOsBytes(Allocator.PageSize, Allocator.BinnedOSTableIndex);
                BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.OsCurrent,    -(int64)OsBytes);
                BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.WasteCurrent, -(int64)(OsBytes - Pool->GetBytes()));
                Pool->Unlink();  // 从链表上移除Pool
                Pool->SetAllocationSizes(0, 0, 0, Allocator.BinnedOSTableIndex); // 将Pool设置成初始值
                OSFree(Allocator, (void*)BasePtr, OsBytes); // 释放内存池占用的虚拟内存页,还给OS
        else  // 该内存是从OS上直接申请的
            // Free an OS allocation.
            checkSlow(!((UPTRINT)Ptr & (Allocator.PageSize - 1)));
            SIZE_T OsBytes = Pool->GetOsBytes(Allocator.PageSize, Allocator.BinnedOSTableIndex);
            BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.UsedCurrent,  -(int64)Pool->GetBytes());
            BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.OsCurrent,    -(int64)OsBytes);
            BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(Allocator.WasteCurrent, -(int64)(OsBytes - Pool->GetBytes()));
            OSFree(Allocator, (void*)BasePtr, OsBytes); // 释放内存池占用的虚拟内存页,还给OS 
        MEM_TIME(MemTime += FPlatformTime::Seconds());


    void* FMallocBinned::Malloc(SIZE_T Size, uint32 Alignment)
        FScopeLock ScopedLock(&AccessGuard);
        Alignment = FMath::Max<uint32>(Alignment, Private::DEFAULT_BINNED_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT); // Private::DEFAULT_BINNED_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT为sizeof(FFreeMem),为16Bytes
        Size = Align(Size, Alignment); // Size必须对齐到16的整数倍
        MEM_TIME(MemTime -= FPlatformTime::Seconds());
        FFreeMem* Free = nullptr;
        bool bUsePools = true;  // 默认使用内存池
        if (FPlatformMemory::IsNanoMallocAvailable() && Size <= Private::SMALL_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE)
            //Make sure we have initialized our hash buckets even if we are using the NANO_MALLOC grabber, as otherwise we can end
            //up making bad assumptions and trying to grab invalid data during a Realloc of this data.
            if (!HashBuckets)
                HashBuckets = Private::CreateHashBuckets(*this);
            bUsePools = false;
            UPTRINT AlignedSize = Align(Size, Alignment);
            SIZE_T ActualPoolSize; //TODO: use this to reduce waste?
            Free = (FFreeMem*)Private::SmallOSAlloc(*this, AlignedSize, ActualPoolSize);
                // This means we've overflowed the nano zone's internal buckets, which are fixed
                // So we need to fall back to UE's allocator
                Private::SmallOSFree(*this, Free, AlignedSize);
                bUsePools = true;
                Free = nullptr;
        if (bUsePools)
            if( Size < BinnedSizeLimit) // 申请的内存块小于装箱的最大尺寸为PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT / 2(IOS:8KB,其他平台:32KB)
                // Allocate from pool.
                FPoolTable* Table = MemSizeToPoolTable[Size]; // 根据Size从MemSizeToPoolTable中找到FPoolTable
                FScopeLock TableLock(&Table->CriticalSection);
                checkSlow(Size <= Table->BlockSize);
                Private::TrackStats(Table, (uint32)Size);
                FPoolInfo* Pool = Table->FirstPool;
                if( !Pool ) 
                    // 为空,则分配一块BINNED_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE(IOS:16KB,其他平台:64KB)的内存块来给内存池划分成Block使用
                    // 如果内存池还不存在,则分配一块IndirectPoolBlockSize * sizeof(FPoolInfo)的内存块来存放FPoolInfo,详见CreateIndirect函数
                    // 函数中还会创建PoolHashBucket* HashBuckets内存池哈希桶,用Ptr地址通过该哈希桶的O(1)算法找到FPoolInfo
                    Pool = Private::AllocatePoolMemory(*this, Table, Private::BINNED_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE/*PageSize*/, Size);
                // 从内存池FPoolInfo上分配空闲Block的内存
                Free = Private::AllocateBlockFromPool(*this, Table, Pool, Alignment);
             // IOS:如果分配的尺寸处于BinnedSizeLimit(32k)和PagePoolTable[0].BlockSize(48k)之间或者处于PageSize(64k)和PagePoolTable[1].BlockSize(96k)之间, 由PagePoolTable页内存池表中.
             // Android:由于BinnedSizeLimit != PageSize / 2,PagePoolTable[0].BlockSize和PagePoolTable[1].BlockSize均为0
             // 其他平台:分配的尺寸处于BinnedSizeLimit(8k)和PagePoolTable[0].BlockSize(12k)之间或者处于PageSize(16k)和PagePoolTable[1].BlockSize(24k)之间
            else if ( ((Size >= BinnedSizeLimit && Size <= PagePoolTable[0].BlockSize) ||
                       (Size > PageSize && Size <= PagePoolTable[1].BlockSize)))
                // Bucket in a pool of 3*PageSize or 6*PageSize
                uint32 BinType = Size < PageSize ? 0 : 1;
                uint32 PageCount = 3*BinType + 3;
                FPoolTable* Table = &PagePoolTable[BinType];
                FScopeLock TableLock(&Table->CriticalSection);
                checkSlow(Size <= Table->BlockSize);
                Private::TrackStats(Table, (uint32)Size);
                FPoolInfo* Pool = Table->FirstPool;
                if( !Pool )
                    Pool = Private::AllocatePoolMemory(*this, Table, PageCount*PageSize, BinnedSizeLimit+BinType);
                Free = Private::AllocateBlockFromPool(*this, Table, Pool, Alignment);
            else // 超过了内存页尺寸, 直接由系统分配内存, 且放入HashBuckets表中
                // Use OS for large allocations.
                UPTRINT AlignedSize = Align(Size, PageSize);
                SIZE_T ActualPoolSize; //TODO: use this to reduce waste?
                Free = (FFreeMem*)Private::OSAlloc(*this, AlignedSize, ActualPoolSize);
                if (!Free)
                void* AlignedFree = Align(Free, Alignment);
                // Create indirect.
                FPoolInfo* Pool;
                    FScopeLock PoolInfoLock(&AccessGuard);
                    Pool = Private::GetPoolInfo(*this, (UPTRINT)Free);
                    if ((UPTRINT)Free != ((UPTRINT)AlignedFree & ~((UPTRINT)PageSize - 1)))
                        // Mark the FPoolInfo for AlignedFree to jump back to the FPoolInfo for ptr.
                        for (UPTRINT i = (UPTRINT)PageSize, Offset = 0; i < AlignedSize; i += PageSize, ++Offset)
                            FPoolInfo* TrailingPool = Private::GetPoolInfo(*this, ((UPTRINT)Free) + i);
                            //Set trailing pools to point back to first pool
                            TrailingPool->SetAllocationSizes(0, 0, Offset, BinnedOSTableIndex);
                Free = (FFreeMem*)AlignedFree;
                Pool->SetAllocationSizes(Size, AlignedSize, BinnedOSTableIndex, BinnedOSTableIndex);
                BINNED_PEAK_STATCOUNTER(OsPeak, BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(OsCurrent, AlignedSize));
                BINNED_PEAK_STATCOUNTER(UsedPeak, BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(UsedCurrent, Size));
                BINNED_PEAK_STATCOUNTER(WastePeak, BINNED_ADD_STATCOUNTER(WasteCurrent, (int64)(AlignedSize - Size)));
        MEM_TIME(MemTime += FPlatformTime::Seconds());
        return Free;


    ① (0, PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT/2)共使用41个不同Block大小的池子(一个池子分配的内存大小为BINNED_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE

    非IOS 32KB 64KB (0, 32KB)
    IOS 8KB 16KB (0, 8KB)


    static const uint32 BlockSizes[POOL_COUNT] = // POOL_COUNT为41
        16,        32,        48,        64,        80,        96,        112,    128,
        160,    192,    224,    256,    288,    320,    384,    448,
        512,    576,    640,    704,    768,    896,    1024,    1168,
        1360,    1632,    2048,    2336,    2720,    3264,    4096,    4672,
        5456,    6544,    8192,    9360,    10912,    13104,    16384,    21840,    32768

    ② [PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT/2, PagePoolTable[0].BlockSize]使用池子的内存大小为3*PageSize

        (PageSize, PagePoolTable[1].BlockSize]使用池子的内存大小为6*PageSize






    PageSize 范围
    Windows 32KB


    96KB 64KB [32KB, 48KB] || (64KB, 96KB]
    Android 32KB 0 0 4KB 不成立
    IOS 8KB 12KB 24KB 16KB [8KB, 12KB] || (16KB, 24KB]

    ③ 其它待分配内存的大小直接使用系统分配,且放入HashBuckets中


    内存对齐     // 详见:UnrealEngineEngineSourceRuntimeCorePublicTemplatesAlignmentTemplates.h

     * Aligns a value to the nearest higher multiple of 'Alignment', which must be a power of two.
     * @param  Val        The value to align.
     * @param  Alignment  The alignment value, must be a power of two.
     * @return The value aligned up to the specified alignment.
    template <typename T>
    FORCEINLINE constexpr T Align(T Val, uint64 Alignment)
        static_assert(TIsIntegral<T>::Value || TIsPointer<T>::Value, "Align expects an integer or pointer type");
        return (T)(((uint64)Val + Alignment - 1) & ~(Alignment - 1));

    ① MallocReallocQuantizeSize函数中对Size进行内存对齐 

    Alignment = FMath::Max<uint32>(Alignment, Private::DEFAULT_BINNED_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT);  // Alignment为16
    Size = Align(Size, Alignment);


    ② 非Bin管理直接由系统分配的内存、内存池FPoolInfo、哈希桶PoolHashBucketFFreeMem分配内存时对分配大小进行PageSize对齐

    UPTRINT OsBytes = Align(Bytes, PageSize);


    ③ 从FFreeMem上分配Block时对Ptr指针进行内存对齐   注:AllocateBlockFromPool函数

    FFreeMem* ret = Align(Free, Alignment); // Alignment为16





    ① 非Bin管理直接由系统分配的内存、内存池FPoolInfo、哈希桶PoolHashBucketFFreeMem分配内存时对分配大小进行PageSize对齐造成的浪费   注:下面以windows平台为例来说明

    UPTRINT AlignedSize = Align(Size, 65536);   // Size必须对齐到65536的整数倍   如:Size为48时,AlignedSize则为65536,这里会有一个对齐造成的浪费65536-65520=16

    UPTRINT AlignedSize = Align(Size, 65536);   // Size必须对齐到65536的整数倍   如:Size为50KB时,AlignedSize则为64KB,这里会有一个对齐造成的浪费64KB-50KB=14KB

    ② 维护分配器的内存池表MemSizeToPoolTable、内存池FPoolInfo、哈希桶(HashBuckets、HashBucketFreeList)等额外产生的内存

    ③ Block内部的浪费(如大小为[9, 16]的内存块都映射到BlockSize为16的内存池表),这也导致了一定比例的内存浪费     注:这块的浪费DumpPlatformAndAllocatorStats中Mem Waste是没有包含在内的



    Current OS Memory:内存池当前从OS申请的内存

    Current Memory(Current Used):已被分配Block块的内存

    Current Waste:FFreeMem对齐造成的浪费 + FPoolInfo占用的内存 + HashBucketFreeList占用的内存

    Current Slack:Current OS Memory - Current Used - 所有Waste,大概为所有空闲Block内存综合

    Num Pools:分配Pool总次数 - 释放Pool总次数

    Max Pools:分配Pool总次数

    Cur Allocs:分配内存总次数 - 释放内存总次数

    Total Allocs:分配内存总次数

    Min Req:最小请求分配的内存size

    Max Req:最大请求分配的内存size

    Mem Used:已分配Blcok的内存占用

    Mem Slack:空闲Blcok的内存占用

    Mem Waste:对齐造成的浪费及额外数据结构的内存占用

    Mem Allocated:操作系统分配的总内存

    Used Efficiency = Mem Used / Mem Allocated

    Efficiency = (MemAllocated - MemWaste) / MemAllocated


    [2021.04.06-16.59.06:300][713]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for Android
    [2021.04.06-16.59.06:300][713]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 1110.25 MB used, 1363.29 MB peak
    [2021.04.06-16.59.06:300][713]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 8587.64 MB used, 9031.52 MB peak
    [2021.04.06-16.59.06:300][713]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 5089.31 MB used,  2534.26 MB free, 7623.57 MB total
    [2021.04.06-16.59.06:300][713]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 508.07 MB used,  1539.93 MB free, 2048.00 MB total
    [2021.04.06-16.59.06:300][713]LogMemory: PageSize: 4096, BinnedPageSize: 65536, BinnedAllocationGranularity: 4096, AddressLimit: 8589934592 [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Current Memory 369.84 MB used, plus 189.21 MB waste [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Peak Memory 617.60 MB used, plus 69.60 MB waste [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 559.05 MB, peak 687.20 MB [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Current Waste 136.35 MB, peak 136.35 MB [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Current Used 369.84 MB, peak 617.60 MB [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Current Slack 48.84 MB [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Allocs 2398251 Current / 33517546 Total [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: [2021.04.06-16.59.06:313][713]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Mem Allocated Used Efficiency Efficiency [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ------------- --------------- ---------- [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 16 319 319 1254564 9098655 0 16 19602K 814K 0K 20416K 96.01% 100.00% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 32 180 184 297963 5143970 32 32 9311K 2209K 0K 11520K 80.82% 100.00% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 48 160 173 155296 2936524 48 48 7279K 2959K 2K 10240K 71.08% 99.98% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 64 225 246 165122 2124726 64 64 10320K 4080K 0K 14400K 71.67% 100.00% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 80 237 244 167572 1042217 80 80 13091K 2074K 3K 15168K 86.31% 99.98% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 96 107 117 40625 2633852 96 96 3808K 3034K 6K 6848K 55.61% 99.91% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 112 41 45 16854 376864 112 112 1843K 781K 0K 2624K 70.24% 100.00% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 128 234 265 98658 1040863 128 128 12332K 2644K 0K 14976K 82.35% 100.00% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 160 126 161 39071 1898249 144 160 6104K 1949K 69K 8064K 75.69% 99.14% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 192 144 162 36918 1561422 176 192 6922K 2285K 61K 9216K 75.11% 99.34% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 224 102 123 14295 1421348 208 224 3127K 3389K 54K 6528K 47.90% 99.17% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 256 112 121 14272 703740 240 256 3568K 3600K 21K 7168K 49.78% 99.71% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 288 66 97 7906 612219 272 288 2223K 1991K 28K 4224K 52.63% 99.34% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 320 52 80 6637 142203 304 320 2074K 1241K 16K 3328K 62.32% 99.52% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 384 163 253 19416 493349 336 384 7281K 3111K 317K 10432K 69.79% 96.96% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:314][713]LogMemory: 448 59 63 4990 274828 400 448 2183K 1586K 58K 3776K 57.81% 98.46% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 512 96 107 9411 247459 464 512 4705K 1439K 188K 6144K 76.58% 96.94% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 576 50 75 2091 204011 528 576 1176K 2003K 30K 3200K 36.75% 99.06% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 640 158 266 14026 90267 592 640 8766K 1307K 323K 10112K 86.69% 96.81% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 704 51 140 4565 72842 656 704 3138K 123K 49K 3264K 96.14% 98.50% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 768 24 67 1135 86505 720 768 851K 679K 41K 1536K 55.40% 97.33% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 896 78 258 5449 94438 784 896 4767K 216K 146K 4992K 95.49% 97.08% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 1024 107 226 4957 170220 912 1024 4957K 1891K 55K 6848K 72.39% 99.20% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 1168 40 127 2189 26749 1040 1168 2496K 59K 113K 2560K 97.50% 95.59% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 1360 38 126 1393 46971 1184 1360 1850K 573K 52K 2432K 76.07% 97.86% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 1632 40 156 1019 116075 1376 1632 1624K 926K 77K 2560K 63.44% 96.99% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 2048 81 111 1756 64451 1648 2048 3512K 1672K 118K 5184K 67.75% 97.72% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 2336 65 469 934 84287 2064 2336 2130K 2022K 40K 4160K 51.20% 99.04% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 2720 13 34 266 58860 2352 2720 706K 123K 21K 832K 84.86% 97.48% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 3264 67 71 762 26556 2736 3264 2428K 1844K 62K 4288K 56.62% 98.55% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 4096 203 237 2426 63461 3280 4096 9704K 3288K 213K 12992K 74.69% 98.36% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:315][713]LogMemory: 4672 34 73 407 31359 4112 4672 1856K 316K 81K 2176K 85.29% 96.28% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 5456 50 131 521 17582 4688 5456 2775K 422K 59K 3200K 86.72% 98.16% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 6544 80 206 798 38214 5472 6544 5099K 14K 305K 5120K 99.59% 94.04% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 8192 127 300 980 99687 6560 8192 7840K 288K 712K 8128K 96.46% 91.24% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 9360 88 153 605 18449 8208 9360 5530K 101K 110K 5632K 98.19% 98.05% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 10912 45 113 264 70108 9376 10912 2813K 65K 12K 2880K 97.67% 99.58% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 13104 121 299 601 34523 10928 13104 7690K 53K 328K 7744K 99.30% 95.76% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 16384 87 274 338 62461 13120 16384 5408K 160K 74K 5568K 97.13% 98.67% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 21840 34 143 98 20740 16400 21840 2090K 86K 53K 2176K 96.05% 97.56% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 32768 27 98 53 11996 21856 32752 1696K 32K 197K 1728K 98.15% 88.60% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: [2021.04.06-16.59.06:316][713]LogMemory: 264384K allocated in pools (with 57449K slack and 4094K waste). Efficiency 98.45% [2021.04.06-16.59.06:317][713]LogMemory: Allocations 2397203 Current / 33363300 Total (in 4131 pools) [2021.04.06-16.59.06:317][713]LogMemory:

    IOS(iPhone 11DumpPlatformAndAllocatorStats统计信息:

    [2021.04.10-11.52.31:193][947]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for IOS
    [2021.04.10-11.52.31:193][947]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 535.86 MB used, 539.75 MB peak
    [2021.04.10-11.52.31:193][947]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 400188.69 MB used, 400188.69 MB peak
    [2021.04.10-11.52.31:193][947]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 535.86 MB used,  1563.34 MB free, 2099.20 MB total
    [2021.04.10-11.52.31:193][947]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 2099.20 MB used,  0.00 MB free, 2099.20 MB total
    [2021.04.10-11.52.31:193][947]LogMemory: LogMemory: PageSize: 16384, BinnedPageSize: 65536, BinnedAllocationGranularity: 0, AddressLimit: 4294967296 [2021.04.10-11.52.31:194][947]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned: [2021.04.10-11.52.31:194][947]LogMemory: Current Memory 156.06 MB used, plus 4.51 MB waste [2021.04.10-11.52.31:194][947]LogMemory: Peak Memory 178.45 MB used, plus 3.13 MB waste [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 160.58 MB, peak 181.58 MB [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: Current Waste 2.83 MB, peak 3.33 MB [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: Current Used 156.07 MB, peak 178.45 MB [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: Current Slack 1.68 MB [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: Allocs 2307386 Current / 12279772 Total [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: Block Size Num Pools Max Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Min Req Max Req Mem Used Mem Slack Mem Waste Mem Allocated Used Efficiency Efficiency [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --------- ------------- --------------- ---------- [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: 16 181 181 182906 1948214 0 16 2857K 39K 0K 2896K 98.65% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: 32 0 0 0 0 32 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: 48 0 0 0 0 48 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: 64 0 0 0 0 64 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:195][947]LogMemory: 80 0 0 0 0 80 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 96 0 0 0 0 96 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 112 0 0 0 0 112 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 128 0 0 0 0 128 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 160 0 0 0 0 160 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 192 0 0 0 0 192 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 224 0 0 0 0 224 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 256 0 0 0 0 256 0 0K 0K 0K 0K 100.00% 100.00% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 288 141 141 7512 90824 272 288 2112K 109K 55K 2256K 93.62% 97.56% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 320 67 67 3295 45435 304 320 1029K 39K 5K 1072K 95.99% 99.53% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 384 166 167 6768 104320 336 384 2538K 77K 123K 2656K 95.56% 95.37% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 448 100 100 2918 22356 400 448 1276K 299K 36K 1600K 79.75% 97.75% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 512 230 231 7209 43762 464 512 3604K 76K 71K 3680K 97.93% 98.07% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 576 70 70 1882 71562 528 576 1058K 45K 47K 1120K 94.46% 95.80% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:196][947]LogMemory: 640 178 186 4321 45755 592 640 2700K 82K 82K 2848K 94.80% 97.12% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 704 45 49 1002 30304 656 704 688K 24K 8K 720K 95.56% 98.89% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 768 18 19 363 5304 720 768 272K 12K 12K 288K 94.44% 95.83% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 896 362 382 6381 15204 784 896 5583K 119K 374K 5792K 96.39% 93.54% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 1024 123 127 1835 32420 912 1024 1835K 133K 18K 1968K 93.24% 99.09% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 1168 51 55 686 5670 1040 1168 782K 33K 31K 816K 95.83% 96.20% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 1360 40 41 468 4761 1184 1360 621K 17K 26K 640K 97.03% 95.94% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 1632 49 93 463 23859 1376 1632 737K 44K 25K 784K 94.01% 96.81% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 2048 304 305 2431 13893 1648 2048 4862K 2K 137K 4864K 99.96% 97.18% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 2336 75 258 365 12225 2064 2336 832K 366K 7K 1200K 69.33% 99.42% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 2720 74 77 438 6675 2352 2720 1163K 17K 12K 1184K 98.23% 98.99% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 3264 267 268 1331 4664 2736 3264 4242K 14K 75K 4272K 99.30% 98.24% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 4096 109 140 433 4251 3280 4096 1732K 12K 43K 1744K 99.31% 97.53% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 4672 127 128 374 4611 4128 4672 1706K 33K 407K 2032K 83.96% 79.97% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:197][947]LogMemory: 5456 28 36 81 450 4688 5456 431K 17K 19K 448K 96.21% 95.76% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: 6544 94 134 188 7304 5472 6544 1201K 1K 438K 1504K 79.85% 70.88% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: 8192 19 29 36 249 6560 8176 288K 16K 22K 304K 94.74% 92.76% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: 12288 103 106 408 13961 0 12288 4896K 48K 584K 4944K 99.03% 88.19% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: 24576 16 16 59 4289 0 24576 1416K 120K 11K 1536K 92.19% 99.28% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: 53168K allocated in pools (with 1794K slack and 2668K waste). Efficiency 94.98% [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory: Allocations 234153 Current / 2562322 Total (in 3037 pools) [2021.04.10-11.52.31:198][947]LogMemory:


    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:989][356]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for Windows
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:989][356]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 2228.61 MB used, 2272.98 MB peak
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:989][356]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 2559.69 MB used, 2625.18 MB peak
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:989][356]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 17139.26 MB used,  15461.84 MB free, 32601.11 MB total
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:990][356]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 134183992.00 MB used,  33735.41 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:991][356]LogMemory: PageSize: 4096, BinnedPageSize: 65536, BinnedAllocationGranularity: 4096, AddressLimit: 34359738368
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:995][356]LogMemory: Allocator Stats for binned:
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:995][356]LogMemory: Current Memory 1609.61 MB used, plus 25.77 MB waste
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Peak Memory 1656.91 MB used, plus -12.10 MB waste
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Current OS Memory 1635.38 MB, peak 1644.81 MB
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Current Waste 6.75 MB, peak 10.16 MB
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Current Used 1609.61 MB, peak 1656.91 MB
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Current Slack 9.08 MB
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Allocs       8761345 Current /  59260190 Total
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: Block Size  Num Pools  Max Pools  Cur Allocs  Total Allocs  Min Req  Max Req  Mem Used  Mem Slack  Mem Waste  Mem Allocated  Used Efficiency  Efficiency
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory: ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------------  ----------
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory:         16       611       611    2501292     26173122       0      16   39082K       22K        0K        39104K          99.94%    100.00%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory:         32      1053      1053    2155389      6090630      32      32   67355K       37K        0K        67392K          99.95%    100.00%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:996][356]LogMemory:         48       722       722     984253      3978065      48      48   46136K       61K       11K        46208K          99.84%     99.98%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:         64       586       586     599984     10991809      64      64   37499K        5K        0K        37504K          99.99%    100.00%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:         80       624       624     510785      1491519      80      80   39905K       22K        9K        39936K          99.92%     99.98%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:         96       226       226     153644      1408916      96      96   14404K       46K       14K        14464K          99.59%     99.90%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:        112       822       870     472933      1740732     112     112   51727K      869K       12K        52608K          98.33%     99.98%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:        128       183       183      93557       647273     128     128   11694K       18K        0K        11712K          99.85%    100.00%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:        160       703       703     287123      1290309     144     160   44862K       65K      768K        44992K          99.71%     98.29%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:        192       402       402     136848      1151200     176     192   25659K       44K      236K        25728K          99.73%     99.08%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:        224       254       254      74116       893207     208     224   16212K       13K       95K        16256K          99.73%     99.42%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:997][356]LogMemory:        256       333       333      85179       807085     240     256   21294K       18K      141K        21312K          99.92%     99.34%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        288       226       226      51263       521744     272     288   14417K       12K       50K        14464K          99.68%     99.65%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        320       911       911     185745       686048     304     320   58045K       32K      305K        58304K          99.56%     99.48%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        384       598       598     101327       318333     336     384   37997K      126K      721K        38272K          99.28%     98.12%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        448       834       996      66154       212807     400     448   28942K    24330K     1145K        53376K          54.22%     97.85%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        512       529       529      67112       115991     464     512   33556K      300K      236K        33856K          99.11%     99.30%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        576       177       177      19995        71126     528     576   11247K        4K      107K        11328K          99.28%     99.06%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        640       328       328      33376        75495     592     640   20860K       50K      319K        20992K          99.37%     98.48%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:998][356]LogMemory:        704       138       138      12833        30536     656     704    8822K        2K       55K         8832K          99.89%     99.38%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:        768       124       124      10483        24698     720     768    7862K       43K      114K         7936K          99.07%     98.56%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:        896       555       555      40491        79794     784     896   35429K       22K      989K        35520K          99.74%     97.22%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       1024       467       467      29734        79974     912    1024   29734K      154K      426K        29888K          99.48%     98.57%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       1168       489       489      27340        36731    1040    1168   31184K       51K     1497K        31296K          99.64%     95.22%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       1360       191       191       9150        36333    1184    1360   12152K       25K      294K        12224K          99.41%     97.59%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       1632       338       338      13518        46607    1376    1632   21544K        4K      647K        21632K          99.59%     97.01%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       2048       196       197       6242        34291    1648    2048   12484K       60K       95K        12544K          99.52%     99.24%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       2336       164       167       4587        39066    2064    2336   10464K       12K      103K        10496K          99.70%     99.02%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       2720        97        97       2308        11909    2352    2720    6130K       54K       75K         6208K          98.74%     98.79%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       3264       147       147       2920        32822    2736    3264    9307K       65K      102K         9408K          98.93%     98.92%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       4096       436       555       5169        25559    3280    4096   20676K     7228K       71K        27904K          74.10%     99.75%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       4672       107       107       1485         8120    4112    4672    6775K       60K       91K         6848K          98.93%     98.67%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.12:999][356]LogMemory:       5456       213       214       2437         6684    4688    5456   12984K      635K       71K        13632K          95.25%     99.48%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:       6544       112       112       1104        12038    5472    6544    7055K      103K      198K         7168K          98.42%     97.24%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:       8192       462       462       3603        11076    6560    8192   28824K      744K      558K        29568K          97.48%     98.11%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:       9360       240       244       1577        10352    8208    9360   14414K      943K       29K        15360K          93.84%     99.81%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      10912        85        87        480         6702    9376   10912    5115K      320K       16K         5440K          94.03%     99.71%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      13104       272       275       1294         6295   10960   13104   16559K      845K       90K        17408K          95.12%     99.48%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      16384       217       218        835        12553   13120   16384   13360K      528K       50K        13888K          96.20%     99.64%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      21840       188       192        549         6209   16400   21840   11709K      321K      102K        12032K          97.32%     99.15%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      32768        71        74        142          860   21904   32752    4544K        0K      308K         4544K         100.00%     93.22%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      49152       449       453       1749        14113       0   49152   83952K     2256K    15422K        86208K          97.38%     82.11%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory:      98304        75        75        296         4172       0   98304   28416K      384K      126K        28800K          98.67%     99.56%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory: 1102592K allocated in pools (with 40933K slack and 25698K waste). Efficiency 97.67%
    [2021.04.12-15.14.13:000][356]LogMemory: Allocations 8760401 Current / 59242905 Total (in 15955 pools)


    void USGGameInstanceConsoleCommandComponent::DumpPlatformAndAllocatorStats()
        if (GLog)
    void FGenericPlatformMemory::DumpPlatformAndAllocatorStats( class FOutputDevice& Ar )
        FPlatformMemory::DumpStats( Ar );
        GMalloc->DumpAllocatorStats( Ar );


    [引擎开发] 深入C++内存管理


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